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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Slightly off topic.The story about buying the wrong bridge is not entirely true.I've been on the old London Bridge in America. The chap who brought the Bridge owned a tractor factory. And wanted to encourage people to work there so he brought the Bridge and made other attractions. The American story tale London Bridge is falling down, shows in the book Tower Bridge. That's where the story gets confused. He was well aware he was buying LONDON BRIDGE.However the North and South parts of the Bridge remain in London,so the Bridge in America is slightly smaller then originally.
  2. I also agree,we hired a day boat a few years back. It was lovely peaceful and made a pleasant change from the now norm of boats everywhere. It is one of the few spots that is fairly unspoilt.
  3. Perhaps Clive may help.Worth sending him a PM.
  4. Griff,try Nisbits.They are catering suppliers ,but they supply to the public.They also have shops,there's one in Norwich.Just look on line and or see if there's a shop near you.I've checked they di have some like your photo.
  5. My mistake, yes like many I miss John. He often posts on Facebook
  6. Yes Nicola and Phil , son in law,over for Christmas day and maybe Boxing day.Alan will call over perhaps Christmas day also.A real Christmas 🎄 tree. Think we've settled in well,even though Marina still can't believe we're living here now.
  7. Holkham Admiral (John).Rarely posts now ,used to be a regular. Ex RAF pilot.
  8. So lots going on.Had some electrics done,new lights in kitchen and bathroom .Lights outside, new roof for the conservatory next month. We've both worked on the garden, front and back.Today planted bulbs and some bedding plants. Next week Gardener will remove shrubs, move fence to the hedge.
  9. I think a number of pubs had or still have the forum logo.Think John used to get them to stick the logo in the window.
  10. Many thanks Peter. Yes indeed a true hero.And may I say pleased to see you back Peter.
  11. One things for sure if Lewis wins the championship. Verstappen with throw his toys out of the pram. Come on Lewis!
  12. This morning we went to the recycling centre at Caister.We parked up unloading, then I heard someone behind me saying excuse me!Turned round it was Leslie,who used to run Eastwoods at Brundall. We hadn't seen him for years.It seems he's standing for Parish Council at Martham.So what are the chances of bumping into him like that after so long.
  13. I'm positive, think it will remain as a pub.I just hope as I've said it's not spoiled.
  14. Indeed in my opinion some of these rules don't make sense.
  15. Yes will take lots of money,if you rip it apart and turn it into a upmarket pub.With all mod cons.Does it need that perhaps not.A good tidy up.A new menu ,but keep simple good pub food,and yes keep classic pub food with good seasonal offerings.It is a going concern with a good customer base.Theres many pubs on the broads,that struggle for trade.Not the Yare,with a few careful changes it will be a success.
  16. It's not over till the fat girl sings.If anyone can pull it out of the bag,Lewis can.
  17. Just hope they retain its character and not go over the top.
  18. Regardless whatever vaccine people have had the booster is Pfizer. The exemption being if you've had a reaction to it they can offer another vaccine.
  19. Thought in some cases,such as your sister they could do home visits .
  20. Think they were both there 40 odd years.I just hope who ever buys the pub doesn't spoil the character of the pub.Perhaps a few up dates on the menu!
  21. Okay this year we've not been to the pub often sadly.Mainly due to illness and us arranging a move from Kent.The pub is often busy.
  22. Not surprised, Michael and Paul have for some time said they would sell it.I just hope it doesn't loose its character.
  23. I thought Rose was by far the best and don't understand why AJ was last.Agree think the judges don't always score fairly.And yes great photo. A ten from me.
  24. Potter the other week was very busy.The other day very quiet. Even Bridge stones was quiet. Lots of free tables. Hope your not to cold.
  25. This afternoon I had a call from the medical centre. They asked if I would be willing to answer questions regarding my lung Cancer from Students,tomorrow. I would have been happy to do so. Have allowed students to examine me in hospital before.However we've got lots going on in the house tomorrow,so sadly I can't help this time.
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