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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. This time locals moored up at the Red House waiting for the tide. Why waste drinking time, just leave the sails up!
  2. Here's another one for you. It shows locals searching for where they had moored their boat!
  3. Wild mooring is great fun, trees do provide shelter from the wind. Here's a good spot on the Waveney.
  4. The locals have long managed without such fripperies. Who really needs electricity?
  5. JennyMorgan


    Give it a month or two. He's probably lifted and transferred a culture or two so as to encourage his trade-mark regrowth!
  6. Or filter it through the toe of an unwashed sock, or whatever!
  7. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/legal-challenge-against-fish-barrier-plan-1-6884565
  8. Do as the locals do, one such seen here collecting water and charging up his battery.
  9. JennyMorgan


    His green and brown trousers match his boat a treat!
  10. Another option is this, using wood rather than rope, it looks good too. https://shop.classicmarine.co.uk/deck-498943/stanchions-and-rails/handrail-equipment.html
  11. I bought a pair for a twenty eight footer but whilst the owner was pleased I wasn't. Teak looked at odds with the mahogany and oak, indeed on a Broads sailing cruiser. Five or six years ago from The Nearest & Dearest.
  12. A problem shared by a number of those taking shortcuts whilst crossing Breydon!
  13. I rather suspect that you might be right and I also suspect that you know who is of the same opinion. I also suspect that those in higher places will pursue that goal and in doing so will make great efforts to ensure a confrontation free bill in order that it should pass through both Houses unhindered. The costs associated with the failed Broads National Park Bill and the subsequent Broads Bill were frightening and a repeat will be best avoided. The prospect of austerity does have its advantages, possibly.
  14. To the above I agree. A few years ago I arrived at the bar joining a small flotilla of sailing boats gilling around waiting for the tide. We were aboard a Francis Jones designed East Coast shallow draft motor sailer and when I saw my opportunity I set off under full sail. Having crossed into the Ore I turned to see a number of deeper draft boats attempting to follow me and needlessly running aground! I admit to a smug smile despite being concerned for the safety of others.
  15. Don't trip over that all important eight inches! 586 yards might not be much now, but it might be in a year or two , especially with those extra inches.
  16. I believe that those moorings are already taken but ideal if not, despite being 1/3 of a mile from the pub!
  17. I'm sure that it will all go well. My NHS daughter was at Guys for a number of years and I know that she speaks very highly of the people there. It is a world class hospital, good enough for prime ministers!
  18. Parts of it are, that's true. Not sure that all these sheds are within that area though.
  19. Actually I quite like a day slumming it around Yarmouth but yes, we are avoiding it, like the plague so to speak!
  20. Fortunately I do have a daughter who has access to the local stats and who does keep me reliably informed. My view is that that information, whilst findable, should be readily available to as many folk as possible. Gracie, my view too!
  21. With regard to this particular thread the NP issue raised its head solely due to planning, which being relevant, was quite understandably brought to the table. This has only reared its head because of the questionable colour issue. Well, that alone I find confusing because I know of several shed owners, myself included, who have been told to repaint or paint their sheds because the colour is unacceptable. In my case I totally rebuilt my existing shed and left it devoid of colour in order to weather for a year before painting it. I was advised as to which tones I should paint it which suited me just fine although my eventual choice of colours did cause some comment from above but thankfully it was left at that. On the other hand four other shed owners on Oulton Broad were given a very limited choice of acceptable colours with which to paint or repaint their sheds. Granted that colour is subjective and perhaps a sea-side bathing chalet in garish stripes style is questionable, or at least it's not my choice. Personally I like the higgardly piggilyness of Potter Heigham's 'shed city' one of its great attractions. Heaven forbid that all the chalets and riverside palaces are all painted in one of three regulation tones of brown or green! Beyond that complacency on our part is our friendly quango's greatest asset. Vaughan's most recent post is absolutely spot on.
  22. Whilst I see the logic of track and trace and support its use I fail to see why more information is not available on my laptop, such as how many cases have been reported in my local area thus I would then attempt to avoid obvious hotspots.
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