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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I dunno, they will be serving food on newspaper next....
  2. you should have taken your work boots off before you weighed yourself Stuart.
  3. that is why you bought a multimeter - once you have wired up - check the voltage - if its 12V you have probably done it right - if its 36V you have done it wrong
  4. I would get a weatherproof one to replace the one that was drenched and caused the generator to cut out (or move that socket)
  5. Also note that good wiring practice would have the charger/ alternator wired similar to the inverter (though maybe to the other two terminals) for similar reasons that the charger also can input a high current.
  6. NB red goes to all the + terminals, black to all the - terminals
  7. This would be how I wired into 3x 12 V batteries (12v output) 3 batteries in Parallel, the inverter wired to + at one end and - at the other, this should even out any consumption between the 3 batteries, you can wire into one end, but then the resistance of the wiring between batteries comes into play at the high loads used by inverters and you can get one (nearest ) battery taking the brunt of the load - then you have unbalanced batteries when it comes to recharging.
  8. In business in general if you have a profit in the bank at the end of the year on your budget, your next years budget is reduced as you obviously dont need the size budget you have - thus a lot of companies at this time of year are trying to spend their allocated budget, having scrimped and saved through the rest of the year. If you can instigate a big project you can segregate that money out of your budget to pay for the up and coming project, ensuring good continuity in next years budget. what happens then when the plans for your big project fall through - why then the pot of money goes back into this years budget. Now while I am not saying this is what the BA are planning, it is something I have seen happen through the years in other companies that relied upon an outside source for their main budget.
  9. Not an apprenticeship as such, but I started in the drawing office at the bottom of the heap, worked my way right up to Drawing Office Manager (equivalent to a second engineer in the electricity supply industry as was) and have then dropped back to an engineering support role (all of the skills, none of the responsibility) my skill levels are such that I can out perform anyone else in the same role as myself, quite often the designers ask me for advice from my experience, but I am happy that I can keep up with the work levels and work stress free until my retirement.
  10. there is a problem with vehicle access to the site, due to the lack of vision, if a car comes over the bridge fast and a coach is turning into the entrance from the other directions there may be an issue, however, this problem was anticipated in the competition brief, and solutions are asked for, maybe a set of traffic lights on the turning with a repeater at the crown of the bridge (or indeed a high light that can be seen as you approach the bridge to stop traffic while a vehicle turns into the site. I still see that a viable option would be to make a floating visitor centre and dig out a basin at the location for it to berth, then at least if it became unviable at that location it could be moved to a more frequented location and the basin used for moorings. win win
  11. cramming into Alans Bathroom for a jam session might be a bit of a squeeze.
  12. the android one was working for me last night.
  13. I have an old tom tom in the car, when I am going somewhere I dont know, it might get used to navigate me the last mile, for the trip to the town near my destination I look at the map and memorise the main part of the route.
  14. Well in our house dripping was dripping the fat / stock was all poured in the same metal bowl, some was used for the beef / pork and some for the roast tatties, then any left was put back in the pot, the stock was taken off the bottom for soups. to be honest my parents are probably still using the same dripping, I dont think its ever restarted from scratch.
  15. you come from Pantagonia? - ooh I never knew you was a furriner
  16. Tapatalk and the android app should now be back up and running as the updated tapatalk plugin has now been installed
  17. having read the rules now, do we have a registered architect to submit our entry? for the flood prevention method, - well how about the system they have in holland where a concrete tank foundation sits over a concrete tank basement, and the tank allows the building to rise on flood water a bit like a floating pontoon - or indeed remove the soil and create a basin where the structure can float, accessed by ramps from the land, a floating structure is not at risk from flooding.
  18. well come on then, are we going to step up to the mark and submit an entry http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/1196646/Acle-bridge-design-competition-FINAL.PDF we have just less than a month to go before final submission times. the area available is not large, really just the shop and associated storage sheds, so its not going to be a huge building, my suggestion would be to remain in keeping and exhibit some of the craft of the broads that we keep a traditional thatched roof (the reasons for which and material sources could be explained in the visitor centre) a gift shop/ cafe with associated boating supplies (bread milk, newspapers ice creams etc) could be incorporated. tables and chairs for the cafe could be situated outside on the quayside the display space for the visitor centre is going to be compact at best, if the yarmouth council area can be incorporated for a new improved toilet / shower block that would give more space.
  19. surely the visitor centre part could be accomodated with a nice rack of leaflets (the same as you encounter in the foyer of most hotels nowadays, then the rest could be dedicated to newspapers, ice creams and tat.
  20. I dunno Tim, I always put the roaring donkey further upstream from Potter Bridge.
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