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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. I suspect the reason is right in front of you... The theory is great but we all want the others to join our team rather than we give up our little bit and join theirs!
  2. I've seen some threads go off topic but this one will take some beating! Moorings to Reliants in what.... 18 posts?
  3. Is that not a long way to have to go just to edit a film?
  4. It's like being in an episode of Taggert...
  5. Oh ye of little faith Don't need them down south, weather always perfect, water clear and moorings friendly. If it wasn't for the dragons I'd recommend the place!
  6. I have done this! (for 6 weeks Sept-Oct 2013). My mooring owner was fine with it and my insurance company viewed my borrowed mooring as a temporary stay. Next season I shall look to 'buddy up' again for a month swapping my southern mooring for a northern one.
  7. That is looking the biz! A quick question, I notice from the notches in the models aft most bulkhead that BA seems to have a chine, two stringers and then a separate beam shelf just above the upper stringer rather than utilising the upper stringer itself. Is she unique in this or was that a Powles trait?
  8. Martham Boats used to advise running the engine in gear when making hot water whilst moored. Possibly they still do?
  9. Indoors is good, that way we can keep an eye on you! And congrats on your post count. I guess the powers that be are currently en route with your long service medal, a cake and, obviously, a plaster for your typing finger!
  10. I seem to remember a training session not that long ago when they used Colmans for launching to access the area including Tea Gardens. In fact they used Colmans when that lady broke her foot at the Tea Gardens mooring and had to be taken off the boat. Not sure Shaun's slipway is the ideal option.
  11. It was more as a comparison really. And its the only boat we have with hour meters
  12. This is Mystic Melody. She has twin BMC Commodores (3.8ltr). She was built in the 70's. Her engines hour meters show just under 1700hrs on starboard and 1850 odd on port (this one makes hot water). That's her total running in over 40 years. The engines are, as you would expect, like new.
  13. Still got my original.... BMC 1500 (1964). We know its the original because old Herby Woods used to stick the engine manufacturers plate in the engine bay with the engine number on it. Mine is still there and the numbers match.
  14. A friend of mine made a steamer by taking the pipe off a wall paper stripper and bunging it in the end of a piece of 2" waste pipe. Was perfect for small jobs.
  15. Be careful, there are some very shallow areas around the entrance. I may have mentioned this elsewhere...
  16. Yes, another superb trip down memory lane. Excellent
  17. He has landed! Well, in the early hours this morning to be honest, and I have enjoyed hearing all about your weekend together. All I can say is WOW! What a fun weekend you all seem to have had. The weather was kind, the boats magnificent and the owners so very enthusiastic. 17 of the 18 boats booked attended (we are only allowed 18) and nearly all were opened up for everyone to drool over. This year we managed to get things better organised (you will remember his knibs was not well in the lead up to last years show) with a programme, and some 'open' signs which worked really well. It is really such a treat to be allowed aboard these boats and travel back in time for the day. Its fascinating to see the different solutions to the same problems and the variations in designs throughout craft of similar ages. Its the opening of the boats that really brings all the owners together. Once you have been through someones drawers you just cant help but be friends This years quiz was based on the boats attending with a question about each boat (as well as some dodgy answers ) Luckily our owners took it in good spirit (being asked 20 times what your boats previous name was especially when you cant remember it yourself was interesting to say the least) and it was fun to see lots of people up and down the quay with their blue questionaires! Egg heads on the day were Jax (Missouri Star) and Chris (Kingfisher) both with a perfect 20. Five people came a close 2nd though on 19! As some of you will know, we have a judging competition of sorts. The question is... Once you have had a look round the boats on display today it is time to choose the boat you would most like to take home with you. You can’t vote for your own boat of course and you may choose using any criteria you like, (nicest curtains, shiny varnish, best chrome, etc). Lynsey will be coming round and collecting these pink slips about 15.45 so have them ready. The boat I would most like to take home, apart from my own is... Of course its all fiercely competitive! This year we gave away certificates.... to those receiving the most votes. This years winner was Missouri Star Runner Up Georgia Third Place Star Premier And we gave out four 'highly commended' to Nipper, Tabitha Rose, Mystique and Judith M. We also managed to have a momento of the event organised so every boat now has one of these hanging in the galley.. There was one final award on the day. It is to be known as the JANET ANNE AWARD and we will be awarding one next year as well... be warned Tim! This award was given to the person who failed to get their boat finished. Yup we won it! It will live on my dashboard, pride of place. There will be some event pictures to follow as soon as I get them gathered up but they have not arrived yet! And finally.... yes at last (!) a huge thank you to those that attended and made the event the success that it was. Roll on 2017!
  18. I reckon it was exactly as Peter pictured it. I was there yesterday....
  19. Or believed most of the time.... And a cheery welcome from me too
  20. That fleet are really so run into the ground they need either a total refit or replacement. It's such a shame that this is one of the images visitors to Oulton Broad take with them. Admittedly those boats don't do a lot of work but looking at the state of them I suspect would be customers are put off. Would you hire one? Like Mike and many others on here, I well remember that fleet of 24 nicely painted day boats that there was a queue for day in day out. What we have now is almost embarrassing.
  21. Yes I had guessed as much Robert. seems that fortnights "Sun hotter than the Rio Olympics" was somewhat optimistic! Its a long haul in poor weather.
  22. Does this help? (shamelessly pinched from Carol's thread of pictures from last years event)
  23. Sail her across tomorrow and you'll probably make 20 knots with a reef in!
  24. She's a good little boat, she'll enjoy a splash around on her way down
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