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Everything posted by Islander

  1. Quite correct Paladine, it's just not been implemented yet. It is rumoured this will be soon once the legal team have dotted all the I,s and crossed all the t,s. The last I heard the day boat company were still waiting for a contract. Colin
  2. Paladin, the old system still applies. I.e. 24hrs Max stay with no return within 24hrs. Penalty charge still as old bylaws which I think was 30 shillings. Colin
  3. Hi Alan, I must admit I don't remember the boat you refer to but I'm sure I would if I saw it again. More recently, how is this for a picnic boat. I've been told it's all electric and moors in Brundall. The boat without windows is Lady Linda....still work in progress Colin
  4. Interesting read that no known owner for Thorpe river green yet the local council intend letting moorings there. I will sit and read the whole report when I have time. I wonder what amendments are to be made and by whom. Colin
  5. Hi Alan, I've always loved the classic Italian style speedboat. Unless I start buying a lottery ticket I don't think I will be having one and a bit overkill just to cross the river at Thorpe. It would certainly turn some heads though. Robin what about a dory with a wheel helm rather than tiller steer. Same length as a speedboat but with much more room. Colin
  6. If you want a Broom with a bit of comfort then the Capricorn is a roomy boat and the 4.3l v6 merc should cope with the tides here . Or you could go for one of these if you want to be noticed. The Gemini actually made a perfect picnic boat. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong but some of the boats had front seats that could be turned to face aft for picnicking. Should you decide to buy one of these classic Brooms then please take a close look at the floor. Some didn't have marine ply. Repairable but time consuming. If the carpet is badly fitted it was the one I did. The glue was good though. Happy hunting. Colin
  7. Thank you Q, we are now much the wiser and will make the effort. It was just the thought of having to cross the bridge twice and then back up the hill for the shuttle. We still enjoyed watching those having a trial sail. We may well be able to attend your regatta even to just watch and drink tea. Colin
  8. We had a wonderful day. Arrived about 10:30 and used the shuttle from Bewilderwood. Spent a good while chatting with Broads Beat, finally signed up for the 'green book' and talked to Peachments about our recent failure of a Victron charger and new engines. Walked to the riverside part of the show but were unable to get the the sailing club as Ruth's arthritis was not going to let us cross that bridge twice. Eventually made our way back to the recreation ground and a rest back at BB. Had a further chat with Amy. Decided to move on to Wroxham for a look round Norfolk Marine where I found Boulters were £20 cheaper for the same 110Ah battery. Back home to Norwich after an excellent day. Next trip out will be the Museum of the Broads jumble next Sunday. Colin
  9. Show boats arriving Colin
  10. Don't forget that a section of this mooring must be kept for demasting etc. Colin
  11. I think the £750,000 would be better spent on more 24hr moorings . That's not going to happen, is it. Any development of this site that is likely to increase visitors coming by road will require better access and much more parking. The 3rr attracts quite a few onlookers. The overspill park on the verge of the main road. Although this may not be listed as an accident hotspot I'm sure the number of near misses must be high. Refurbish, update or replace the existing shop and buy the toilet block off the borough council and add showers and laundry plus waste bins. Visitorcentre? Wrong place IMHO . Colin
  12. Ok, I'll join in. Now you know how old I am. Colin
  13. We have an RM69 too. Had one pump rebuild in 17 years of liveaboards use. Colin
  14. Thanks Timbo, I think I will stick to using it indoors but I do like the finish. I will get back to sanding right back again when the weather improves. Colin
  15. Thanks Vaughan and Timbo. Interesting reading. I have used both Epifanes and Ronseal outdoor, both have given good results but good old Ronseal has lasted better! Is anyone using Danish Oil, if so, with what results. Colin
  16. I'm going to say nothing otherwise I will end up on the naughty step Colin
  17. Lulu, how long can you cross your legs for. Colin
  18. WD40 has many uses in the mechanical world but be very careful where you use it in electronics. As mentioned it will degrade some plastics and rubber will absorb it and swell up. This can actually cause items to stick more than be freed. Dave I would be interested to know what Bete mean by switch gear. As for waterproofing and rust prevention it's great. Robin, your Mr Sheen may just do the trick.
  19. Hi Robin, be sparing with servisol. It is known to degrade some plastics at an alarming rate. I have used it for many years in both the TVs trade and music world. We use to use it on channel change switch banks, some would respond well and then all fall to bits in a few weeks. Try operating them while holding a vacuum nozzle close by also brushing with a clean (new) toothbrush. This hopefully will remove the tiny bits of debris causing them to stick. Should you feel it necessary to try a lubricant you could try ptfe or silicone but please don't try WD40. If all else fails there is Brian Wards Colin
  20. Shaw? Where did that come from. I think I'm loosing it... If only I can remember what it was. Colin
  21. I always wanted one of those . I drive a Mercedes est now which I can get an 8X4 sheet of ply on. I'm quite shaw neither of us would be able to get in a Dino let alone get out again without help. Colin
  22. I've just cleared my text box as it has all been said. Do I think this event in its present format should go ahead. No. That's my honest opinion. Will I be in the Beccles area that weekend. Not if this event goes ahead. Colin
  23. The good ones don't need to shout about it. Nice work Richard Colin
  24. I think a frigate may be Robins next purchase . Colin
  25. Stearn or stern, I new what I meant. I blame my lack of interest in English at skool Colin
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