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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Upcycler, you will find a lot of respect and support for our armed forces on this site, several members are ex servicemen themselves, many others myself included have lost family members in defence of our nation. Belittling the efforts of anyone who served this country's armed forces, be they Crown Prince or East End barrow boy will not endear you to anyone.
  2. yes engine oil only, not petrol or diesel, or even transmission fluid or diff oil. If they catch you putting anything else in they will get very miffed with you.
  3. Perhaps she knew what the future held and was hoping he'd cop and exocet up the exhaust
  4. Capt. Moore has been knighted, and well deserved too, however a few weeks ago he was made an honorary colonel but I note everyone is referring to him today as Capt. Sir Thomas Moore. Can he not use the title colonel because of the nature of the award?
  5. How Hill https://howhilltrust.org.uk/secret-garden/
  6. it's a type of petrol which is much purer (and more expensive) than the stuff sold for cars. It is produced without all the "dirty" hydrocarbons and is ethanol free which means the spirit is less volatile and doesn't degrade through evaporation like regular petrol. We have a large garden machinery shop in the village which sells it, around a fiver a litre or £20 for 5l. I've used it in my lawnmowers but find no real advantage. If i'm being really attentive they might run slightly smoother but it's hardly noticeable and as they are used weekly at least then there is no chance of unleaded degrading and they are drained down at the end of the season and winterized.
  7. I don't know if these would work, these are the things dentists use to brace a broken tooth to build it up. It's stainless and 0.05mm https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aver-Dental-Matrix-Bands-Siqveland-12-Pieces-Pack-High-Quality-Stainless-Steel/111555168451?var=410545820516&hash=item19f934c8c3:m:mk7EvTWwT-lqdduqUWCCblw
  8. 0.05mm Inox I can only source from China, so lead time are longer, but we're not going anywhere anytime soon. I've never tried cutting stainless so not sure what the results would be like. With aluminium then 0.02 is too thin without bonding it to something, the blade will ruffle corners, the extra hardness of stainless might help.
  9. how thick is the stainless, my graphics cutter can handle metal foils
  10. As the Broads Authority have now confirmed the message conveyed in the original, unedited, unre-edited title of this thread is it not now time to remove those edits and return it to what was originally written?
  11. I wonder how many will have read this and be dangling the maggot on Wednesday claiming "The Broads Authority told me I could"?
  13. I know it was extended until the end of June, but the Chancellor also said last Thursday that he would be meeting with unions and employers to start scaling it down as of this week. I didn't hear anything today to change that.
  14. A strange analogy as normally we refer to sheep as those who follow blindly and unquestioningly, far different to those who wish to push interpretation of the revised regulations. I do agree that once again we have a statement from government mired in ambiguity and uncertainty. One thing is clear however, that the message has changed from "stay home" to "stay alert". I was interested to see Boris's "DefCon" style alert level indicator, and even more so to see that level one indicates that Corona Virus is no longer present in this country. I doubt to see that in my lifetime. The total eradication of Corona Virus will take many, many years. Hopefully well before that medical science will have provided some kind of vaccine or treatment that can limit it's impact on our population but no vaccine works for everyone, and no treatment is 100% successful. People will be dying from the effects of Corona Virus for many years to come, and we cannot hide inside our homes for ever. It was very clear that the assumption of Government now is that if you cannot work from home then you should be working in your normal place of employment and that the onus for ensuring this is done safely has been placed at the door of industry and commerce. I wonder how long before Government ends furlough, no more than another week or two at most would be my guess, we simply can't afford it. The fact that garden centers have been told they may reopen later this week as long as they can maintain social distancing is an indication that government were going to change the lock down definitions today as nothing sold at a garden center could be classed as essential. Many people seem to be treating this situation as black and white, we stay home until it is safe to go outside again. If only it were that simple, it is about managing the risks as effectively as possible whilst getting the country moving again, something which is already happening across Europe.
