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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I gotta say I do hate it when I hear folk bleating on about "the wrong boat for the broads" because something won't fit under a bridge somewhere but this thread where more than two crew (with insideout knowledge of the boat and rn history) and a careful passage plan are needed to go from brundall to mutford tells me you have the wrong boat for the broads! No doubt I'll get shot down in flames for saying it but heyho!
  2. Nevermind beccles, get signing before another great spot goes downhill. Even for the landlocked hirers southwold is only a short road trip away.
  3. Does this work better? https://www.change.org/p/waveney-district-council-save-southwold-harbour
  4. Sounds too BAish to not share here, I've signed and encourage all others to do so. To cut an extremely long story short, We are fighting like mad to stop the local district council (based in Lowestoft) from firstly stealing all the revenue from the harbour for their general fund and lending some of it back to the harbour for works at 8% interest. Their plan is to set up a limited company where they have 100% of the shares to manage and if true to form, try to sell off sections to private companies. The fact they they do NOT own any of the harbour lands seems to be just a small inconvenience. Also they have decided without any consultation to scrap the agreement that they signed up to with the town council, harbour users, businesses and residents in March 2015, where a trust would be formed consisting of a cross section of all parties to run the Harbour. If you would like to help then please sign our petition at https://www.change.org/p/waveney-dis...thwold-harbour
  5. Don't ask me, I know nothing about wombats!
  6. You may need the bbq to dry the ground now.....
  7. I keep a 30ft twin engine boat even further up river than you suggest and I assure you it goes out to sea any time I get the time and weather, it's only a few hours from sea when it comes down to it. Luckily I can fit under reedham anytime with a quick fold down (somerleyton needs lowish water for me) and can get under haven bridge half tide or lower so pick my time if it's not working, for longer trips south when the tide streams do not suit I will go out of yarmouth when I can get under and stop at southwold overnight and take a favourable tide the next day. (it's hard with a dog mooring at yarmouth quay) I can't be bothered with lowestoft these days.
  8. It would help if it was open now and again, personally I wouldn't put money in his pocket.
  9. Would the BA have any info for a wild mooring? It's not their land or responsibility, could be a private land owner telling you to sod off. If you see a boat doing it go for ramming speed......
  10. Back on the credit card tips thing for a moment, I know if you add a bit on card at the ferry house (surlingham) it gets taken out of the till as cash and put in the tip jar which then gets divided daily (maybe weekly) between all staff divided by the hours they did that day (or week), seems a very fair way to do it to me as you never say "heres a quid for the youngster in the sink" do you.
  11. By car it has to be surlingham, sit by the river watching the boats go by with a beer and a spot grub, sorted!
  12. The dog got lost, do keep up... Should have got it a catnav!
  13. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the polar bears bite! And don't trip over your flippers and snorkal on the way to the bog.
  14. Online catalogues are a right pita if you don't know the proper name for something, a good old fashioned paper one is so much easier to flick through till you see it.
  15. Can't help on that one, mine have no greaser just water injection.
  16. Do you mean a rubber tube between gland and stern tube? Or the packing inside the gland? Probably Brian Wards at brundall or ASAP supplies at beccles.
  17. It's got another 2 weeks if it wishes then it can be nice and calm, don't want it as hot as it has been though.
  18. Not the professional response you are looking for I know but that sounds like a pretty responsible way to do it to me, being at tidal water level most of the riverside areas of the broads are still fairly green, once you go uphill it's another matter.
  19. I moor near postwick viaduct on a fixed edge and don't find it a big problem as long as you use springs when tying up.
  20. The best thing for a wasp sting is to rub some vinegar into it as it takes away the worst of the sting straight away.
  21. That's the great thing about americans, you only need one....
  22. That in itself is fake news, everyone knows we are all over here!
  23. I'm looking for an old trim tab with hinge to copy the bends if anyone has one kicking around, preferably bennetts type as that is what I am looking to replace and have actuators for. I'm convinced mine are too small for the boat size so want to see if I can get tabs only made to size.
  24. Of the back I assume, legs and propellers really don't make a good mix and you just know if he fell in the first thing the helm will do is reverse towards him.
  25. I look at the angle of the chains at the stern of the ferry and the flow rate, if the angle looks shallow wait till it's docked, if the angle looks steep pass in the centre of the gap, if the ferry is way off line wait till docked. If you are close by on a running tide you can't simply stop and wait if the ferry takes off, getting past quick is probably the best option but hitting the throttle usually pushes the spinny bits lower towards the chains.
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