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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Of course us local inbreds could bemoan the funny way all them incomers talk, no wot oi meen, John. (Spoken with a suitable Norfolk rise on the 'meen'!!)
  2. Despite living in what they mistakenly claim to be Gods Own Country at least half of Yorkshire is already down here! Just curious though, what does the 'T' stand for?
  3. After far too long I have bought myself a decent, Maver quiver tip. Bit of a new challenge for me. Read numerous books on the subject, none seem to agree! Any advice on good titles please. Anyway, immediate problem, which tip? Rod came with 1, 2 & 3 oz tips but so far I have yet to understand how this relates to practical angling. Tide flow and feeder weight I understand but there does seem to be a lot more to it than that. Any advice & help would be much appreciated. Float fishing, Broads style legering and lure fishing are just so easy in comparison, or so it seems! Whole new world is this feeder fishing lark. I'm sure that there is more to it than just lobbing a feeder to the horizon.
  4. And old Bob Roberts worked the Cambria from there, good old days.
  5. Regretfully his influence will linger long after he retires. In the meantime he will claim support from the indoctrinated Broads Forum & the fawning Society. It's going to take a brave, strong leader to turn things around.
  6. That's nothing, he should have done it in reverse! (I jest, obviously)!
  7. More info: http://eastcoastboating.co.uk/news/?p=60
  8. https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#safe=off&q=sea+lake+road+oulton+broad Lake Lothing, dear ol' EDP!
  9. How can they call it Secret Water when it's very prominently moored in the river bang opposite a very public river bank? That boat must be about sixty years old! I once gybed a sailing boat a tad too close and my boom knocked out three windows. I was a callow youth at the time!
  10. Doesn't worry me at all, Pops. The behaviour that really does drive me potty is the absolutely meaningless and pointless waggling of arms as people speak, even on their mobile phones! Why do people do it? Are they hoping to take off?
  11. The Authority has long been intent on returning the Broads to a mythical stage in its development, only they have never let the rest of us know when that was! Poppy, in principle I go along with your comment, let's maintain what we've got. We need to bring it up to scratch though. John, commercialisation will probably be the key, but over commercialisation will be the death knell.
  12. Just to remind you of The Darkness: Black Shuck, as all Broads fans know, is the devil dog that haunts the lanes and footpaths, as well as numerous moorings, of the Norfolk Broads. http://www.hiddenea.com/shuckland/introduction.htm
  13. Effectively it will take another decade to regain the lost trust that he now enjoys, and to put the Authority back on track.
  14. I can tell you, Iain, that a past member of the Authority, regretfully now deceased, told me that the ex-town planner was the best of a poor bunch. Effectively, it would appear, that he got the job because no one better suited applied. The sad thing is that a number of highly able and knowledgeable members of staff soon moved on for various reasons. Legend has that anyone who knew more about the Broads than he did was made to feel unwelcome. It was also often said that anyone who knew anything about the Broads needn't apply for a job.
  15. Thanks, Q, for putting the record straight. As a matter of remote interest Ed Graham, drummer with the original Darkness, has formed a new group with whom my classically trained violinist daughter plays keyboard & electric violin. They have just put together a Christmas video and it's pretty good. Not quite sure many times I have heard the tracks but it's rather more than once and I still rate them!
  16. Dr John Packman BA, PhD, Dip TP, MBA, MIED, MRTPI FRGS John was appointed as Chief Executive to the Broads Authority on 20 March 2001. He has previously worked as a town planner for Norfolk County Council, as a researcher at the University of East Anglia and in Wellington, New Zealand for the Ministry of Works and Development. Prior to taking up his present role he was Head of Economic Development and Regeneration for Brighton and Hove City Council. He is currently working with the Authority’s members and staff on significant changes to the organisation to cope with a large projected reduction in National Park Grant following the Spending Review. A career public servant with, in my honest opinion, no obvious qualification or experience in regard to the Broads.
  17. Was a time when many hire boats wore an ensign, trouble is hirers kept them as souvenirs! If the staff was also nicked then it was an expensive job to replace hence most hire yards desisted with the practice, The other problem was that folk would use the staffs as supports and they were not made for that, post broke and punter plummeted into the tide, whoops.
  18. Will there be one this year?
  19. I'm more concerned about that blessed crushed concrete. As one who often boats bare footed, sometimes clambers ashore on my knees, I do object to the thoughtless and inconsiderate use of that stuff. Far greater crime to boating than partially blocking the safety ladder, i.m.h.o.. Just a thought, possibly Lori was hoping that the ranger would be tall, dark and handsome, and into fluffy handcuffs and into punishment being administered by hand! Errrr, oh, so that's Gracie's speciality!
  20. I too remember it as grim, indeed grim plus, but it certainly isn't that now. We went on recommendation, despite my recollections, glad that we did.
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