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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Weigh Down upon the Swan'y River The Beagle has Landed
  2. For Royal Tudor you could have 'The King and I' 'A Bridge Too Far' for Potter Heigham for Uncle Albert we have to go to the song title 'I'm so sorry ! - Uncle Albert' Grendel
  3. considering it took me 5 hours to get across the Dartford tunnel this morning from Gravesend where I joined the back of the queue, I would say its a tad windy today. (arrived at work just in time for Lunch) Grendel
  4. isnt Jon looking for some new workers at Wayford?
  5. I thought the classic firm was Bodgit, Legit and Scarper. Grendel
  6. I had a friend in Canada who commented after watching that the British really do know how to do these things properly, so maybe it came out of the tourism budget. Swings and roundabouts, it may be a waste of money, but it was something other countries saw as properly British (mainly because they don't have the depth of history that we appear to). Grendel
  7. I didnt know Tony Robinson was American...
  8. Stocking Up? surely a set of garters to keep it there..... I'll get my hat... Grendel
  9. it should do, if it starts to struggle take it slowly. Grendel
  10. they look similar, basically its a thicker needle that has a bigger hole for thicker thread, the ones just for leather have a flattened point that cuts the leather rather than just trying to poke a hole, but those look like they would do the job, those or the ones for jeans. I used to go through 2 thicknesses of leather, but used an old heavy duty hand cranked machine so could ease the needle through, this is usually the biggest problem with thick fabrics (and leather) I have also sewed up viking tents using this machine, we used old canvas from theatre curtains which was quite heavy duty. Grendel
  11. you might need special needles for the thicker canvas, I used to do leather work using special leather needles (ridiculously sharp and triangular, they will go through a finger like butter) Grendel
  12. Tim, the oldmaps website is a useful place to find these:- https://www.old-maps.co.uk/#/ Grendel
  13. and from personal experience watch out for tractors towing centre wheeled 30 to 40 foot trailers when they turn left and the back of the trailer swings across to block the road in front of you. Grendel
  14. Calamitous in Childerditch, the light levels dropped, the fork lift driver put his headlights on, and apart from clouds - that's all we saw. Grendel
  15. my trick is to get on the motorway and set my cruise at 65 mph, then I settle back and enjoy the ride, I am near enough the speed limit to be comfortable, have enough extra speed to get past lorries, and lets see anyone intimidate my cruise control into going too fast by tailgating me (though people in the middle lane doing 50mph when everything else is going faster do annoy me) Cue my pulling up close behind in inside lane, then moving out across 2 lanes behind them, overtaking and then going back in 2 lanes. Grendel
  16. its about an 80% eclipse, so it will get dusk like. My best comment heard today, from a work colleague, texted his daughter, watch out for the eclipse between 8.30 and 10 30 - answer, is that this morning or this evening? Grendel
  17. round our way the main road between where I live and my parents (12 miles) used to be national limit all the way between towns, slowly the roads have had speed limits imposed, so much so that there is only about 1/2 mile (accumulative) of national speed limit left, as I drive out of town, at the very outskirts where it changes to countryside we go from 30mph to 40, 3 miles later we change to 50mph, which then goes for about the next 6 miles (with odd sections at 40mph). It is said that this is because despite being countryside there are residential houses on the road (well I say on the road, most have a driveway of several hundred yards). so now we have a main A road, that is speed limited along most of its length, and what used to be a 15-20 minute journey can now not be (legally) made under 30 minutes. the remaining national speed limit sections, well one is a long straight, that is just long enough that if the road is clear you can overtake, but not if as you pull out a car becomes visible from the other direction, if he is driving at the speed limit toward you, then it may be a hundred yards too short, if he is speeding then even less chance. Grendel
  18. as long as you dont turn this into a cross thread.
  19. scan a copy of everything and store the files on your phone, then you will have a copy available any time. Grendel
  20. my laptop (2008 vintage) is still on vista, though I really need to clean out the programs that run on startup as it can take 10 mins to boot up, other machines - 2x XP, 1x Linux and 1 windows 7, plus a couple of other laptops and desktops handed down to me for spares. software - open office, libreoffice, both do the job, libreoffice started out as open office but diverged, and has been updated more than open office, though I do have office 2007 on a couple of machines. oh and an android tablet , which I cant remember what I loaded to open office files. Grendel
  21. I must have got a good one - someone who bought one at the same time (same model) replaced his a couple of years back, I even run CAD on this one at times. Grendel
  22. my old advent has always run hot - ever since 2008 when I bought it, running cool its at 60 degrees, hot it can be 80 degrees plus, sometimes getting them to run cooler is just a case of reseating the fan on the processor with new (top quality) heat exchange paste, it also pays to clear the dust out of the fan and cooling radiator, after such a cleanout recently my laptop ran 23 degrees cooler, and I can now run it without the processor throttled back to reduce the heat output. so its well worth checking the fan is clean and clear of dust, as then it may not need to run as fast (so quieter) - my fan does not even run until over about 68 degrees. my advent is used daily, is rarely turned off and is still on the original battery- though running time on battery is only about 10 minutes these days, its on its second screen (the cats shut the lid when there was a pen on the keyboard). In the time I have had this my wife has gone through about 5 laptops. ps a paintbrush is good for clearing the dust from the radiator between the fan and the vent slot) Grendel
  23. I wouldnt say Timbo suffers from Dementia.....
  24. Oh dear, and I so looked forward to each and every book, I must search out CMOT Dibbler for a special sausage in a bun for tea. I wonder if he were greeted by a figure that 'SPOKE IN CAPITALS' and got a ride on Binky. Grendel
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