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Everything posted by grendel

  1. do you reckon she was towing behind another wherry?
  2. grendel


    I think I should have said, this forum in front of that part, its not directed at anyone personally. its just as soon as anyone says they did something, we get posts saying how others wouldnt do it that way, all part of life really.
  3. grendel


    Charlie, I think you may be having a go at the wrong people here, it was KaptinKev who first mentioned showing off and Socrates who first posted what you quoted. I dont think anyone else has done more than quote those posts, certainly the second one has not been quoted by Ricardo until he quoted your post. not that any of us should be having a go at anyone else really over a small matter of which direction anyone decided to go through a bridge, whether any of the rest of us want to or even would try it is immaterial, its been done, was recorded on video and thats the end of it, nowt worth arguing over. reminds me of the comedy character by Harry Enfield - 'ooh you dont want to do it like that, do it like this'
  4. I only realised I had left my mobile at home today when I went to pick it up off my desk and put it in my pocket to come home, shows how much notice I take of my phone.
  5. I was just going by the stress they were putting on how dangerous it was, one whiff of exhaust fumes etc etc.
  6. true, maybe they were just collecting them up as they arrived to cross, and conversely holding them at the yacht station.
  7. following on from the broads authoritys own warning here:- http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/urgent-boating-information/blunt-message-on-co-exhaust-fume-threat I wonder about the risk to swimmers from the exhaust fumes generated by passing boats, if it is this dangerous as blow back through the canopy - how dangerous will it be at boat exhaust level swimming past, as when swimming you dont often have much choice whether to breath or not, and will generally be inhaling deeply. Granted most boats are diesel, and this specifically states petrol engined. but surely all the support boats will have petrol outboards.
  8. its under urgent boating information:- http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/urgent-boating-information
  9. well I have found you cannot use varnish as glue, so tomorrow will be printing some more and trying a couple more methods to stick the paper decking down. last night the second side had the glue cleaned up, ready for finer cleaning.
  10. give me 30k and I will get a volvo with 1k and spend the rest on a boat
  11. I am trying to - in miniature Griff
  12. exactly - see my post from about 2 hours ago
  13. we must watch out for the Teasel and Titmouse aground on the mud
  14. https://www.nhs.uk/news/heart-and-lungs/flavouring-found-in-e-cigarettes-linked-to-popcorn-lung/ a nice unbiased report by the NHS on the american studies
  15. pm's can be reported to the moderators, generally even the admins dont have access to them, but if they are reported they then become visible to the admin team here. if anyone ever gets a threatening or bullying pm we do urge them to report it using the report button.
  16. I wouldnt worry about there not being a lot of information out there, the boat I am hiring in a few weeks for the may meet, is an old woodie, and I could only find 3 exterior shots online of the boat that been around since the 1960's. there will be more pictures available after my holiday though.
  17. I cant remember who told me, but there were concerns about vaping and something called popcorn lung. cant remember anything more though.
  18. I believe what they are saying is that as an organised event they can put controls in place as to whether it goes ahead or not. Just imagine for a moment if it were not organised and one day 200 swimmers suddenly decided to throw themselves into the river and swim to Beccles, it would certainly be more chaotic than the proposed event (I still dont think the river is wide enough nearer Beccles)
  19. I have no trouble accepting people vaping - on the same terms as those smoking cigarettes (ie in designated areas). we had one person in our office who would vape at her desk (next to mine), and while the smell was better than cigarettes, it wasnt my idea of fun, so I was glad when the office rules on smoking were updated to include vaping (ie outside in the smokers area)
  20. Its good to see that the BA are taking things seriously.
  21. I thought it was that guy Peat, and his diggings that were the pits
  22. I know, that area will have a piece of real teak over it just like the real thing, this is just a test, once I have cleaned up the glue from the sides, I will be able to measure the remaining width, adjust my CAD template and then get the plank spacing and layout correct.
  23. you can go to your profile (picture top right, click account settings and username), you are only allowed to change it a few (3) times during a set period.
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