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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Having had two jabs,stays in hospital. Yet not one good boy sticker.I will try not to throw my toys out of the pram!
  2. Chelsea14Ian


    There's no doubt, the trade has taken one hell of a bashing.I think the next 12 months will be very difficult for Pubs,Restaurants,Hotels etc.That said some are poorly managed.The other week I was at Bluewater, having lunch.Talking to the waitress she said there was a lack of staff,but the money was poor,Chefs only getting the minimum wage. Returning to Reedham,We always enjoyed going to the Ship,the food like the Ferryhouse Surlingham. Good homemade fare.Never a fan of the Nelson,but like the Ferry. Let's hope things improve at Reedham.
  3. So even though I've been a member since 2014.I'm showing up as a new member. What's the point with that?
  4. Not long back from A&E.This morning I spit up some blood.About 10 -15mls.Ive had a troublesome cough,for some time now.The GPS know about this,so to do Oncology. However no noticeable cough yesterday. Had all the checks including Xrays.All okay.The Doctor wants me to speak with the Doctor and my GP tomorrow. They are concerned that my breathing is not as good.May have a scan next.Hope to find out more tomorrow.
  5. Won't disagree there.Maybe we can all go on a summer holiday
  6. Silly me 2021 not 2922.Mind you maybe that explains the high price of tickets.
  7. Just had a look at tickets for next week.Monday one ticket £595.Semi Finale.Nearly Three thousand pounds. Think I'll watch like always on TV.
  8. A few years back,there was a boat in front of us.There dog fell into the water.We were a bit in front of us.I put my foot down to get close.Took some time to get the dog on board. Was a bit worrying at times got close to the prop.
  9. Just seen on Facebook. Thankfully the dog been found, safe and well.
  10. This one is just a recorded message.Alan not only us.Since lockdown,scammers have had a field day,scams increasing.If I have a call from someone, I put the phone down or If I don't recognise the number I don't pick up.
  11. Not sure how HMRC can make money out of this.Think the point is the more information they receive they can use it if they track down the scamers. My advice is still the same if it happens to you.Block the number and report online to HMRC.
  12. The message from HMRC,made it clear to report it to them.This is not me saying that,it's them! It's true, but some do fall into thr trap.
  13. In the last week I've had at least five calls,Marina one.Its a recorded message from they say that our National insurance number has been involved in illegal use.Press number one to speck to whoever.I've blocked the number twice still coming through. I've just phoned HMRC.The recorded message said they are Aware of this scam and can be reported online. Please if you receive this scam report it to HMRC.
  14. I did thanks to Marina the taxi run in Just Jane.In the rear gunner spot.Amazing.
  15. I'm seriously thinking about booking a flight in a spit.Will see once sorted with our new house.
  16. It picked up a bit in the afternoon.
  17. We often see them when we go to garden centres close to Sevenoaks. They fly out of Biggin hill.
  18. She said thanks Alan Best wishes Ian and Marina.
  19. As we will soon be leaving London.We are spending the day in Greenwich. Went first to the Cutty Sark.Last time went there before the fire.In fact when I worked for Moving Venue,and other places in Greenwich. Well worth a visit. At present in the market having lunch.Also a birthday treat for Marina Some photos:
  20. We had a home buyers so too our buyer. We are mortgage free our buyer a first time buyer. I spoke with our estate agent, she contacted the buyer, she said the buyer intends doing an extension.
  21. Our solicitor said on average 12 to 16 weeks.So about normal. I'm a bit confused way our buyer waited a month for a survey. Think it should complete some time in August.
  22. Things have slowed down a bit.Answered questions from our buyer via her solicitor. Some work to be done on the new house, need to get quotes from builders, then a decision with the estate agents there.Thought our buyers survey was done.Then yesterday had a phone call from a surveyors PA to arrange a survey on 13 July.Why it's taken so long is a surprise. The first one was for her mortgage. All a bit annoying. We've cleared alot of unwanted stuff from the house.Sunday if weather's okay we will do a boot fair.Not someone that we're looking forward to,but good to clear out and hopefully earn a few Bob.
  23. Don't write off Mercedes just yet.I've always thought it would be close.Think this will run until the last race.
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