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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Last week we managed to tick off 3 moorings we hadnt moored at before. Johnny Crowes staithe is on our list and its rather sad if it isn’t going to be possible
  2. We experienced a fair few speeding past us this week. So much so Desmond Whippet got quite panicky when one caused a massive rocking motion and the crockery was clattering. Plumes of steam were coming out behind said boat.
  3. Lulu

    My Day

    Brilliant news Carole. Will look forward to seeing you out on the rivers soon!
  4. I’m hoping I’ll have some more photos of the show. For some reason I can’t upload them unlike the iPhone photos. Will try and sort it out when we are back home at the weekend.
  5. We are currently moored up on the free moorings at Stokesby and looking out for the woodies coming back. So far …..
  6. So, so sorry and gutted that we had to let you down re doing the photography. Hopefully see you all at Beccles
  7. There’s a Captain’s Vlog where Robin takes a boat to the Staithe but I can’t remember which vlog
  8. We were chasing the source of a leak when we first got Luna. Water was coming into the saloon near a window and the wood inside was always soaked. We assumed it was the window or handrails above. After resealing everything JanetAnne, who was kindly helping, had a gut feeling that wasnt the cause. Eventually traced it back to the side panels in the helm. There were numerous old screw holes at the base that werent filled and was funnelling water down the side and into the saloon.
  9. My 88 year old dad still talks about everyone coming out of the pub to get on the boat to get us under the bridge. Happy memories 😊
  10. Broadsedge Marina and Paddy’s Lane / Barton Turf is just before you get to Barton Broad (coming from Stalham)
  11. We had a kingfisher sitting on our pushpit rail yesterday evening in the marina at Stalham. Wish I’d had my camera to hand, then this morning we’ve spotted 3 on the way to Paddy’s Lane. Absolute rubbish photo but proof!
  12. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/geldeston-locks-inn-temporarily-closed-covid-near-beccles-8195370
  13. Looking forward to the next instalment and great to see a photo of your daily commute boat!
  14. I thought it looked like WR but I wasnt sure.
  15. The title is a little misleading. Can’t imagine arriving to the boat in heels!
  16. We’ve taken to ordering them direct from the BA. They arrive quickly by post usually.
  17. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/traffic/rboat-hits-railway-bridge-salhouse-and-brundall-8188384
  18. Yep we found out we had got three boats in a year, probably the same year? Embarrassing and expensive! Membership was free to join the club as no funds were left 😂
  19. Bout damn time! The three boats in a year club is now no more lol. Seriously, really pleased for you all and hope to see you out and about so at least our hounds can meet to discuss their mad servants.
  20. Sounds like a perfect day. Hope you have some photos of your trip to share
  21. Warm welcome to the forum :)
  22. Warm welcome to the forum. Also love the sunset through the door and seeing the Nipper Fleet. Would love to see some photos of the day job too!
  23. Warm welcome to the forum and will look forward to reading about your adventures. We always help anyone who needs assistance:)
  24. Our rule is he stays in the saloon until we are moored up or on the move. Once moored up he now realises it is a fun thing as I immediately take him for a walk. We so nearly broke the rule but then decided anything could happen when mooring and we dont want him stressing, getting dangerously in the way or trying to leap out.
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