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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. It's common and has been for some time.On more then one occasion. Moored worryingly preparing food .A boat or boats go past at speed,causing things to get knocked over. Surely it's not difficult to slow down close to moored boats .
  2. Oh great so all three pubs charge for pub moorings. If true what options for others?
  3. We all want and should be able to enjoy the river.There is no place for very bad behaviour and when necessary should be reported. True yards often will not know if groups are Angels or Devels.Reducing bad behaviour on the broads will help the image no end.
  4. We now sponsor two Air Ambulances.They all do a marvellous job.
  5. Well Alan thankyou.Me yoi to JP via Ambulance. You to NN via helicopter. Still can't carry on taking the mick me head butting Ludham Bridge. Yes we're pop down to the hospital this afternoon. Hope all goes well.
  6. Yes and no , not complaining,but l was in three wards. Two of which linked to a & e.Friday to Saturday no sleep.Saturday to Sunday slept well.Sunday to Monday poor sleep.At home up at 06.50.For me a good night's sleep.The worse thing was the worry of not improving and a life on oxygen. What I found out which no one told me before. Oxygen and COPD are not good partners. Co2 levels can increase which can be dangerous for COPD suffers.I will still be checked on daily for the next two weeks.
  7. Sunday never happened. In my bay there was five of us.Four due to go out.None of us due to the Doctors strike.Which was a blessing in disguise My stats were low.Checks on my stats early yesterday morning off oxygen had improved a great deal,then saw the consultant who said I could go home. off oxygen. My low level infection is an infection in my windpipe.Still on steriod for nearly two weeks and antibiotics for a week.So again a very worrying time for the both of us.It certainly worried me more the the Cancer oddly.
  8. Not quite this time. On the first of July I came via Ambulance to James Paget with poor breathing. Lots of tests,they ruled out things like pneumonia, it was my COPD. My breathing improved during the day and they let me home .I was still under the care of the hospital and I recorded my obs and a nurse phoned me each day.I took my Antibiotics and steroids.After a few days I was a lot better.Then a few days ago my obs were not good again so yesterday evening I phoned 111,after questions then sent an Ambulance back to JP more tests.I am on low levels of oxygen (1 lt ). One consultant thinks its what he called a low grade infection. So more antibiotics and steroids for two weeks. They hope to send me home tomorrow, providing my obs are not to low when walking. Who have I 😡 upset? As for Cancer. As far as I can tell moving in the right direction. A few headaches and little lightheaded times.That could also be my breathing.
  9. It's sad that another fertility is lost.However I never truly enjoyed saying there,often felt unwelcome there.Perhaps someone will take it on and hopefully have better customer care skills.
  10. I know it was an Italian sort of name.Rember then.Dont remember Kingfisher. Thanks Ian.
  11. What was the yard called,just before GY? Which fo the last few years, planning applications have gone forward for housing and a few moorings.
  12. What a great project 👏. I look forward to hearing more.Sure it will be a great addition to the broads . Best wishes.
  13. I hope its better then last year. We were a bit disappointed. We brought a selection of plants .Not all were successful. Think there was s better selection at thr Royal Norfolk show.
  14. Another great independent Lifeboat station. Currently Sea Palling is off station. Hopefully there be back on station soon.
  15. A mixture perhaps of no mow May carrying on to now July.Trying to save money on Maintenance and acting as if there doing there bit on helping the environment. Which would be okay if it was managed,but I don't think it is.
  16. I thought they were selling on there day boats.I know they've retired.
  17. NYA have about three moorings in Brundall.Buccaneer are up for sale I think.
  18. As far as I know.Whats never helped.He doesn't get on with the farmer's at Berney. Perhaps if he had a better relationship with them,that would help greatly.
  19. I don't know how he can own Berney Arms.For so long sat there not doing nothing.What money can he make if any.Now he seems to be doing the same thing at Beauchamp Arms. Unusual business plan.Surely he would be better selling to someone who can make the three site more successful.
  20. Beat you 46 years married.In all honesty some things do the trick,some on your 🏍 bike,lol.
  21. Best to suppy ,chocolates,flowers,wine and agree with most or all instructions.
  22. I would certainly report them for hitting your boat.Its unacceptable and should be stopped.
  23. Okay we've had rain but it is still very dry.Most people with common sense will have water close by to use on a bbq once food is cooked.Sadly those that dont care won't do that.
  24. They are still available in some shops.Although still most of the big supermarkets no longer sell them. I certainly would have reported them to the hire company and BA.
  25. I've seen on there website site.Must be interesting heading up to Reedham.Not for me though ,it can be challenging in much latlrger boats,let alone electric day boat.But good luck to them.
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