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Everything posted by imtamping2

  1. Signs being removed now 07/06/2023
  2. Blame nobody , the cost is correct but the timescale wrong … the £1 rent is what BA have been paying for 20 years …… a pretty good deal if I may say so …..the problem has arisen as it would appear they wished to continue with this arrangement …… not realistic when you look at the toll increases over the last 20 years I’m sure you will agree …..
  3. Not at all , just supplying facts , unlike others .
  4. The steel piling at Langley are in very good condition and probably better than most other mooring , so that’s that one out the window ..
  5. I really can’t wait for BA’s statement …..I more at Langley Dyke and trying to get BA to replace posts ripped out of the moorings was a joke ….the most BA did at these moorings was cut the grass now and again and um um um …. Absolutely disgusting a very well loved mooring just thrown away by the Quango that needs dismantling ….
  6. I suspect there will be no comment until the 12th ….
  7. In the case of Langley Dyke the above is not the case .
  8. Not rumours or hearsay I’m afraid signs come down on Langley Dyke on the 12th of June .
  9. Might be worth putting at least 1 pic on your thread , as not all members know your boat .
  10. Don't think so , I think that may be a Reading Herring ..........
  11. For those that have enquired it can be couriered or I can bring it to The Broads next time .
  12. I bought this a while ago to replace my current electric loo but managed to fix mine I'm now selling that boat so this is going up,for sale as no longer need a back up .. Fresh or Raw water flushing . follow the link for more details from ASAP https://www.asap-supplies.com/products/jabsco-deluxe-flush-fresh-water-electric-toilet-24v-14-straight-jab-58080-1024?cid=1708396238&adgpid=68201959153&itemid=&targid=aud-505845117962:pla-311394018144&mt=&loc=9045381&ntwk=g&dev=c&dmod=&adp=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_JWOBhDRARIsANymNOayyoad5b6McHtrvPmFaw69KbmZkTbF0xMkmcBET99dDAWdzqw_4DIaAuFIEALw_wcB Of course a contribution to the coffers will be made if it sells here
  13. Windboats 27 ....polyfilla has now been superseded by postcrete , a quicker and smoother finish.....not forgetting the chicken wire of course .
  14. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/annual-toll/annual-toll-check?reg_query=586m Reg No Boat Name Make 2020-21 toll 586M BLUEBELLE DIJON Unpaid SAY NO MORE !!!!!
  15. 586M Bluebelle as above 14 foot Dejon ...... has been seen being launched at Reedcutters Cantley
  16. Yes Griiff , your not wrong there ....thats why I think people need to be aware of who he is , what boat he has and where he launches it , as I dont think his Fine / Sentence was any where near a deterrent..... ..... He has done it before , he did it again and who knows what he will do next but as I said forewarned is Forearmed .....
  17. Thats the one but that is the old boat pictured which was confiscated .
  18. Just to get this thread back on course , it should be known that this thief cut ropes towed, stripped and left 2 boats to drift on the River Yare and broke into more than 4 others vandalising and stealing ...... Whilst he was on remand he bought another boat undoubtedly with the proceeds of his crimes and continued to have use of the Broads for " His own means ". In my opinion the sentence is very poor ..... one boat owner sold his boat and will not return such was the devastation they felt. It narks me that he got such a light sentence and can continue using and enjoying the Broads when others had to give up this pleasure because of his actions . You all know his name but I think it is fair that we should all know what boat to look out for ....... I have seen him on this boat recently. ....we all have a right to protect whats ours from scumbags like this , and forewarned is forearmed http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=37559 (photo removed as it was copyright and only showed a similar boat, not the one in question- mods team)
  19. Im on the Southern Broads ......3 is the best for me ......ere is a good deal for you......12gb that lasts for 12 months ....Bargain.. https://www.mymemory.co.uk/3-payg-4g-trio-data-sim-pack-with-12gb-data.html
  20. Sorry I have to disagree with the last statement, having had many rover cars and knowing my way around them like the back of my hand......you would have to go somewhat to beat a rover 420gsdi (with the L series diesel engine)for its reliability ,spec ,fuel consumption and comfort on a pound for pound basis....... Just my two pennies worth
  21. Or a tunnel..............................
  22. Told ya........"there be DRAGONS .........."
  23. Awesome.....Brilliant.....Well done !!
  24. Drill through poly blocks until you reach bottom then insert a Waste oil removal pump tube add to pump and away you go.... Oh and dont forget to seal up the new whole after ...lol
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