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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Once we're settled in the house we will look at what to do with the boat.We love Sweetkingfisher, but no shore power and up top in all weather's most of the time.So perhaps a smaller with more mod cons or even a good day boat.
  2. There's no doubt all sectors of the trade has suffered during the past 18 months. In my opinion to put a service charge on food is not the best thing to do. Good food and service will bring in custom. A service charge will not.
  3. In my opinion I very much enjoyed the pub, people and food in the past.Can't say what it's been like since it changed hands. That said I wish you well,hoping the food is as good as it was in the past.
  4. At long last we completed yesterday. A few hiccups along the way.Some legal stuff, but now all done.We've given some dates,week after next or last week of the month. Spoke yesterday with the removal company. Dates suggested okay.Marina has over recent weeks packed most things.I'm surprised she hasn't packed the cats Regarding the cats.They will go into the cattery down here before we move,then after a few days will pick them up so they join us in our new home.So with the move I've completed a circle. My first visit to Norfolk was Martham back in the sixties. So looking forward to the move.
  5. It fell into the lazy trap of showing sound bites.Just like many others. Earlier this year Greg Wallace visited Berlin. A city Marina and I know very well.High lighting minor things in the city instead of some of the major developments since the wall came down.That programme also didn't do Justice to the city. Next week she visits Cornwall!
  6. Yes once again a TV programme that doesn't do the Broads justice. Of course as a comic she would put a comic spin on Norfolk, but a poor show.
  7. Hopefully we should move to Norfolk soon.We are considering trading in Sweetkingfisher, even perhaps a good day boat.Lets move soon.Perhaps Cornwall again,maybe getting back to Berlin and even a Cruise.
  8. I've said many times,but worth saying again. The care and treatment I've received with my lung cancer ,shingles and pneumonia at Guys and Queen Elizabeth hospitals has been first rate.However I can't say the same about my GPs though .
  9. Sorry forgot your second question, two fillets per person.That is a good portion.Depends on the size of the fish.
  10. No no,what I mean is fry quickly in hot oil,turning lightly brown.I rarely use food colouring or additives.
  11. First a quick easy recipe for home,boat or caravan. Four Red Mullet fillets,two banana shallots,one tin chopped tomatoes, one dessert spoon tomato puree.good handful of spaghetti. Salt and pepper. Ensure fillet are boneless.Dice into about one inch pieces,thinly sliced shallots. Lightly fry fish,giving a little colour,cook about 2 minutes in hot oil,turn out.At the same time put saucepan of salted water on,adding a little olive oil.Fry shallots with colour, add tomatoes and tomato puree,bring to the boil,season,add a little white wine,reduce the heat.Cook the spaghetti, dont overcook ,retain some pasta water,drain off and set aside.Add the pasta to the sauce adding the water that was retained, fish add a little Extra virgin olive oil.Finish with chopped parsley. This doesn't take long ,the same time as it takes the water to boil and pasta to cook.
  12. Our boat is the same height and we've always gone through ,no problems .
  13. Reporter on BBC breakfast now,reporting on shortages.Called Phil McCann.
  14. It was the same in the beginning. The media reported the odd supermarket here and there that had ran out of loo rolls.Resulting in panic buying.Of couse report on problem but stop going over the top.
  15. The film is on tonight, BBC 2 at 8.35 pm. This tells the story when in 1968, he attempted to solo circumnavigate the globe.He's boat launched at Eastwood's Brundall. I first found out about this at a fate in Brundall many years ago,when I picked up a book about the attempt. I still have the book,which is on our boat.If anyone would like to read it perhaps I can lend it out if anyone is interested, just pm me.As for the film I've not seen it yet but will watch it.
  16. Also it appears sparkling water. Today there was none.Trust the media they never let us down.Lets report shortages around the clock,then watch the public rush to buy up stuff,then good old media can report empty shelves etc.
  17. Know what you mean.Marina thinks I'm a 12 year old.Think that's unfair,fink I'm grown up.if you disagree I'll get you after plat time.
  18. On the South,as said most hire company yards will sell.Always best to ask in advance if possible.Brooms most times I fill up there,WRC. Beccles across from the YS.
  19. Not quite, they have already set out the cost of there services.Did so when we agreed terms at the start of buying and selling.
  20. Re cooker,there's not one in the house.We have looked at electric cookers.Mainly because the gas supply to the house is LPG.
  21. Re questions, I asked our solicitor what was not answered, she sent me all the questions. Some for the owner,some for he's solicitor. Many of which,quite simple to answer. The property is empty, it appears he's only had it for six months. Guess what they term in property TV programmes as flipping a property. We're not really in a chain.Our buyer in a first time buyer,we are mortgage free,and our seller is in another house. It's just legal stuff.
  22. Just when you think things are going well! Yesterday our solicitor sent us an email.Following questions regarding the new house. 19 of which, none as yet have been answered. The solicitor sent the questions to the owners solicitor on the 7th September. Our buyer is putting pressure on us to complete by the end of the month, due to stamp duty holiday ending.I don't understand why none of these questions have been answered. I do hope at least some questions are answered today.If not we may have to use the thumb screws!
  23. No that's the way they talk to one another. Stick with it,they are funny.And always take the mick or one another.
  24. I have watched this from the start.The banter between the two,the places they go to is always entertaining. Last night was,as someone else pointed out a good reflection of Norfolk, better then the usual often wrong depiction of the broads. The funny thing is I don't fish,only cook them.I still find the series enjoyable.
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