  15. Paul


    Way back when, in the days that Hoseason's were owned by Jimmy and still had it's offices in Oulton Broad we used to book and pay the deposit to Hoseasons then sent the balance to the yard along with the little slip with extras needed like b+w tv for 5/- a week and grocery list.
  16. could somebody please tell Mr Vader he was a bit premature, it's Star Wars day today, not Saturday.
  17. Paul


    If you wish to complain then the policy now is to contact Citizens Advice who if after reviewing your circumstances and believe you have a valid case and done all you can already can pass it on to authorities such as the CMA on your behalf, but you cannot approach the CMA directly. It's a kind of triage service to stop the CMA being inundated with unreasonable claims though the CAB are not very happy being used in such a manner. As Hoseasons are members of ABTA then you should complain to them first, they are the industry watchdog and CAB will insist on that being done before processing your complaint any further. Their solicitors will review your case and whilst they cannot impose a settlement they can advise you impartially and warn their member company if they feel you have a valid case against them. In these circumstances the operator will almost always comply with ABTA's ruling. The CMA might from time to time appeal for anyone with a complaint against a certain company to contact them but this will only happen after they have received what they feel are valid complaints from CAB and wish to gather additional evidence. Hoseasons, you can be certain will be acting within the terms of their booking conditions, which for most travel companies have a force majeure exclusion limiting their liability if the holiday cannot be taken for reasons outside their own control. It will specify what they will do but will normally exclude a full refund. Of the cases Which have highlighted on each occasion Hoseasons have offered to rebook the same holiday at the same price in 2021, so claims of people being forced to pay loads of extra money or taking holidays planned for summer during the winter are typical press over reactions. The test here will be firstly if the force majeure limitation in their booking conditions is legal, but there have been many tests of this in the past which have ruled that it is, and if indeed it is then does lock down qualify as "force majeure."
  18. In which case we will be in lock down for the next twenty years. It might come as a shock but Government are aware that every step taken to ease lock down will put people at risk, and there unenviable job will be to balance that risk against the need to get our economy moving.
  19. Then I'm glad I wasn't the one behind him. He struggles a bit on the ascents but by crikey he can't half shift going down hill.
  20. having read that, the "side effects" that they lead with such as autoimmune disorder, kidney failure and blood clots are all known side effects of many pulmonary disorders including viral pneumonia. I was the main carer for my late aunt for several years before she died. A near fatal dose of whooping cough as a child and smoking in her younger years had left her with significant damage to both lungs and she spent her last ten years or so fighting the effects of bronchiectasis and COPD. Among the many pills she took daily were several to suppress her natural immune system and others to thin her blood and prevent clotting. As well as getting oxygen into the blood it is the job of the lungs to get rid of the CO2 back into the air you exhale. As they become damaged or blocked by infection the lungs cannot do that and a condition called hypercapnia sets in. It's a vicious circle, you pump oxygen in to increase blood sats which increases the blood co2 level which you can't then "pump out". My aunt lived with blood oxygen sats of 86 - 88%, well below a healthy adult because otherwise she became hypercapnic and quickly disorientated as the co2 in the blood stops the absorption of oxygen from it by key organs, such as the brain and kidneys. This can quickly lead to brain and kidney damage. Eventually I became so adept at spotting her symptoms and so knowledgeable about the medial terms what when the paramedic or ambulance attended they thought the information given to 999 came from a doctor.
  21. Austerity and eggs in one basket come to mind
  22. cream of tartar, mix to a paste with warm water and apply with a toothbrush. whilst in boots recently they had Colgate 360 electric brushes half price at £3, they are disposable in that you can't replace the battery of the head but did around all the aluminium trim on our caravan and made a lovely job. Still working well so it's gone in my tool box for similar jobs in the future, or in case I ever have aluminium teeth fitted
  23. Ssshhhhh Carole, you'll have everybody heading to Aldi at that time, it's our favourite too. though if I can't hold back the excitement of my weekly trip out of the house then I often find 3pm is reasonably quiet too.
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