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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Wow! That looks amazing. Nothing but cloud here in Essex!!
  2. You might be surprised. There was a photo of a boat on one of the FB groups a few days ago. Someone bothered to take the photo and upload onto social media to say that boat looks in trouble. Mud weight down and sideways across the river in the wind. Not one person who replied, including the OP, said they had tried to find out if they needed help or even called it in to the boatyard or other appropriate authority.
  3. Great photo. Enjoy your day wherever you are moving on to this morning.
  4. I think what it basically says is that if you book directly with the yard then they should be charging you the lower VAT rate reducing the overall cost of your holiday if all of the conditions apply such as when you book etc. If they don’t then they must be increasing their base price to add less VAT and charge you the same amount. I still think this was designed to help businesses by getting consumers spending not as a way for the business to increase their prices. Just my opinion and I’m no expert. So respect for other viewpoints.
  5. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. Lovely photos. And you’re right. Things have been so uncertain for so many people this year. I know that we have looked at things in a different way that we took for granted other years.
  6. Safe travels and have a great time Ian and Marina. You’ve waited a long time for this. Hope the weather picks up for you. :)
  7. I think I've only moored on Salhouse Spit once overnight. But I do recall that it was a lovely mooring. And not that many boats seemed to use it.
  8. That's a great write-up. Please do add any return trips to the holiday tales section. I've posted a few topics there when I've done similar weeks to that which you described, and I don't think anyone minds. It's great to hear about places around the Broads. We typically think of the boating holidays but there are other places to see when you're travelling by road. It's not the same arriving somewhere by car as arriving by boat, but you can still have a great time. We upgraded our caravan a couple of years ago and added a deck. Really good decision for getting the most out of it on a fine day.
  9. Of course schools should be going back this week. The bank holiday Monday is as late as it can be this year. So maybe families are now having to get ready for children to go back to school this week and not able to be away on holiday. Everything I'm reading on social media sounds as if the boatyards are still really busy for September though. I had a week out in September a few years back ... I would have to think twice before doing that again. I think so many couples had waited for the school holidays to be over that we were mooring up at lunchtime and not moving on because everywhere was so busy.
  10. Lovely photo. Have a great time. I did hear that the worst of the rain was staying away from the east of Norfolk and Suffolk. Local forecast I saw at lunchtime looked as if you might get some rain overnight tonight and strong northerly winds down the coast tomorrow.
  11. I think Barnes take their own boats through. I wonder whether the new handover processes have Iimited their time to do so. Or availability of their staff.
  12. Ah that does sound on the small side. We own one that’s 35 x 10 and keep it on a small site. No facilities, which keeps the site fees down, and mostly owners with a few that are rented out.
  13. Welcome along! Do you have any holidays booked back on the Broads at the moment?
  14. You get used to that but I always look for the yellow post and the state of the tide whenever we drive over Breydon Bridge. How are you liking the caravan?
  15. Pubs are so overrated other than to save me having to cook a meal! Don’t see the attraction myself. Give me a nice quiet mooring away from any traffic and too many people, somewhere to watch the world go by.
  16. I would just forget the pub! Langley Dyke is a lovely first night mooring from Brundall.
  17. Always enjoyed lunch at the Wayford Bridge Inn but haven’t been there for a while so many thanks for the update. We have always found their food to be amongst the best offered by the local eateries. Fantastic photos too. Should be some great entries if we have a calendar this year.
  18. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this boat. Herbert Woods is one yard we’ve never hired from. But I can confirm that Ferry Marina’s shoeboxes are lovely inside. Look forward to hearing more from you.
  19. Hello and welcome to the forum. The gardens at Somerleyton House are worth a visit. And away from the Broads given you have a car, we enjoyed a visit to Bungay. Love visiting Potter Heigham and highly recommend a stop into Bridgestone’s for a snack or a meal. From being out recently and experience at home, my biggest advice would be to book at least a week ahead if you have anything you particularly want to do. It’s less easy to be spontaneous with all the reduced capacity and social distancing.
  20. Well ... since you mention it ... my hubby is very tall so the bed is always the most important feature for us. Just want to be sure that it is an island bed that you can walk around ... well, maybe stoop around as it's under the bow. Headroom is always an issue.
  21. Welcome to the forum Tex. I don't know the answer to your question as I've never wild moored ... but I'm sure that someone will be along soon to answer your question. :)
  22. Welcome to Chickpea and to Kitch22. The community here is great and we love to hear from new members ... and all boat reviews and holiday tales are gratefully received. Will be interested to hear how you like the Broom Captain, Chickpea. I've been looking at that one for a long time. And would like to get back to the southern rivers ... that might be the boat to tempt me. Either that or an 11 night holiday from the north ... not that I've done Breydon Water yet!! We used to hire from Swancraft when they were running a hire fleet out of Brundall a few years ago now.
  23. Lovely to hear you’ve made it back to the Broads. Have a great time. I think Cockshoot is one of those places you can easily miss if you don’t know it’s there.
  24. Definitely a lot less windy on the coast at Lowestoft today. Been a day of sunny spells with some hot sunshine and no rain. :)
  25. Nice job Ian. Good use of your time I’m sure. Hope you’re keeping well.
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