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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I had breakfast at the bell at st.olaves and that was fine followed by a long walk with the mut in the woods. I've never sampled it myself but I've heard the brekkie at surlingham ferry is one to ruin your dinner and weight watchers record too.
  2. As of today the lord nelson in reedham will be doing full english breakfast 8.00am till 11.00am daily, can't tell you how good as not tried it myself just heard them mention it friday night so said I'd mention it here.
  3. There was a similar event through reedham that went well and not one plastic duck ever got killed, not even by the herons. A few people got slaughtered though.
  4. For someone just going in for a dip from their hire boat at the side of the yare that is probably very true, an organised event in the right place with safety supervision water checks and properly risk assessed I would say it's perfectly suitable for swimming, it's got water what more do you need? Wether it is in the right place or time I'm not getting involved in as I can't be bothered with the tit for tat barneys.
  5. If the RNLI are providing assistance to this event I hope there is a chunk of any raised cash going their way as a donation especially as it's a commercial event, they only get funded by donations.
  6. So you will be coming along to beccles on saturday june 30th for the first sea toilet owners club meeting then....
  7. Don't tell me where she keeps her lipstick!
  8. My hound has a petfloat which works well but we had to adjust it underneath as wasn't very 'todger friendly', he is a bit of an odd shape as he's a fairly big dog with short legs which doesn't help. We shortened the strap underneath and re-stitched so he is comfortable in it. Due to the different shapes and sizes of muts I don't suppose it's easy to size for all.
  9. Considering most boat owners add a quid to their toll payment and get the BA tide booklet you probably won't find that many takers for the basic tide functions, I find for my regular haunts I tend to adjust times automatically without thinking much about it. Without a built in offline tide table I wouldn't bother, the spiny wheel jobbie is useful and easy to clip to the tide book.
  10. That's the one thanks guys, once printed twice and laminated with a bit of cutting out and pinning they work a treat, my last one looks a bit dog eared to say the least. Sorry Jamie or Bill I'm gonna use it anyway..... Not selling obviously.
  11. I seem to recall someone doing a tide time calculator consisting of two printed wheels years ago, does anyone have an image of one kicking around? May have been hamiltons or similar that did it.
  12. I used apolloduck to advertise my last boat and found it very good and cheap for the number of piccies and length of description I could have. Had a fair few contacts too.
  13. You'd sink up to your neck in mud and drown probably, that's best left to firm sandy bottoms.
  14. It was the BA moorings I was meaning.
  15. It can on big springs but most of the time it's ok, I've been aground there but only the once, I need about the same as you, it's my normal jump off point for an early yarmouth exit.
  16. Smoggy


    Both problems at once say battery problems to me or wiring to them, I'd hold back on running off to a dealer and prod around with a multimeter first, needs to be done with start attempts happening or there won't be enough load for the volts to drop. Or sleep inside the fridge as you'll be well insulated from the cold.
  17. Smoggy


    I take it you are planning on breaking things, which bits do you plan to break and how are you thinking of going about it? We may be able to give advice on how to break them better and make it more expensive for you.
  18. With or without survey I'm with you on that one, no brainer really.
  19. Smoggy


    I've stopped beside brooms fuel stage before and nipped up to brian wards for some bsp fittings, the guy there was happy enough for me to do it, on a sunday when the marina is quiet I've moored by the travelling crane and nipped to the pub before now too, had to climb a fence though, that pub so much needs a visitor mooring.
  20. At 20 knots if you don't like the conditions out of yarmouth lowestoft is still only half hour away and you won't know the sea state properly till you get out into the deeper channels (don't hug the coast yarmouth to lowestoft especially after recent storms, your charts will be useless) as it's always choppy in the entrance. Moorings wise burgh castle has an electric post and isn't that much further away from breydon and you can walk to the fishermans if you fancy an early night or up to the kings head if you like a proper pub. For making a holiday of it southwold is a must and woodbridge is very nice although it does add a bit of time, the deben is much prettier than most of the broads (am I allowed to say that here?) .
  21. If not familiar with the thames estuary get the book "crossing the thames estuary", it's aimed at raggies up to 7 knots but full of good info none the less.
  22. Waiting around for the lock and bridges at lowestoft is more of a pain I recon plus it costs you for the lock, I've never had an issue at yarmouth and I would hope the indy thing has made them a bit better, assuming a well powered boat it's a lot quicker to run down the outside than it is poodling down the new cut towards oulton broad and if breydon is clear you can nip across there pretty quickly too. If you are not local to the area a stopover at southwold is well worth it but check with the harbour master first as the entrance may have changed a bit with the beast from the east, the last few years has been ok at all tides as long as you approach at 310-320 degrees (T).
  23. Yarmouth is easy enough as long as you book bridge lifts at least the day before, if you head out shortly after the tide starts building you should get an extra shove down towards harwich, shotley is a good place to stop over as there is all tide access via the lock, The rose in the village is a good friendly pub. On the way out through yarmouth make sure you call in by the lifeboat shed for clearance or they get upset.
  24. My answer was fairly high up on the stupidometer.
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