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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I did have to take a break between words, and i still have the dots of the I's to do, i took the step of putting it onto the double sided tape before cutting it., now just one more like this to do, 2 Powles Crafts and some registration numbers.
  2. but will he get back later that week or the next
  3. here are the bases and castors on two of my machines, the band saw and the thicknesser, my table saw and big drill press have them also.
  4. our Asda at 9.30 this morning had about 20 bags of sr flour, lidls had a whole stack of plain flour and about 10 bags of bread flour, asda are also bagging up flour from the bakery in 1Kg packs for sale, i guess if you have an early morning delivery, you might get some.
  5. I was going to suggest long life milk, i was going to suggest the smaller cartons, as then they dont go off before you have used it up
  6. one of my work colleagues has two kids, both in nursery, in the weeks before lockdown, if one of the children coughed once, they were sending both home for 48 hours, can you imagine what the response will be to a cough now, in the meantime she is now struggling to look after her kids as her partner has returned to work, the problem is now she is effectively looking after them on her own, she doesnt have time to work from home, she is dreading being told her furlough is finished.
  7. the method i use to put tools on wheels, especially if they already have a stand, is to make a base unit of a sheet of ply, with the wheels on, then stand the tools base on top, with upstands to enclose the corners of the legs. i use casters, with the two front ones able to be locked to stop movement when in use. i will get a picture in a moment
  8. I do have a laser printer, but its brand new, so I wont be putting stainless steel through it.
  9. the emmission charge is £12.50 a day
  10. for me there would be an emmissions charge on top of that, i once worked out to drive into london, and park for a few hours would cost me about £75 a day
  11. cor, what have i let myself in for, this is tricky, i may need some miniature scissors, this may take some time.
  12. yippee, the delivery I have been waiting for has arrived, my thin stainless steel sheet- I have 2 thicknesses, 0.1mm (4 thousandths of an inch) and some thinner at 0.02mm (about 0.7 thousandths of an inch) or 7 /10,000 inch), this stuff is thin enough to be cut with a sharp knife or scissors, so I can now have a play.
  13. is that a hetty hoover? or just a faded henry
  14. I disagree, by quoting the numbers, they are dehumanising the effects of this virus, they want people to think in terms of numbers, numbers mean that 300 deaths is a number, its good its less than yesterday, not another 300 human beings, individuals, fathers, mothers, children, uncles, friends or work colleagues, who will be missed by their family and loved ones, its not another 600 to 1000 people who are now missing an integral part of their life.
  15. the numbers are irrelevant, the tragedy is that thousands of individuals - people with friends and families, are no longer with us. Any and each of those people are important, to put it into numbers is to take away the true tragedy of the situation, and the sadness of those left behind to pick up the pieces.
  16. The true number that died worldwide from spanish flu in 1918 /19 is still only guesswork, numbers between 17 and 50 million people with a possibility of 100 million are quoted. at least the figures are not in those realms yet. but to keep them out of those realms, we all have to be responsible and not just pop down to the boat as we are bored. stay in our own homes as much as possible and stay safe. the numbers however are irrelevant, a lot of people have died, that is the important fact to remember, all of those people will be missed by someone. I just find it sad that people are quibbling over numbers, rather than looking at the bigger picture, the people whose lives have ended, the people whose friends and relatives are no longer with us, and the incredible sadness of it all.
  17. I dont have a copy, but I bet its the same boats more or less as they have now.
  18. I bet you know where all of those tools and bits you havent been able to find for years now though.
  19. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19 Its official boating is allowed, (with certain restrictions of course) (beaten to it by Tom)
  20. I told you it was good stuff. expensive, but does the business.
  21. and now the right way up, and with the cabin roofs on. just the short aft rubbing strakes added.
  22. the way i read this, a boat can be a private vehicle, an outdoor open space can be the middle of a broad or river, and i believe the guidance was exercise or recreation, so here is hoping that those local enough to the broads will be able for recreational purposes take their private vehicle to an outdoor open space.
  23. the two together are probably family members
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