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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. How is your four footed crew member doing on the boat Griff?
  2. He will be your friend forever lol. Probably too many photos of him but he’s part of our boating life now!
  3. Hi Carole. We are home now as we didn't want to get caught up in the worsening weather. Desmond now on a diet. He had too many snacks on holiday but he did so love his beef bone from Ludham butchers
  4. Of course I dont mind you mentioning it! The walks are giving me a totally different perspective and keeping me fit lol. I will definitely try the How Hill walk. The photo was taken at Fleet Dyke. We were moored right at the end of the curve and it was just down on the right going towards the broad
  5. Wednesday 19th May We woke up as usual around 6.00. It had been a much warmer night and slept really well. The cuckoo was continuously cuckooing in the distance. After another lovely walk, we left Fleet Dyke with the idea of either getting a pump out at Horning Ferry Marina or Southgates. We cruised really slowly enjoying the peace and quiet. We were in no rush. Ferry Marina’s pump out mooring was empty so we took advantage and as usual the service was excellent. We used to use them when we had a mooring in the marina. After also topping up with water and I had a wander around NYA (just window shopping honest!) we decided to make our way slowly up the Ant. We hadnt intended on going back to the marina so soon but the weather was predicting strong winds on the Thursday and the temp was going to drop again, so we thought we would just moor in the marina and go home the following day, but if Irstead was free we would stop there. Sadly Irstead was occupied so decision made we carried on to the marina. Barton was as lovely as ever. After arriving back around lunchtime, we spent the afternoon doing a few maintenance jobs and cleaning in readiness to leave in the morning. The weather over the week had been erratic to say the least but our early morning cruises had been wonderful. Desmond got into the routine and I think has earned his captain’s hat. The next time we are onboard will be quite an intensive maintenance weekend, although if its nice weather and Irstead was free ........
  6. That’s brilliant. Thank you! Really useful to know. We weren’t sure if they were open and didn’t go to investigate.
  7. Tuesday 18th May We didnt have a good nights sleep. The temperature seemed to plummet overnight and we really missed the use of the oil filled heaters. Desmond was very fidgety and every few hours I had to keep tucking him back into his cave bed (hes such a baby). But never mind, it was a glorious sunny morning and we walked to Womack Staithe to get rid of sone rubbish before heading off to Acle for water and a pump out. We stopped in the Pedros basin to fill up with water, turned Luna on her ropes (getting really quite proficient at that now!) and walked her to the pump out. We waited for an hour but no one turned up to do the pump out so abandoned that idea. We could go another day and find somewhere else the following day. We could have gone to Bridgecraft but it was getting busy with people returning their boats. We headed off back up the Bure with either St Benets or Fleet Dyke in mind. As we slowly made our way back, we waved at Cerise Lady. We approached St Benets which had one space but decided we would rather try for the lovely spot in Fleet Dyke. Once we moored up, everyone else left. We are not getting a complex! It was so quiet. A cuckoo was cuckooing away in the distance. Had a lovely couple of walks in both directions. I don’t understand why in all the years on the Broads Ive never bothered walking before. Its been an absolute joy exploring with the hound. After my disturbed sleep, I had a nap in the afternoon, lulled to sleep by the passing boats. We checked the weather and thankfully the temperature was going to be a bit warmer than the night before so were hopeful we would get a better nights sleep
  8. Monday 17th May The day started overcast and gloomy and at 7.00 I was out walking past both bridges. Desmond wasn’t particularly enthusiastic and kept wanting to turn back. Ive worked out he’s a fair weather hound. We turned back and the moorings soon became empty. We had decided on a very short cruise today. The batteries were fully charged after a night on the electric and we really wanted to go to our favourite spot, Womack Dyke. We arrived to an empty dyke and got our preferred spot right at the end after having a cruise around Womack Island. We decided to walk straight to Ludham butchers in case the weather turned nasty. I was eager to try a cake or two from the bakery on the way but sadly they didnt have anything that appealed. I wanted something with cinnamon or almond as thats about all I can taste. On arrival at the butchers, Desmond was sniffing the air and started barking. Think the aromas from the butchers was causing him to be rather over excited so I walked him over towards the church while Selsie stocked up. He might just have bought a beef bone for our four legged crew member... As we got back to the boat, the weather suddenly brightened and lots of lovely blue sky and sunshine. A friend stopped by on his boat and a few drinks were consumed. I decided to take advantage of the dry weather and cleaned the outside of the boat. Finally got rid of the last of lockdown green. Norfolk Lady cruised past and we had a quick chat. Later that evening, we went for a walk along the bank towards Potter. That was a particularly lovely walk in the evening sunshine. We settled down for the rest of the evening thinking how lucky we were and all the stress of the last few months disappearing
  9. You would be surprised how much a golden/ginger whippet sheds! The hoover was in use most days. Also on the list for next time is a sticky roller
  10. I’d forgotten how much stuff a hound needs. Cave bed, endless fleece blankets, rainwear, cold weather gear, food, treats, more food, more treats but we love him to bits.
