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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Sadly I also think this is not a good idea.For me the following being my reasons. The date just entering high season Still not convinced about safety to mix boats many of which will be inexperienced. The cost which we as boaters may bare.The location which I feel is wrong sorry but that's how I feel.Also can't get over the fact that on one hand BA discourage swimming that allow open water swimming to 200 people. Odd
  2. On my way into Bluewater I spotted this big boy I popped out this morning,not been out since last weekend.He was sat on the round about.Now that would give you your chocolate fix for sure.Even for Grace.I am doing a spot of shopping a bite to eat Then get a card and some chocs for the Doctors and nurses at the hospital just up the road,following my op.Wont be the big boy thou.
  3. For sure I will not be there on the day,what I think needs to be considered is the views of locals and businesses.Which ever way to look at it,It could well affect many people as mentioned many times is concern about safety.If all these areas can be satisfied then by all means go ahead,but I do have doubts.
  4. I do think this is all getting a bit out of hand and think perhaps we need more information,having a go at one another is not helpful.
  5. I just can't see the both going along together,It would be to dangerous l.As I have said there are many points that need to be considered before it goes ahead.
  6. If you are referring to me,I am not suggesting anything.What I am pointing out is there are questions that need to be asked and answered. I am sure it could be a good event once all points are covered.
  7. I don't have a problem,There is however a difference with this and sailing. With sailing you can also use the river.Its my quest that with swimming for the time swimming takes place boats will be unable to use the river.
  8. The idea could be good,however as others have said.There are many things to consider. I guess boats for a time will be unable to use that part of the river,Will there be a check on what's under the water.For many years there has been much done to keep people out of the water.These are just a few things to consider.
  9. I think some of your questions may of been answered.For us SK was built in the 90s,she does not have any mod cons.Therefore when we can we run the boat for a few hours at a time.This helps to top up the batteries,she does not have shore power.As much as we love the boat think I would prefer SP.Since we have owned SK,we have replaced 3 batteries. We will be on the boat Friday hoping to be at Loddon overnight and we are booked in at Surlingham ferry house.Our first trip of the year.Looking forward to it.
  10. Glad to had a good now.Now to plan for the next trip.Which is almost as good as the real thing Ian
  11. from me. The boat looks a cracker.Tell us more. Best wishes Ian.
  12. I think the land Lord is a chap named Michael. He is a Chelsea fan like myself,not so sure he or the chef would take my advice.
  13. Looks good Jay.We hope to spend Easter on the river,fingers crossed.We like the Yare,I just wish they would change there menu now and again.Where do you moor Jay?
  14. Seems like good news,I wish them well.
  15. Someone on Facebook said the pub is reopening at Potter.Does anyone know any more info?
  16. Yet to watch it will do when I can.There are a number of events across the country to mark the 100 years of the RAF.Look out for them.
  17. Sadly my dad passed away when I was 18 months old.So I never got to know him.
  18. Cos the man in the moon changed his clocks.
  19. BBC1 tonight celebrateling the centenary of the Royal Air Force.I am sure John will be watching. My father served in the RAF as a pti.I have as many know a love of planes and have been lucky to fly a few times and flown in a few famous planes.Very much looking forward to it.
  20. There phone number is 01508 520397.Its a nice spot,We moored there for a time a few years back.It is stern on moorings
  21. Don't think you can on a Saturday.
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