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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. thank you all for your lovely comments and suggestions. Experimenting from my IPhone rather then the iPad
  2. In case anyone was waiting with baited breath for the next thrilling instalment, the combination of my new camera and uploading the photos from an Ipad (I dont have a laptop) means I can no longer include photos (im not into techy stuff). All I know is it wont work and the tech team have tried also but we couldnt get round the problem without them posting links for me so Luna’s Log will end here until I can find a solution.
  3. I think thats why ive been reluctant to change roles. We currently both know exactly what we are doing and whos doing what so to reverse it may upset the applecart!
  4. Selsie freely admits Im much better at helming than him. We both find it far more relaxing if I do that part, but I also admit I have only moored up under the tuition of JanetAnne twice and havent tried since. I will practice mooring once the season has ended and the rivers go quiet. There hasnt been any opportunity this year as its been too busy. We would happily carry on with the roles we are good at but it’s always in the back of my mind that if something went wrong, like Selsie knocked himself out or something, I need to be able to know I can get the boat back to safety. Im fairly certain after all the recent time we’ve been out this year, I would be ok but Im looking forward to knowing I can definitely moor up on my own.
  5. Thank you Griff. Very helpful. I didn’t know private boats could moor there. We used to have a berth at the private moorings opposite but havent been back into Wroxham since we moved thinking there would be nowhere to moor up for the night if we don't go under the bridge (which we havent tried yet as we are too scared lol)
  6. I had made the decision not to continue with Luna’s log but wanted to share what an absolutely fantastic week we had to show the Broads is a truly wonderful place to be still. With all what has been going on this year, we do feel incredibly lucky to have had two perfect weeks this year. Very, very lucky with the timing of the weather. In my last post, I mentioned we may have another crew member (a four legged friend) but unfortunately this didnt work out and we are still looking. 12th September 2020 We waved my daughter, son in law and 16 month old granddaughter off at 9.00am to many tears after a lovely week with them. They live in Scotland and hadnt seen them since January. Goodness knows when we will see them again with the latest lockdown rules, so to try and get ourselves out of our sad moods, we set off straight away to the marina leaving the house in a tip which we never usually do! We arrived at the marina at 10.30 and decided to stay there for the rest of the day doing odd jobs, checks and cleaning. We got our chairs out later and sat in the sun planning where we would go the next day.
  7. We are not fair weather boaters by any means. Rain doesnt bother us (love being tucked up all cosy and listening to the rain on the roof) but we always check the forecast, especially for wind strength and direction, thats the one thing we are not keen on. We didnt want to get caught out at Ludham bridge the other week so went through early before anyone was moving and before the wind got stronger. In the event of strong winds we think ahead about where and how we are going to moor and plan whether we are likely to be pushed away or pinned to the bank etc and if bad, we just don't move.
  8. And why is it not ok for me to mix with more than 6 of my family but its ok for me to mix with potentially up to 350 people every day at work.
  9. Can’t edit - meant to say Fleet Dyke South Walsham moorings
  10. I think the penny has just dropped and I realise now that I said hi as we were mooring up a couple of boats down from you that afternoon. If I’d realised at the time, I’d have popped round!
  11. Lulu

    Acle Moorings

    They are open. We stopped off yesterday but electric posts arent installed yet.
  12. Have fantastic time! We are on our last day after a brilliant week’s weather, although very blustery today
  13. Lovely photos David. Tried to press like but it’s not working.
  14. We got fuel, water and pump out from Simpsons on Saturday. Really good service and friendly staff. We will definitely be using them again.
  15. lovely photos of that gorgeous boat:) Can we only hope that blue on Beauchamp Arms is an undercoat and not the final colour choice ?
  16. Definitely not bored me. More stories please!
  17. I watched this this morning. What type of boat have you got? welcome to the forum btw :)
  18. Our previous hounds weren't keen when the engine was running. Selsie is going next weekend to put in better soundproofing in the engine bay. We’ve been thinking about it for a while for ourselves anyway. He’s only 4. We introduced our previous dogs when they were 10 and too set in their ways. Im sure he will love the walks though.
  19. We have a week off in September and we intend introducing our new four footed crew member to the boat. Im a bit nervous in case he hates it...
  20. Having been bitten to pieces this week, Ive ordered the Avon So Soft which should arrive today, so just waiting for the ding dong, Avon Calling
  21. Totally disgraceful behaviour and makes me really angry as Im sure you are Griff. I’ll ask my brother if he knows of any reputable people. He has working cocker spaniels which I know isnt the breed you are after but he may know someone who does.
  22. The delight of boating for us is to have a nice view especially in the evening. We rarely stern moor as i feel hemmed in and want peace and quiet. We moor up early and leave early in the morning so it would be a nuisance for the people mooring up beside us when we need them to move. Ok, Im just anti social!
  23. So no Breydon crossing then!
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