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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. Yes Peter, we could drag the keel through the silt but we have been stuck fast for over an hour before now which is stressful, inconvenient, annoying and to be honest, if you did not have any certainty of getting back to your mooring, would you risk leaving it? Nor would the majority on here. And yes, the boat has deteriorated. It's worth a quarter of what we paid for it now and it's hard to maintain any interest in what has become just a money pit.
  2. As you know, we have a sailing boat in Catfield Dyke which we can't get out due to shallow water. Two seasons now it's been stuck there, we can't use it and we can't sell it because the new owners would have the same problem. But not to worry BA are "aware of the issue" and will review it in the future.
  3. The obvious way to sort the 'problem' would be to double up on the number of posts as in fill in the gaps. But, is it really such an issue? I mean boats spending a few hours on the putty turns a holiday into an adventure and very rarely is there any harm done. Poor Jaws will never get his night with the birds at this rate because he will be rescued, towed and reported on long before the mud appears under his keel, whether he wants to or not. A lot of years ago we used to regularly take the local schools ornithology club to Breydon and hang off a post while the tide went and returned. These days you never see anyone stopped for pleasure such is the big bad wolf that piece of water had become. Still looks exactly the same to me though...
  4. And there was me thinking running the following quiz was an incentive not to win
  5. Ignore me chap. Next time I shall read what you wrote (cockpit sides) and not what I thought you wrote (cabin sides) I blame the lack of chocolate...
  6. Looks good to me chap. Does the mast go through the hole in the top? Surprised RT's cabin sides are not lost tongue though?
  7. Once the season comes to an end I would happily be quizmaster on a rota system. How about a six slot or eight slot rota? Someone clever can put a calendar at the top of the quiz thread and we can fill it in for all to see. Just can't get there at the minute with everything else that's going on this end. End of September onwards and happy to be involved again. I do miss it though
  8. Behave yourself you wee scamp! Just because you have survived us for two years doesn't mean you're safe.
  9. And Mr Wildfuzz Sir, you need a wooden boat in your life! The combination of your skills and a nice woodie would lead to something really special. You can practice on me anytime, happy to fit in around shifts...
  10. Careful, you'll get this lot started!
  11. The best timber we have used so far have been two mahogany steps rescued from Norwich Debenhams staircase when the store was refitted. They now form part of the cabin side framework and the colour, now varnished, is beautiful. Reclaimed wood is far better quality than the modern equivalent. We can tell if it's old because the first thing we have to do is sharpen the chisels!
  12. I tend to think that, in my case, more by luck than judgement!
  13. Has anyone told WOBYC that?
  14. Don't you wait till you are 6ft from the ground and jump? After all, we can all jump 6ft!
  15. That's tempting. If we could take our house with us we could move back to Lowestoft much easier!
  16. I guess that would depend on who was retraining who?
  17. Well its a shame to hear that another woodie is leaving the network. I am quite sure the locks on the Thames let alone the hundreds of day boats and launches will be far kinder to her than the occasional knock on the broads. As far as the Broads Authority and wooden boats go (and I cant believe I am saying this as I do so enjoy BA bashing at every opportunity) but I have found the exact opposite to Derek. The majority of the rangers are enthusiastic about the boats and quite often stop for a chat if they have time. Head ranger Adrian Vernon was instrumental in ensuring the survival of Janet Anne when she fell on hard times and it was only through his efforts that we were able to rescue her. Of course he could have just done nothing and put the digger through her, it would have been easier for him! As the man who runs part of Tingdene's Harleyford Marina told me a couple of years ago when we took one of our boats down "Cant be doing with woodies here. They are hard work and then we break them up" At least they had a nice new machine to do the job, and it was good to see where our huge mooring fees are going!
  18. Email Addy... beccleswoodenboatshow@aol.com
  19. Oops, can someone delete the above? Now where was I? Ah yes... I have just been hauled over the coals by the Pesky One.... he was very gentle It seems the NBN office have received correspondence from people wanting to book into the Beccles show. Could anyone wanting info or details etc please contact me direct either by email or pm otherwise I may have another visit from the caber wielding one
  20. Yeah, come on oh Pesky one, get ya self together. my owner wants to meet you as well.... over a jar of course!
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