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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. YnysMon


    Confused here…have you returned or haven’t you?
  2. I’m surprised it fired up. I did have a kindle, but it won’t switch on, probably because I only used it once in a blue moon, which probably knackered the battery. Having kindle on my tablet is handy, except when I want to use it outside when there’s too much reflection on the screen. Sigh…wish my kindle hadn’t died.
  3. Hope you get some serious interest in the boat soon. If finances would allow we’d be queuing up. I certainly think you have your priorities right though. Hope someone will look after me if I last that long.
  4. And mine! We had a bit of an explosion in our house last week. At least it sounded like one. Alec had lit our wood burner, and it went off BOOM! I was in the next room. The glass hadn’t exactly shattered but a big chunk had blown out from near the top of the pane and smaller pieces from near the handle. Thank goodness none of the pieces hit him and the dogs were out with Graham, so weren’t traumatised.
  5. YnysMon


    We are looking forward to 30th December when we are next on the Broads, especially now that eldest son Harry has finally got confirmation that he has that week off, so we can have a family New Year together afloat. That’s a first. First time with two dogs too.
  6. YnysMon


    Have a wonderful time! By the way, where’s the photo from?
  7. Thanks Jean. It’s taken me a while to catch up with the video. My cousin visited for an extended weekend, so it’s been a bit difficult to keep up!
  8. Looks beautiful. I love the colour of the reeds and trees in the sunshine this time of the year.
  9. So there may be an extra option for dining in future if you moor at Salhouse? The Fur and Feather seems to have gone through quite a few changes in management the past few years and a bit up and down in reviewers opinion. Isn’t competition supposed to be good? I hope it won’t result in both venues being unsustainable.
  10. I think once the lovely bundle arrives the memory of the morning sickness quickly fades. I get the impression from Catherine that she felt the (more than) discomfort was well worth the resulting little bundle of joy.
  11. We have one of those ridiculously big sofas with a bend at one end. But when Harry chooses to lean against the sofa the mutts decide to lean against him. Normally they have the sofa to themselves.
  12. Is Colchester Inns the lot that own the Recruiting Sergeant, or am I getting muddled?
  13. Thanks for giving us an update Kate. I’m so glad the funeral went so well for you and your family. Glad to hear too that you sleep so peacefully on the boat, somehow I’ve got into a routine of not sleeping well the first few nights of each of our trips, which is silly, as otherwise I’m very relaxed. Your poor daughter. Hope things get better as she progresses through the pregnancy. I can’t remember…is this the first grandchild?
  14. Thanks Jean, I’ve been a bit slow catching up with much of the forum today, so your tale of your November adventure has been a very pleasant read this evening. Looking forward to the video. I see you’ve discovered the comfort of having the electric hook up during the colder months, and why not. I was surprised to read that you didn’t come across any Richardson’s or Herbie Woods cruisers. They were quite numerous when we on MS the first two week of November last year. Have they changed their winter booking policies?
  15. Indeed! That’s just plain inconsiderate.
  16. Our boys (men) had great use of the sailing dinghy from HPC last July. I wouldn't want to have one permanently for Moonlight Shadow though.
  17. I do like these threads that completely go off the rails in a happy way during the winter months. It helps to keep us all sane (though you wouldn't think it sometimes by the content). Better than those threads that used to surface this time of the year to just bash something (usually the BA).
  18. That's a shame. I'm sure a dinghy is a good insurance, particularly in the summer months, if you want to go to somewhere like Ranworth and be sure you can get to the pub, even if there's no room left on the staithe.
  19. Horning Pleasurecraft have dinghies, both rowing and sail, and they have a small, but very well-cared for hire fleet. They even hired one of their sailing dinghies out to us last summer… we have a share in a syndicate boat that is moored up in their Marina. If you want to know how we got on with the dinghy, check out my ‘Carried away by a Moonlight Shadow’ thread in the holiday tales section. We hired the dinghy during our July week.
  20. The foil trays are quite a lot thicker. Personally I’m trying to limit the use of tin foil and cling film as much as possible. I’ve come across a ‘recipe’ for making some beeswax food coverings that act as an alternative food covers and can be reused. Bought my beeswax, have lots of material, just need to do it!
  21. Agree…these disposable trays are being sold as an easy option at Christmas to save washing up. You can only recycle them if you wash them. Nigella has a lot to answer for. My recollection is that she was the first TV cook to recommend them as a way to cut down on ‘work’ for Christmas.
  22. He replied to a query I posted asking why he was so well informed about the Broads. He was a local lad! Grew up in a certain village that has a medieval bridge and a tat emporium. Sorry, I didn’t mean that, actually the real village is some way away from those attractions. On the other side of the main road.
  23. I really enjoyed this vlog from a guy following the Wherryman’s Way, starting out from Norwich. He sounds well informed. I’d hadn’t known that one of the medieval towers that you pass on the way to the Yacht Station is referred to as ‘Devil’s Tower’, nor that Colman’s factory was built on the site of a medieval priory.
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