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Everything posted by grendel

  1. depends upon the ratio of the circumference to the diameter really
  2. weather today is terrific, have a good trip, see you next week
  3. going back to the original object of this post and to resolve the contention above, as a boat with several Owners Broad Ambition has to cater for all tastes, so those who dont want to have a TV dont have to get it out, & those that do have the opportunity, Just because it is there doesnt mean it has to be used, any more than you have to use the TV or radio on a hire boat. As for ripping DVD's etc, that is something even I havent got my head around yet, though I can see if I did I would have to install yet another 2Tb disc to store all of this onto, as my current 3Tb of storage is starting to fill up (probably only 500Gb spare now).
  4. Tonights efforts, back to the usual I am afraid, rib glued, rib and roof beam steamed and shaped, and side deck supports glued in place
  5. are we getting bogged down with technicalities here.
  6. I was once riding my motorbike, when a police car pulled in behind me - after 2 miles he flashed his blue lights and tooted the siren, then when I stopped he asked me why I had not pulled over sooner as he had been indicating with hand movements for me to do so. I did point out that motorcycle wing mirrors had allowed me to see the car behind was a police car, but in no respect would I have been able to discern hand signals in a vibrating mirror (the bike in question being a small kawasaki with handlebar mounted mirrors on long stalks, and anyone who has ridden a bike of this age knows the mirrors vibrate with the engine revs)
  7. I too find old maps interesting, I do have a broads one from I believe about the 1930's somewhere at home.
  8. the problem is their sat nav tries to take them via the road.
  9. why is it then that a lot of foreign lorries have the front lit up like a blue christmas tree and are allowed to get away with it?
  10. about half an hour every day since starting would be my guess on time, parts average out to maybe 3 per day, thats about 6 months now, so maybe 90-100 hours so far, and 600 odd parts - thats only a rough guess mind you.
  11. I just love the grain patterns on that timber.
  12. I concentrated on just one section this evening, being very careful - but even so nearly ruined it - fortunately this will be covered with the boot topping, trimming sanding and epoxy finishing. as I had some spare epoxy I gave the well deck another coat too. so here are the pictures.
  13. many years back I was driving my transit in Dublin (old V4 transit parcel van) with the sliding doors open as it was a glorious day. as we turned onto a bridge a man leapt onto the passenger running board and asked if we had a plaster showing a bleeding wound, my passengers got the first aid kit and patched him up, as he left on the other side of the river he admitted he was grateful as he had been stabbed and our running board turned up just in time for him to get away. were we worried - not at all, the van was fully loaded both with vikings and weaponry.
  14. A better trip home this evening, so work is heading along apace, tonight I got the full round in, the last transom plank - glad I got those deep clamps now - a rib glued in place and the next rib and roof beam steamed up, side decking supports in place and photos taken.
  15. the electricity board i worked for had a fleet of electric vans at one point, as the areas worked got bigger they were phased out (see what I did there?)
  16. about 20 years ago I was advising anyone who would listen, that before you could reliably get electric vehicles introduced, that you had to get the infrastructure in place to charge them. this would mean that at a minimum 10% of parking spaces in every car park would have to be reserved for electric vehicles and charging points introduced. It is only now that I am seeing residential developments going in that have an allowance of vehicle charging points (some to their credit have a surprising percentage of electric charging points to parking bays). all those years back I worked for the local electricity authority, and I said that it would need to be them that took the initiative and installed the charging points, one of the benefits of this being the income generated by all those people using our electricity. Sadly Nobody listened. Also at the same time I said that in ten to fifteen years there would be a shortage of electrical engineers as they were all getting older, but nobody was training up new apprentices to the role. Once again nobody listened. we now face a shortage of experienced electrical engineers. I also predicted that unless we started building new cleaner technology power stations (10 years ago now) they would not be completed in time to take over from the existing (dirty smelly polluting) ones that are reaching end of life. Well surprisingly- nobody listened, So now we are running polluting power stations that cannot easily be modified to burn cleaner, and that are running into the first decade of afterlife - ie after their designed lifespan, yet we are still not building enough power stations to replace them. I also said that smaller local power stations was the route to go, local so as to reduce transmission losses, small, so that there was more diversity in the system, many small power stations- one goes down, can take up the load, few big ones, one goes down- the whole system crashes. Sadly it seems nobody wants a power station anywhere near their back yard. If you think a boat kicks out a lot of pollution, then you should see the figures from the chimneys of old coal and oil fired power stations- one I used to visit had a monitor the figures were displayed on, and the SO4 coming out of the chimneys was always in the red, and well over the limits they were supposed to be emitting, despite having just had new scrubbers installed in the chimneys
  17. possibly, but I have to bear in mind that if the range drops to 80% it would be touch and go (80% range being the point that manufacturers recognise the drop in range as significant) add to that the fact the older cars have less range than the newer ones,
  18. so with Ludham Bridge at 8'6" +/- about 9" Moneypenny is unlikely ever to get under , and BGE only occasionally at low tide
  19. Yes Grace - or still on the trunk in the world of TP.
  20. surely they wont fit under ludham bridge anyway, so its a bit of a moot point.
  21. about 125 miles a day, but could possibly get a recharge at work
  22. I have been looking at the Zero http://www.zeromotorcycles.com/ and wondering If I can afford one for work - one of the few affordable electric vehicles with the range to get me to work and back.
  23. GNU Broadscot (for all those Terry Pratchett fans who will understand the reference.
  24. Actually I think at least 50% would think Norfolk Broads were those underdressed young ladies tottering between night clubs in Norfolk, rather than a beautiful landscape, with wildlife and boats.
  25. tonight was a bad trip home, an hours delay on the m2, for no apparent reason one lane of two was coned off, nothing happening apart from a 5 mile tailback and an hour delay. thus this evening we have just managed to get another plank on the transom of model 1. no ribs or anything else, but a little bit has been done.
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