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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. When I became Chairman of the IMB.I would be in the office at Belmarsh three or four evenings each week.It took up lots of my free time.
  2. You can go off some people.
  3. There always are.When I had the chop.I was told just a little prick.Oh you mean the injection! I hope all goes well with you.
  4. Sadly not I think.Back to Prisons,I very much enjoyed my time at Belmarsh. For sure I met the Good the bad and the ugly.I also visited a number of Prisons.Some I thought were poorly managed.
  5. Spoke with Addenbrookes.Like Zac they asked about side affects. Thankfully not to many.The main ones head aches.One odd thing Monday evening. We were having dinner.Both my fore fingers and index fingers,stuck together and I had to move them apart. The Doctor thinks that's the Steroids which I stopped by Tuesday. She couldn't tell me if the Cancer has gone. A Follow l óMRI next mp th.Tjen see Zac August.
  6. When I joined the BOV/IMB.Iwas exempted from Jury service.I left the IMB in 2005 and was exempted for ten years. As yet I've not been called.Marina has been called once.Early in our married lift,but I think she was unwell and was excused.With my experience of Prison system it wouldn't worry unduly.
  7. It's just the luck of the draw .
  8. I am surprised at 75 I've just checked on line.You can ask to be excluded at 70.
  9. No, nor the wind that at times can cut you in half! Still wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
  10. There's always one.Here in Martham it only started to warm up recently. The winter can wait.Enjoy summer
  11. It is I think one of the most magical times of the year.The day seems to last forever. I am an early raiser,so I like light mornings. Some one else that likes bright like mornings. Bees on our poppies. A few photos just now
  12. Zac my Consultant phoned me this afternoon. Still will speak to someone from Addenbrookes Friday. Zac will arrange for a follow up MRI in a month's time.Im okay side affects not to bad.
  13. I had my last treatment yesterday afternoon. I have a phone consultation today with Zac JP.Then one on Friday from Addenbrookes. Once again very pleased with the care given to me.Hoppfully that will be a good present for Marina. Who's birthday it is Friday. A few photos of my musk,used for my Radiotherapy.
  14. Very true.Perhaos God forbid poor management.
  15. I've heard of yachts,also as I understand it most sea going boats have sea toilets and holding tanks.In my opinion regardless of who's ruling it Is,about time a fixed single rule should be in place.There has been talk for a number of years of a gray water holding tank.(for example showers and washing up).
  16. My boat a Hampton 25.Tolls moorings BSS,insurance,maintenance running costs about 3k.I prefer moorings with loos,electric,security etc.There are cheaper options .YOu pay your money and take you're choice.Also allow a reserve fund.With boating something always comes along that's unexpected.
  17. Not sure I see the funny side sorry. I lasted worked onbthev12 March 2020.we were called to a meeting three days later and told we be paid £29;x 3 As I left that day There was going to be a decision regarding furlough Our very clever Bosses (not) Didn't know! Then they wanted to put me on sick pay,because I had COPD That would have ruined me In the end two of us my friend with Cancer got furlough. After pointless Zoom meeting most caterers with furloughed then made redundant. ABOUT 16 Months later they tried to re employ those that left.That has happened right across the business. I can't help getting annoyed seeing so many striking. Some should try my business. Moan over (for now)
  18. Perhaps nows the time that any boat using the broads MUST have a holding tank.Which is then pumped out like most boats.
  19. Agree but up until early this year the loos and showers were cleaned by a company. Can't say which or Council. I just think in small places such as Loddon there are few loos available. Many people just want to spend time by the river.As batrabill said.One person used the wall and not the loo.Hope that doesn't become a norm. Pubs.Now day most pubs are large groups.Some have no idea how to provide a good quality if food and drink.There are a number of very well ran pubs left on yhe River.We always go to the Whitehorse Chegrave.and have for years.Simon has something going on nearly every day.Vety much like yhe food drink,Simon and his team.thats the best way of making pubs a success. Some pubs are slow in attracting customers. There's no don't Covid knocked the good drink and entertainment business for six.Many were layed many skilled workers never returned. A great many pubs now provide very boring food. There menus not mine: Pizza,beefburgers,chicken burgers ,ribs.If your lucky Steak,scampi,dirty frys oh soup,probably ready made Ice cream,cheesecake,pies,probably brought in. Okay I am a Chef.Pre lockdown there was more choice lots of well cooked home made food.I do hope things improve.
  20. All trueLoddon is a small village with at present BA 24 hour free moorings. In my opinion attact people to visit.I don't have a problem paying for showers .I don't agree with loos there changing. Looe other tourists areas which are much larger then Loddon .Which has far more choice. Loddon has a selection of shops and three / four pubs.If Reedham charges for moorings it cutsdown choice.Pubs.Many of which now charge for moorings some with Electric costing £25 per night and not reduced if you eat there.They lose money I would often spend £100 for meals and drink.Not any longer. I do think there are worrying signs for the future of yhe broads.I hope I'm wrong.
  21. Do they charge for toilets now at Loddon.Not so start of the year.
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