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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Re removing the dam, all that would happen is that water movement and tidal levels would naturally revert to the previous state. Regarding responsibility, I presume the ultimate responsibility is that of the BA's enforcement dept. As I understand it consent was given subject to the dam being eventually removed.
  2. They can't, simple as that. For me the issue is one of reasonableness. A large percentage of the Broads is denied to boaters & anglers, more than I think is reasonable. On land we now have the right to roam, perhaps it would be reasonable that we have similar rights of access over water. After all, whilst the land might be owned the water isn't. Isn't it also reasonable that we should be able to trust the BA to maintain, as the Broads Act demands, our rights to access what we already have?
  3. Marsh, I don't disagree with you but give an inch now and I suspect that we both know who will eventually demand another closure stating that no one objected to Cockshoot Broad being closed, it's how he works, witness the National Park name. Gently gently catch the monkey being the name of the game. It's taken a few years, and tens of thousands of pounds, but he's finally got the name, all he needs now is Sandford. I often wonder why I can't trust the man? Fantasy, possibly, but it's based on what's gone before. By the way, just remind me, what percentage of the Broads is actually available for navigation?
  4. John, surely you would want to enjoy the experience first hand! Many years ago a good friend of mine popped his clogs his will stipulated that it should be read at four o'clock in the morning, The only people who turned up were his real friends, not one of his uncaring, grasping family made the effort. The will was clear, his estate was to be divided equally between those who had attended the reading. I have long appreciated that!
  5. The Sandford Principle on the QT?
  6. Hireboats have the run of the Broads, ferries, by their very nature, have a very limited cruising ground.
  7. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/comedian_david_mitchell_apologises_after_mispronouncing_norfolk_village_on_radio_show_1_4767043 To the above I'll add Po'er Ham. Potter Heigham and Hovton, much of Wroxham.
  8. http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/river_toll_changes_blamed_for_closure_of_thorpe_st_andrew_ferry_service_1_4766498 Apparently Mr Wakelin's toll is going to drop so perhaps his argument is flawed nevertheless I cannot accept that the £600 toll he does pay can be seen as remotely fair.
  9. So there is not now going to be a ferry so what use will the ticket office have? http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/river_toll_changes_blamed_for_closure_of_thorpe_st_andrew_ferry_service_1_4766498
  10. Yet she grounded starboard side against the groynes. Can't say that I noticed so can't help. I still wonder, did the bloke just follow the coast thinking that it would be a simple trip to Canvey? If so then how naive can a bloke be? Why else was he so close to the shore in calm sea conditions? Don't suppose that we shall ever know!
  11. Mark is eminently well qualified to make such a comment. Some years ago a legal challenge was made in regard to excessive charges to pass through Oulton Broad's Mutford Lock. The challenge was upheld and I wonder if the BA's latest attempt to up the charge and subsequent back-peddling is a result of that?
  12. http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/happisburgh_beach_smash_sailor_loses_everything_1_4760691 The slide show shows the boat being broken up, what a shame.
  13. I don't think that it was ever anything other than an early retirement project.
  14. In my opinion this has long been the problem on the Broads, especially on the North rivers, Broads Haven of old being a prime example.
  15. I read in the EDP (local rag) today that Mark Wakelin is withdrawing his ferry service, blaming the latest toll rise despite projections that his toll will drop a tenner!
  16. My dear wife has it in her hands and has now had several joints replaced with grommets. Pain has gone from 10+ to near zero. Okay, she's lost some of her grip but she's also lost the often intense pain. P.S. Iain, just thought I'd beat Poppy to the obvious!
  17. I'd heard that the pub-co had repossessed the Lion but that could be Chinese whispers.
  18. "You may also feel stiff when you wake up in the morning." A consolation I suppose!
  19. Us anglers have got it sussed! http://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/trakker-elite-2-piece-undersuit I have a forty five year old Helly Hansen Polar suit, similar to the above. seemingly indestructible, which I wear as an undersuit and pyjamas, If anything I overheat rather than freeze! Cheshire, one of my daughters is living aboard & I know that she'd agree with your comments about a woodburner.
  20. Absolute guesswork on my part but maybe a North Rivers version of the Waveney River Centre is on the books?
  21. Thanks, Bill. So much for Google! An interesting if not exhaustive article. The picture of Fred Newson passing through the Lock is interesting in that it was the occasion of a well attended protest by local businessmen, my father included, as well as local boaters who felt that the future of the Lock was seriously threatened. The picture of Fred Newson has been replaced, pity, it was significant.
  22. Hi Bill, that is excellent news. The splendid Mrs Wakelin, agreed, Trudi is a voice of sanity at Yare House and a good friend of the Broads. Heaven knows where we would be without her. Using Google I haven't been able to locate the article. Without a sense of reason I could well see the Lock becoming increasingly redundant so welcome this development. What has to be remembered is that the Lock is a crucial and historical part of the navigation, just as is the New Cut & Oulton Dyke, it would actually take an Act of Parliament to close it. Perhaps wisdom has reminded the Authority of previous legal challenges when excessive charges have been levied.
  23. Not only that, Senator, but Authority overheads and costs will be apportioned to the Lock.
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