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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Take one standard height shipping container, suitably ballasted down to pass under Broadland's bridges, oh bother, it's run aground. Probably will need planning permission after all!
  2. Perhaps souvenir shops could sell suitable overlays to go on the new signs?
  3. I'm not sure about proposals for 2018, I suspect that we are in for a raft of new ones for 2017, all proposed and seconded long ago by a committee of one. Realistically we can expect new signs for 2017 saying things like 'Caution, mooring reduction in progress' or 'Caution, litter mountain ahead'!
  4. I can see new signs at Mutford Lock & Gt Yarmouth for incoming boats: Welcome to the mythical Broads National Park, please find suitable moorings before entering.
  5. Maurice, call it counter propaganda. I have no doubt that the thought is that the more it is said then the more that people will believe it. Gently gently catch the monkey., if we let him.
  6. The Broads national Park Award?? There is no such place for heaven's sakes, to call it one is to mislead. Outstanding award to the Broads Authority, what for? A reduction in mooring? Chasing local councils in regards to litter collections? Misleading people by branding the Broads as something its not, namely a national park? Baffling! I do know for a fact that there are people in the industry that are far less than impressed with the BA's inclusion.
  7. It would be good if someone was to write in support!
  8. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/tourism/edp_tourism_awards_winners_revealed_at_ceremony_celebrating_the_best_in_the_business_1_4792323 Please see comments following article.
  9. That letter has been published, the word 'honesty' deleted fairly early on but otherwise as I wrote it.
  10. I thought that they did! We only did the one, we didn't like the standards that we were expected to work down to. Those standards actually reared their head a few years later when I was asked to bring one back from Chichester. It was only insured for local, inshore waters and the insurance company would not cover it for the trip back to Norfolk. Needless to say we took the risk with the obvious disclaimers from the owner.
  11. At its height the Broads industry was churning out boats for other areas. Bell Boats at Brundall was building sport fishing boats, so successfully that they had to call on other Broads yards to fit out hulls for them. I was involved with Fowlers at Oulton Broad and we fitted out several. The bonus for me was in delivering completed boats to Holland & the Channel Islands. We then fitted out a Moonraker which I took to Chichester, that lead to two years working down there, returning home to collect more boats for the South Coast.
  12. No where near twenty questions, yet!
  13. Not yet. Last published details here: https://www.gov.uk/maib-reports/safety-warning-after-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-on-motor-cruiser-results-in-loss-of-2-lives
  14. http://www.edp24.co.uk/going-out/painter_s_art_captures_the_essence_of_the_broads_1_4791142 Lovely slide show of Broadland images.
  15. Re arthritis & boats, I'm finding out for myself, often the hard way, that knee pads are invaluable when it comes to sometimes crawling aboard. Traditional 'granddad' wooden walking sticks are also invaluable, they float too! I also have a half height, cut down one handy for getting off my knees. The curved handle is also handy as a hook. A gardener's seat cum kneeler is also handy to have aboard. Damned if I'm going to give into it yet!
  16. hmmmm any thoughts on tolls . . . . . . yet even more? Arghhhhhhh!
  17. Indeed it is. Value for money all so come into it. Will my boating be improved by the Rangers having new jackets emblazoned with BNP logos? No. Will my boating be improved by dredging? Yes. Is my boating improved by about 50% of my toll going to Authority overheads rather than navigation? Errrr . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  18. Amen to the above, a big thank you.
  19. It is a fact that the Authority has announced plans for new signs costing thousands of pounds in the coming year. In an attempt to become more 'local' a new style of speed control sign has been approved. Will 'furriners' understand it or do only locals speed?
  20. If it can be done with a guitar then why not a double base? Would the sticky out of the front thing be included in a toll calculation?
  21. Methuselah, brother of Jeroboam, he's definitely potty! Is it a sibling thing?
  22. I had an e-mail from Archant this morning, I'm optimistic.
  23. There but for the grace of God go I, ohhhh dear! Uncle Albert is very lucky in having a good team around him.
  24. Clive, you weren't at the Authority meeting, I was. As a result I have written the following to the EDP: Dear Editor, please consider the following letter for inclusion in the Letters Page: I don't suppose that us boaters would be so disappointed with the recent decision to change the way tolls are paid if we really had got a fair deal and had the management of the meeting been honest and equitable. Us boaters don't just want something for nothing but we do want our money well spent, we really need well made & wise decisions, we do want committees whose members read their briefing papers, we do want committees that lead the executive rather than an executive that leads the committees, we want fairness and balance in the presentation of officer reports, we want elected representation, we want a change of direction at the top, indeed we want a change at the top and we want a break from the UEA. The UEA may well be the home of academia in Norfolk but recent history has clearly shown that within its halls of learning there is a marked lack of empathy and real understanding of the real issues surrounding the Broads. The recent Broads Authority meeting was clearly lead from the top, reports were biased and unbalanced. For those of us who attended the meeting it was an eye opener as to how decisions are reached within Yare House. Not the Broads Authority's finest hour I'm afraid.
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