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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. Only 7... been away too long Did get no 9 OK to though Got no 3 and I think no 6 wrong and had a fat fenders moment on no 2
  2. On the subject of bss I need someone able to do my hull survey (woodie of course) and a bss at the same time. Currently out the water in a barn in Buntingford Hertfordshire . Can anyone recommend somebody?
  3. There is no "Welcome to Wroxham" sign on the river by the way, however, I am lead to believe it is well signposted by road We all know our way about through experience but map reading is no longer taught in schools and the slow travel times afloat can easily be a factor as well.
  4. A newbie recently had a nibble with Wroxham bridge, got himself out of trouble, moored upstream and then called the yard for advice. The engineer arrives and, after checking all was OK and damage minimal, pointed out to the hirer that the pilot was to be used at Wroxham etc etc. "Oh," says the newbie "is this Wroxham"?...
  5. See, natural selection. I rest my case!
  6. Surely someone wanting a chainsaw will obtain one anyway irrespective of whether it comes from the high street or the internet? If responsibility of use is down to the retailer we had better all return our kitchen knives immediately Before health and safety it was called natural selection!
  7. Same here! Excellent but the prices... wow!
  8. Nothing anyone will admit to!
  9. We survived the quiz tonight, well most of us did but Mike managed an unlucky 13 points and won! So guess who is question master next week? Thanks to all who braved the elements and turned up.
  10. Oh, by the way,its 20.30 start and will go on for about an hour or so.
  11. Just a reminder that there is a quiz offered tonight if there are enough participants. Yes, I know some of you floaty boaters are off on the rivers trying to escape but never fear, I will come back next week and catch you all then!!
  12. As has been said previously There be dragons...
  13. Here it is as requested and, as long as I dont get myself banned or deleted, this one may last the year! I was supposed to run last weeks quiz but had to cancel at short notice when the boss got called up north with work. I did put details on the old thread which then duly disappeared () so if anyone turned up I'm sorry. All this computer stuff is way over my handrails... Anyway, I shall be in the chat room next monday ready and waiting. If it turns up you are all afloat I shall defer to the following week. everyone
  14. I cant seem to find the thread for the quiz! It was here yesterday because I posted on it (and Polly replied!) but its not here now... Bet that Pesky Mod has borrowed it for something
  15. Didn't Laser always play Abba's 'Thank you for the music' as their sign off every night?
  16. Cheese eh? Cracking idea Gromit!
  17. Ah.... it's good to be a boat! All my worn out bits get renewed when needed. The fact that it takes a collection of you old wrinklies to achieve that is completely irrelevant (I am actually extremely grateful)
  18. Or maybe I am... http://thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/topic/9855-moorehen-1/#comment-144695
  19. Not sure that is the right boat Iain? If you look at Derek's other thread on here (sorry, not smart enough to be able to put a link in) you will see a very different set of pictures to the ones in the link.
  20. The artist formally known as Prince is now the former artist known as Prince
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