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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. We are going to get there as early as possible armed with cleaning products, bring back all the soft furnishings to wash as we didnt have a chance before, hopefully get the engine to start, put sterilisation stuff in the water and come home. If we can get it all sorted in a day, that will be it until the 12th onwards, otherwise we may have to do one more trip to get the boat sorted out.
  2. Selsie had an NHS letter sent asking him to book online as he was in the next age bracket to be called. He was able to book both appointments. I was sent a text via my gp as I have an underlying health condition so had mine a bit earlier than others but haven’t got a date for my second jab. We were both allocated different vaccination centres to go to. So we are in the same household with the same Gp but different circumstances!
  3. Still not got my taste and smell back either. Coming up for exactly a year on after catching Covid. Like Mouldy has said, there are a few advantages, not being able to smell nasty smells anymore but oh to be able to enjoy what I’m eating instead of thinking of food as just fuel. The smell of tap water makes me wretch so it’s only bottled water for me now.
  4. Exactly my memories! I miss those days with mum, dad and my brother together . Very, very happy and special times
  5. I had the AZ vaccine on Saturday lunchtime. During the night i was shivering then sweating, took some paracetamol and felt generally pretty rubbish on Sunday. Tbh I wasn’t expecting a reaction as I had Covid last March and still had antibodies in July. I felt fine by Monday apart from my arm which still feels like a pulled muscle sort of discomfort but nothing bad. Just so happy Ive had the first one and roll on the next one!
  6. Just had the AZ jab. Very impressive set up and really quick.
  7. Got mine booked for Saturday. Certainly surprised me getting the text. I’m 52 in May
  8. All I want to do is check on the boat. It’s a hard earned , expensive piece of property that I’m worried sick about. Ive honestly got to the stage I don’t care about even staying on it.
  9. A fleet of ‘rescued from the bonfire’ woodies based at South Walsham. Janet Anne would be in charge of the maintenance schedule and Id allow Selsie to replace the odd plank or two. Robin’s wife would do the varnishing . As someone said on the Golden Light thread, there would be no need for any mirrors so Id save a bit there There has to be cake so each boat would have a complimentary afternoon tea on arrival.
  10. I do remember as a kid thinking the holiday had started when we stopped at The Plover in Thetford for half a chicken in a basket. Those were the days.
  11. Can I put my name down for a residential berth please.
  12. Could you, (or your wife) give a step by step guide on varnishing please! Ive seen this lovely boat when it was in the shed and the varnishing was incredible.
  13. Your post made me quite weepy Griff. I so miss our dogs. We lost Lulu in lockdown one. I treasure my photos of her at Thurne Dyke and St Benets. We are waiting to hear if my brother’s working cocker spaniel is in pup. Our name is down for a pup if she is then we too will look forward to walking along the river banks with a new member of the family. Its so hard without a hound, especially this lockdown.
  14. Im sure most of you will have come across this before. Absolutely fascinating
  15. Great quiz, thoroughly enjoyed it despite coming last
  16. Well that is very disappointing!
  17. What sort of things could be salvaged from it that would be worth the money? Looks like it will just collapse if it’s moved!
  18. I love mooring at at Paddys Lane and listening to the masts clinking away opposite Cox’s boatyard. Also during the summer I spent a happy afternoon listening to the sound of the reeds swishing at Womack Dyke
  19. This week we were supposed to be in Scotland visiting my daughter and granddaughter. We were lucky that they were able to visit in September but i miss them terribly and worried my granddaughter wont know who I am or just think Im “grandma on the phone”. She is 19 months. Either us going up there or them coming to us will be priority. Seeing my parents and giving them a hug. We will be celebrating Christmas whatever month we can Going to the boat and hope she’s not in a terrible state. A lot time, money, blood , sweat and tears has gone into that boat and I dread to think what state she will be in inside. We've done all we can to prevent mould but there is other stuff Id like to have done, thinking we were going up for Christmas but then couldn’t. I suspect Ill be binning cushions and stuff. Ultimately, Im just looking forward to not feeling so anxious and claustrophobic all the time.
  20. They are referring to me. Only my mother calls me Samantha. ;)
  21. I wasnt ever going to divulge this, but I was a moderator until I started my new job and couldn’t commit to it any longer as it does take up a considerable amount of time. As a mod you have to read through each and every post and I will freely admit, it can become a real chore, especially when threads just go on and on in a rinse and repeat way. What goes on behind the scenes was a real eyeopener. It can be lot of work at times. The mods often have different opinions too as they discuss whatever has been reported. I can assure you, it its done with the utmost consideration. When comments or threads have been hidden, believe me, this is not done lightly. It can take time for threads or comments to be unhidden. This is because not everyone is glued to the forum every minute of the day and the mods wait until the majority have been able to give their input before a final decision is made. i for one would not want this forum without moderators. Thank you guys for all that you do.
  22. You had your only chance Jay as I wasnt there. Just turning up would have got you 1 point
  23. I used to be a chocoholic. I cant bear the stuff now, everything tastes weird and now its all about textures. I also cant drink tap water. The chemical smell is overwhelming. Selsie also has to run the shower for a few minutes before i get in. The smell of water out a tap makes me wretch. My Gp ordered an antibody test in July and I still had antibodies. I dont know if I would still have them now
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