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Everything posted by Malanka

  1. What does it actually say ? BA has been showing her tags like she does now for decades. Just like Zena. just think . If it costs more to take folks to court than they would get in a fine ( even supposing they had the proverbial cat in hell’s chance of actually winning) and of course it will, how could they justify this as a revenue builder when it actually costs more than they get. just a thought for the next committee meeting..... I wonder how much it’s cost already ? In “good will” they are already in a deficit so deep they will lose so much support it’s insane. Seems a little counterproductive to me. I’ll wager it was a bean counter wot thunk it up. M
  2. Malanka and I will be at Malthouse Friday night and then CinCing to Salhouse, can’t promise cupcakes like last time but hey ho. Staying over and enjoying catching up with everyone then staying floating until the following Saturday then schlepping back in Millie. See you all soon M
  3. A short hop then! I’m coming to the spring meet ( woo hoo) and that’s 1760miles round trip.. not including the North Sea crossing.. M
  4. Pollyyyyyyy, I have been released to come and enjoy myself so am I too late to sign up to everything ? M
  5. Gloria Gaynor. No no more to say.... lol
  6. As I wrote earlier I don’t believe they would be able to enforce anything not in the regs. The rangers have obviously received some instructions not necessarily predicated on the regs but on their own guidance. In that case knock yourselves out guys. The guidelines are not the law they are for guidance. I have met people in other industries who like to believe their opinion or what they think or they believe carries more weight than the alternate view. These people start sentences with I “think that” and when you respond in the negative or anything other than 100% adherence they begin their instantaneous retort with “yes” followed by “but!!” This shows they aren’t interested in what you just said and they probably barely heard it. They may have listened seemingly intently when all they were really doing was preparing their next sentence which will not address anything you may have said. Hence yes followed by but. My standard response to this is to not say anything and introduce the pregnant pause and wait for them to answer the points I just made. It’s fun you should try it.
  7. Sorry that’s a misquote by me they said 2.1 to 2.2m. Approximately 2m would and has been interpreted to mean on the curved bit it seems. Ok with me M
  8. They want them no more than1.2 m from the bow. Guidance says less than approximately 2m. Silly of me but if the guidance says approximately 2m, then they can want 1.2m all they like. Never going to happen. Compliance is my profession they have no legs on which to stand. They have conflated a want with a need. Easily done with little to no oversight. M
  9. In Japan the most popular one is star treks bridge doors opening. Or they could just open the window and yell “get out of the way “ . A funny but serious issue unfortunately. M
  10. As the regs say the numbers must be legible from either bank and the stern, why are the BA in the shed? Simply put a camera out on the bank to photograph every boat, or better still use the database of current pictures to check without leaving their desk. Then go check in person. The earlier finance meeting minutes of the BA show why they are doing this. I know of at least one Woody custodian who has been “advised” that their TAGS are wrongly sited. Only been there and on similar boats for 55 years but hey ho. Malanka’s TAGS are fully compliant and I have seen quite a few Rangers in the past few weeks who all waved. Let’s see how this plays out. M
  11. In Switzerland we have leccy bikes that can do 47kph. Which is killing large numbers of oldsters who step out in front of them. So much so the federal government has a poster campaign asking riders not to ride at their maximum speed. As most suburban roads have a 50 kph limit, these bikes, Stroma and the like have become a real menace. Running through lights not stopping and so on. There is a great bike culture here with cycle lanes on every road in town but it’s still abused. To go into town we use the trams. M
  12. How about one volt meter and a switch to access both banks. We have one voltmeter and three sets of batteries. One domestic 320ah, one for the inverter 320ah and one for the engine 160ah. The domestic and inverter banks go through an isolation switch which allows them to become one bank at the click of a switch. We have a selectable display ( analogue no digital stuff). We did all this to support original 1950s electrics and lamps, before we installed LED lighting. With LED we have zero issues with battery power. How you set this up I am in the dark you lost me at I have as well. M
  13. Millie is bang on the average limit of 80db
  14. Or Reedham as many are tempted to turn right in front of the bridge on an outgoing tide. Not good to even think about M
  15. No way you could go through with the top down the general noise from all the cars is very very loud.
  16. Only a short one but yes. It’s too loud in the enclosed tunnels say on the way to Basel about 5 km long.
  17. Try this one M 7BE69BCA-2385-4ACE-8CA2-08BFF0391194.MP4
  18. There is a Europe wide limit on the dbs permissible from exhausts. It’s quite high at 88 but any louder than this should be removed from the road and crushed. Millies exhausts are sports adaptive and I can turn them on or off. On on the open road and off getting her out of the garage. My neighbors have a Maserati ( loud) and another one has a Carera 4 Cabrio. I can hear both of them whenever there is a sunny Sunday morning. Millie is louder than both but I start her in the underground garage with loudness off. Just cos I’m nice.. Illegal mods should be crushed also, why aren’t plod doing something or do they figure whilst revving and doughnutting there not robbing or stabbing someone?
  19. Well said Grendel mate. I wasn’t sure you meant what you said at first as it wasn't logical and you’re a logical guy. I soon realized you meant don’t get squished but by then I’d pointed out you didn’t actually say that so apologies all round. I fully agree we don’t want anyone squished or to fall in and to be honest we have a couple of spots on the system where this kind of tragedy could happen here so I reiterate be careful folks. M
  20. Fiona remembered where the place was it was Aiges Mortes. Very hot, very boring journeys, great restaurants, very dangerous coasters going way faster than you. City center marinas are typical and can be fun but a bit noisy.
  21. Absolutely Vaughan, We hired from leboat down towards the fewer locks area and the speed at which coasters passed moored boats ripped out mooring spikes or pulled cleats up. Very dangerous. I believe focusing on boat safety and some technical bits should be in the hand over. More emphasis on throttle control too. On the broads I do dislike seeing unsupervised under 12s helming. By all means let them learn and enjoy but parents should be with them 100% of the time and be prepared to intervene when necessary not when the youngster asks which may be too late. M
  22. We have a Webber 100 cast aluminium one which uses gas. It’s completely stone cold underneath to the touch and ready in five minutes. We also have an hibachi which mostly stays in the shed. We use the gas one as it has some special cast iron skillet thingies which means we can cook many more things than without them. Fried rice, caramelised onions that kind of thing. Its also an oven as it has a lid. We started with disposables then went hibachi then gas, never regretted it. Enjoy your holiday M
  23. Apologies for living in a world of facts and unambiguity for 32 years. This usually results in the throwing of slippers or swearing at the tv. I lost the itchy send finger a long time ago!!
  24. Originally that is not what Grendel said and with which I disagreed. Latterly this is what Grendel says and I like you agree. The issue simply put is this poor lady like you made a poor choice/ decision in a split second. The consequences for you were somewhat better than for her. We all make poor choices in deeds and also earlier on in words. We don’t all pay with our lives for poor choices. I know a young lad who fell between canal boat and the bank the resultant crush reduced his pelvis to more pieces than it was designed with. I have had my fingers dislocated and broken merely sitting in a sailing boat as someone else’s choice of leaving the boat resulted in me being the pea in the biscuit barrel. Lord save us all from poor choices and unfortunately the consequences for this lady were horrendous.
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