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Everything posted by grendel

  1. no pictures on the 17th, that was the trip from the bure to chedgrave thursday 18th chedgrave to Norwich, with some pics for floydraser
  2. tuesday 16th womak - potter heigham- wroxham - pumphouse on the bure
  3. i particularly like the comparison between these 2 pictures, the bow wave is even the same height
  4. sunday 14th rest day then head down to burgh castle
  5. Friday 12th, Oulton to Beccles (unfortunately all of the video i shot on the trip from oulton to beccles was focussed on the flapping flags on my own boat rather than on those following me.)
  6. I promised pictures, and i have only just downloaded them, so here goes wednesday 10th
  7. many years ago, i went on a fairground ride with some friends, it was one of those where a big circular cage spun around and you were pinned to the sides by the centripetal forces. the exhaust of the diesel running the ride was vented right up the centre of the cage, and as you were being forced outward, you naturally had to breath deeper during the ride. several hours later, and both myself and my friend were suffering from severe nausea and headaches. upon arriving home the next day both of us were still suffering and visited our respective doctors, where diesel poisoning was diagnosed from the (dirty black) fumes from this rides exhaust. a complaint was made and the fairground were made to vent the exhaust outside of the ride, not into the centre. for several years after that i felt nauseous at the merest whiff of diesel fumes.
  8. whilst agreeing that it should be allowed, some consideration for safety of the swimmers is needed, encountering wild swimmers (without marker floats) when coming around a bend in the chet and at the same time finding another boat coming the other way is a typical example, with 2 boats passing, there is just no river left for swimmers, no safe place for them to go, for me, this would be a sensible area to restrict swimming, if only for the swimmers safety. I enjoy a quick dip in the broads when i can find a safe place to do it, and will always make sure i can do so safely (and generally stick fairly close to my boat while doing so)
  9. i darent attempt it, i know how to add a sponsor or remove one, but dont ask me to change the coding for how the links work, as often when i try that it breaks the forum
  10. a little water in the bilge of a wooden boat is quite normal, make sure you have the bilge pump set to auto and also make sure the battery doesnt go flat. most wooden boats will see the auto bilge pump activate at least a couple of times a day, the level they operate at will be dependent upon the level the float is set to. when you do take them out of the water, after they go back in the wood has to swell again so the pump will operate a lot more frequently
  11. I can only think its to catch small objects that are accidentally dropped.
  12. they do cater for those where additional cost = additional quality (even when this is not the case) for some the high cost makes for additional bragging rights over their associates. doing better than the joneses syndrome.
  13. i dont watch tv when aboard (water Rail doesnt have one anyway) but i do take a portable DVD player, this last trip I managed 3 dvd's on the whole trip. I dont watch TV at home either, I do watch DVD,s and Youtube.
  14. well thanks Steve, and thanks to Bill, nice to meet both of you gentlemen, i do hope you managed to get rid of the splinter from that post. you will be pleased to hear Dave got me to Oulton, and took me ashore this morning where I loaded my car and headed home, no great loss as i was planning to come home today.
  15. as far as we can tell, the pump is the only place where diesel can transfer from the fuel system to the sump, dave knows what he is up to so i am sure things will be fine whatever the outcome. it did runaway, but stopped itself before i could get the manual air shutoff (old sink plunger) over the intake, when i checked the sump level was over 6" higher than it should have been.
  16. there are no restrictions i can see on image types, but maybe the forum software is not recognizing the iphone pictures as images.
  17. broadslass account now removed
  18. i dont think the forum has ever manage to handle iphone images in their native format
  19. well a finale to the tale, i spent a comfortable night moored to the houseboat, this morning was spent tidying up and packing everything then it was loaded onto the day boat and i was ferried to the yacht station, where i loaded the car and headed for home. Water rail is going to get her sump drained and flushed with fresh oil, and then checked to see if there is any damage, if the engine is ok, the injector pump will be rebuilt, and things will be fine. if the engine is toast Dave has a BMC that will be fitted.
  20. Lol, no they got me when I paid for the fuel. Anyway a short time later Dave showed up in Chloe Jane and we towed back to the houseboat on oulton broad where I am moored up for the night. While here I have had a go on a paddle board, it's not as easy as it looks but I did manage to paddle right around the houseboat, sitting down then managed to stand up to get back out of the water.
  21. Other ranger passed by and said he would tow me to somerleyton on his return ( he already had a tow he was taking to reedham.
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