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Everything posted by oldgregg

  1. One of those videos shows a mangled and sunken Horizon going over the weir.... Also sadly a few proper boats from Norfolk underwater and / or damaged. There’s some serious damage there.
  2. And a bit more... https://news.yahoo.com/boats-unmoored-during-flooding-drift-141448520.html
  3. It's at Douelle on the Lot. https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/topic/21945-having-a-bad-day/?tab=comments#comment-356478
  4. Assuming they've got cover for that risk. They'll have cover for fire, theft etc but accountants can be 'clever' sometimes.
  5. It could be worse.... https://www.facebook.com/100018057760670/videos/781983502413568/
  6. As far as I know, the new Barnes boat is just a rework of the Alpha Highliner 44. The mould tools for those were knackered anyway so if you're going to create new ones then you may as well update the design a bit.
  7. Or the ugliest and least likely to appeal to customers....
  8. Love this topic. What self-respecting Broads / boat nerd could resist? I have long wanted to own Bureside Holiday Park, located just down from Thurne mouth. That and a great big pot of money to do my plan justice. I'd take the site and sympathetically develop it into something similar to Waveney River Centre. There'd be a large visitor mooring basin, 32A electric to all berths, a nice shower block and all the facilities boaters, campers and lodge guests need. However, these would tie in with the nearby businesses in Thurne to ensure there's no overlap with what is already there as that's excellent. Near to the visitor basin would be the hire fleet. That would be a mixture of aft cockpit, dual steer, single level forward steer and centre cockpit models. Around 50 boats in total, which would be designed by the best and developed and built by Haines and our own team. Efficiency, elegance, space and handling would be a common requirement. The hire fleet would be hybrids using the latest battery tech from the automotive industry and have capacity for at least a couple of days of normal usage. Naturally, these would be plugged in to the 32A supply on a turnaround and there'd be a more than adequate diesel generator to keep things topped up - The key would be to avoid running engines at moorings or on an early start. All of the fleet would have a smart speed limiter, which would know what the speed limit was for the boat's current GPS position (that really is not hard!) and the propulsion motor would also be more than adequate for punching a tide. The generator would run once the speed went above 5mph, or between the hours of 8am and 6pm if the battery was below a certain percentage and the forecast usage required it. There would be no gas on these boats - Induction hobs and combi ovens only, naturally. And a diesel wet heating system would provide heat and hot water. Over time, the fleet would transition to full electric or hydrogen fuel cell hybrids, as technology progressed. If there were any breakdowns, the on-call engineer would check his mobile app and see where the boat in question was moored and view the current data from it to determine whether attendance in person was required. The park would be run by a talented team of customer-focussed professionals, and have excellent marketing, social media and technology teams.
  9. Well of course the tide tables are only a prediction, so yeah you'll never get it right every time... I tend to avoid being much earlier than slack going South>North, but for sure there's quite a bit of leeway North>South unless there's springs that week or the weather has been horrible. I recall a miscalculation some years back where at full throttle we barely moved until we were up towards Marina Quays. That sort of thing does not do your fuel consumption much good! I'll usually aim for a push up the Bure or down the Waveney, assuming daylight allows it.
  10. It definitely does come from social media, yeah. Most of us have seen lots and lots of boats stuck on the mud over Breydon or aground on the lower Bure over the years, though, so clearly some do find it difficult. I think that's what prompts people to urge caution as it's very difficult to judge the experience level of the person asking the question - If they're a first-timer who has never driven a boat before then people will tend to suggest keeping North for a bit to get a feel for the boat before trying a mooring at Reedham, for example.
  11. They were certainly there last time we saw her. Not quite sure why the toilets weren't removed along with the rest of the upper structure, I guess there were some complexity.
  12. They are, hence they didn't manage to sell any until Haines put a normal top on it....
  13. I would guess they might be something like a Phoenix 21? Could be interesting punching the tide in one with a full load aboard unless they've got modern battery tech
  14. Okay, so potentially 1: Chumley & Hawke or Turners, Horning 2: Broadsedge Chalet Park in Stalham, St Olaves or Outlon Broad 3: Morlands, Hoveton 4: Fleet House, South Walsham Broad Having been to the one in Oulton Broad many years back, I don't think the scenery looks right.
  15. So back to the photos, we have the following: 1: Chumley & Hawke or JB Boats Horning. Is that the same yard? I know the name Chumley & Hawke but they're before my time. 2: Broadsedge Chalet Park in Stalham? 3: I wondered if this was one of the properties nestled away in the Grebe Island area at Horning? 4: I'll check Google, but yes South Walsham Broad seems possible.
  16. Yeah they sure were. The good old scrapyards are very different businesses these days, doing everything on eBay. I spent far too much time in my twenties up at Hainford Hall (closed some while ago) finding bits for mine and friends' cars. RPI is very much still there, though, they're still a Rover V8 specialist and do various restoration projects.
  17. I wondered if anyone would comment on that. It was only a 2300S auto, but yeah you’ve got to love an SD1. Was replaced with a Montego 😩
  18. I reckon there’s a few here who can give this a good go... Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4
  19. You're quite right, although just a cautionary note to check the actual performance figures for the specific model of i5 against others. Passmark is a good website to do this. Higher numbers are better, and anything less than around 5,000 is probably not a good long-term investment. The term i5 has sadly become as broad as saying that a car is a 'BMW'. It might be a base model Mini with a 1.2 litre three-pot, or it might be an M5. Most people are going to want something inbetween.
  20. Now that's a photo I'd like to see! Great thread Vaughan, thanks for sharing!
  21. I think plenty of people are looking at holidays this time of year - I can think of holidays I've booked after a few sherberts on Christmas Day. This year is a little different for sure, but in the past I've definitely been bemused by certain yards who haven't got their bookings sorted for the next year and instead booked with the yards who do. I could ring them, but who does that these days? I've recently booked a September 2022 break with Richardson's as the boat I wanted is pretty good value and books a fair way in advance so I didn't want to forget to book and then miss out.
  22. It depends on the make/model but they're often integrated onto the motherboard for packaging reasons. Usually a discrete GPU will have its own fast RAM nearby for latency reasons and thus allocating system RAM isn't an option (and in any case would be very slow). Does the discrete GPU have a cooling fan? You mentioned a scratching sound.. If there is a fan issue (or the thermal paste on the GPU has dried out) then it will fairly quickly get outside its happy temperature and cause stability issues. I have Intel HD / discrete Nvidia on my old Thinkpad and it's a pretty painful setup. The idea was to reduce power consumption and seamlessly use what was most appropriate at the time but the reality is that you can't manually override it (other than to disable the Nvidia part) and so lots of software doesn't properly work with it.
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