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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Can't we all! Vindaloo flavoured spotty dick?
  2. Sheepskin is just so hard to keep stain free. Something that is wipe clean is so much easier, black PVC perhaps!
  3. Lidl do their own brand salted caramel, that is just so yummy! Mum in law worked at Birds-Eye, Lowestoft. Vienetta and Artic Roll were mere pence in the staff shop. Bless her, it was always on offer. Don't think that I have had either since she retired!
  4. No argument whatsoever as to what you wrote.
  5. Even if a boat has a current BSS certificate it probably won't cover a subsequent, amateur installation of a diesel heater. Hopefully Andy from Freedom Boats will see this topic and will advise. Advice also available here: https://www.boatsafetyscheme.org/
  6. Several issues spring to mind. I have had a peep at E-Bay and note that many of the diesel heaters are made in China. Firstly they all appear to state that Professional installation is highly recommended. Secondly I do wonder whether they meet the required UK standards? This is important because your boat needs to have a toll paid and the boat itself insured. For that to happen you need a valid boat safety scheme certificate issued by a BSS inspector. This is as much for your safety as it is for the safety of boats moored near to you. The BSS certificate covers not just the heater but also the installation, fuel supply and ventilation. Without that your mandatory insurance will, I suspect, be invalid. Sorry to be all heavy but a heater has, I'm sure, to be installed safely and suitably certificated. Big brother is watching!!
  7. Interesting article on diesel heaters here: https://www.riggingdoctor.com/life-aboard/2016/1/21/diesel-heater Others might care to comment, diesel heaters not being a subject that I really know much about. Night-lights and flower pots being more my thing!
  8. Condensation is a curse on uninsulated steel and grp boats. By yourself you produce half a pint of liquid. Add to that what runs down windows and uninsulated surfaces, especially on small boats. Cooking, breathing & heating all produce condensation. https://wayfindersnow.com/2018/03/12/7-tips-for-handling-condensation-on-your-boat-or-rv-or-tiny-home/
  9. Condensation is going to be the buzzword in the cold months ahead. A wood-burner is worth considering, very comforting too. Dry heat and ventilation has a lot to recommend it. Be wary of pneumonia, yours truly had it as a student over wintering afloat on Brayford Pool in Lincoln.
  10. Looking out of the windows this morning, and at the weather forecast, leads me to one obvious conclusion, postpone until next year.
  11. Get the P38 & the varnish brush out. Amazing, reckon someone now knows to the inch what will go through!
  12. True story coming up! Back in time, when I worked in the hire industry, it was not uncommon for boatyards to have a trophy wall or linen line from one end of a shed to another in order to hang abandoned knickers etc. that had been left onboard the cruisers. Valuables were always reunited with the hirer but unmentionables, the grubbier the better, always found their way to the yard's display. There were some crackers there, some with more skid marks than the grid at Silverstone!
  13. This 1908 submarine has been recommissioned in order to provide access under the historic bridge's medieval central arch. The submarine is seen here at Lowestoft whilst on route to Potter via Gt Yarmouth. Regretfully it was a grey day.
  14. Perhaps his old, long since condemned, flannelette combinations were taken aboard in an unfulfilled gesture as potential polishing rags only to be retrieved for their original purpose after the excesses of the Pleasureboat's curry night?
  15. Surely 'unused' needs to be inserted between 'your' and 'polishing'?
  16. And if the ferry was on the wrong side of the river and no one came along to row it across then there was only one option, and bl""dy cold it was too, at least in May (Coldham Hall Regatta, mad, impetuous youth!)
  17. I have the same map but with a Hoseason's cover. My guess is also early 1960's.
  18. We are sadly beginning to realise that. Next year's Suffolk Show has already been cancelled, the first of many events I suspect. The next chapter in our world's history is worryingly vague.
  19. Don't I know it, with both compounds!
  20. Interestingly the engineers cut the old post off at ground-level and then used a hydraulic ram to push the sticky bottom further into the ground thus keeping their cloths relatively clean. By the way, it's 2020!
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