  11. Ummmm in all the excitement, I forgot the camera so all the photos are from my iPhone. Hopeless, I know
  12. Bond Island is behind the chalets opposite the mushroom house. You can hire Bond Island. I believe it was once owned by Roger Moore. It has a crocodile in the garden. I had seen it on One Dan and His Boat vlog the other day so was curious to see it for myself.
  13. Sunday 16th May We woke around 6.30 to glorious sunshine. I took Desmond for a walk, past the Bridge Inn and along Weavers Way. Ive never really walked much before in Norfolk and its so lovely seeing the rivers from another perspective. After breakfast we set off at 8.15 and decided on Potter as our destination, again with the hope of an electric post. As we were going up the Thurne, we passed Norfolk Lady again. Looks like we all have a similar routine of cruising times! We arrived at Potter and there was a nice space by one of the electric posts. There was a massive clump of reeds floating by the moorings which we later saw being towed away. Set off to go to Lathams and met Brundall Navy. Hope you can get Nipper through the bridge soon! Selsie went into Lathams for things we actually needed but they didnt have! I wanted a cake from Bridgestones but the queue was quite long and Desmond had been getting fed up with hanging around outside Lathams so we went back to the boat. We timed it well as we had had a tip off from a fellow NBN member (Boatyman) who was moored at Ranworth experiencing hail while we were in sunshine. 10 mins later, and it arrived at Potter. We couldn’t hear ourselves speak amongst the din. Later in the evening after a fair amount of rain, the weather cleared up and it was a lovely evening. I took Desmond for his evening walk and went in search of Bond Island. It had been a lovely relaxing day and certainly mixed weather! So good to be back.
  14. Friday 14th May 2021 We both took half a day off work and arrived in the marina about 2.30 and our little crew member settled very quickly. It was so good to know we had the week ahead of us. We had been keeping an eye on the weather and were being quite flexible with our plans. We had a rough idea of where we wanted to go but unsure what day we would go home at this stage. Saturday 15th May We got up at 6.15. I took Desmond for a walk while Selsie got breakfast. We left the marina at 8.00. Desmond was nervy and paced around until he decided he was happier sitting high up in the helm and that became his spot when we were on the move. The engine lulled him to sleep and we could then relax. We passed Irstead which was free. We decided it was ridiculous to stop there so soon so carried on but oh it was so tempting! We intended to top up with water at Ludham but suddenly every boat seemed to be on the move at the same time after hardly seeing anything on the way. The boat we were behind suddenly changed their mind and reversed from under the bridge. We went along side a moored boat and hung about until all was clear. The weather was dull and spitting with rain and I didnt take any photos of the journey. We went past St Benets and work is progressing well. Each time we passed throughout the week, it was being worked on. We made the decision to go to Acle with the hope to hook up to electric. We do have heating on board but we wanted to be as comfortable as possible overnight especially as whippets are prone to feeling the cold. We waved at Norfolk Lady en route. It was a lovely cruise despite the weather. As we arrived at Acle we put Desmond in the saloon. This was to be the routine to keep him safe each time we left a mooring or moored up, much to his protests. There were quite a few boats there but we got our much wanted electric post with £3.60 left on it! After a while everyone left until we had the whole moorings to ourselves. This seemed to be a theme for the rest of the week.....was it something we said or did? I took Desmond for a walk on the Pedros side. I could already tell he was enjoying the new scenery. We spent the rest of the time watching the world go by, so happy we had loads of days left and not worrying about work.
  15. Can’t think of a better way to spend a birthday onboard. Happy Birthday!
  16. Yep, that was us and great to see you this morning too on our way up to Potter
  17. I always thought it was Hob iss
  18. When I lived at Raf Coltishall, we regularly fished at Belaugh, but never knew how to say it. Beelaa?
  19. Lovely write up and photos Helen. Its got me even more eager to get back to the boat for our week soon
  20. Certainly was the day and what a fantastic day it was. Even if the film missed the brief, it was an honour to be part of it. 😁 (never did receive my Oscar....)
  21. Her steering is so very different to Luna’s thats for sure!
  22. I love hearing about Water Rails adventures. Got such a soft spot for the old girl. Im fascinated how you manage the canopy on your own after myself and Ali taking it up and down crossing Oulton Broad numerous times one day last summer.
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