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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Of the back I assume, legs and propellers really don't make a good mix and you just know if he fell in the first thing the helm will do is reverse towards him.
  2. I look at the angle of the chains at the stern of the ferry and the flow rate, if the angle looks shallow wait till it's docked, if the angle looks steep pass in the centre of the gap, if the ferry is way off line wait till docked. If you are close by on a running tide you can't simply stop and wait if the ferry takes off, getting past quick is probably the best option but hitting the throttle usually pushes the spinny bits lower towards the chains.
  3. If you accept the use of a mooring you accept the rules set out by the owner/leaseholder of the mooring, otherwise move on elsewhere, it's not your mooring. Sorry if that sounds a bit blunt, it's not meant that way but that is the way it is, if you visit a coastal harbour you moor where you are told by the harbour master and accept anyone they tell to moor against you.
  4. I pulled apart my 8' vhf antenna today to see if I can repair it after using it to find a tree (I found one and it won!). I was surprised to see the coax inner stops 6" above the coax end and does no more, the outer of the coax becomes the main element with a small coil then carrying on halfway up to another coil before going all the way to the tip, I would have expected it to be the other way round. I this a normal thing? It has always performed fine both at transmitting and receiving (and finding trees.) so no complaints just confused, I have heard southwold harbour from reedham and regularly hear boats calling somerleyton bridge from southwold so I say it works pretty well.
  5. Smoggy

    Electric Boat

    Also for a day out look up waveney stardust as they do cruises on the southern rivers stopping at the odd pub, I've seen it at surlingham ferryhouse a few times and the crew seem well set up to look after all mobilities, they carry ramps and have a large lift on the back that can take wheelchairs, you just have to sit back and relax and look forward to a pub lunch with no worries.
  6. You left surlingham ferry just after I arrived yesterday or I would have wandered over for a beer, now back at home as it is too hot for the dog out on the boat so unfair on him to stay out.
  7. " as the authority are unlikely to sponsor us they are considered fair game for criticisms," They give us cash so we forgive everything????? Sounds like trump and the nra and possibly one of the worst statements I've ever heard from a forum.
  8. Not realy relavent to this thread at all but I'd say if a boat needs to run an engine to start a webasto/eberspacher type heater it needs fixing especially if hired out as being fit for purpose for good money. I've run these types of heating systems on boats with outboard charging systems along with 12v compressor fridge for 2 week runs with no problems before. To bring this into the thread sounds like petty point scoring to me in defence of poor maintenence.
  9. It's not about hire vs private at all, it's about idiot in a boat vs rational person in a boat, we all make cockups but a small minority don't care how badly they cockup because they've paid a waiver, not with me or my insurance company they aint!
  10. How can you say this is the friendly forum and then say "If you dont like hire boats why have a boat here . Go some where that hire boats dont exsist." ? Hardly friendly talk from a moderator is it?
  11. Theres nowt to appologise for Cal, your original comment said "errant hireboats" not "hireboats". No generalisation was made.
  12. So what you are saying is it happens all the time and we should all be afraid, make your mind up. Whatever happened don't start stiffling facts in case it offends or scares someone, that is when forums become pointless clicky clubs. In fast running areas I'll always try to find a sheltered mooring from hireboats just in case, same as I don't step out in front of cars on zebra crossings.
  13. Can confirm haven bridge, came through this morning and not only did it open but it closed again too.
  14. The boat model alone may not help as it may have been re-engined at some time and had a stern gland changed at the same time. You can't beat a vernier across the shaft, metric and imperial can be very close but not close enough to keep a rope cutter clamped. A stripper should be matched to number of blades too (although mine are not).
  15. So if a duck gets run over by a hovis truck????
  16. I think freedom do use a security deposit rather cdw.
  17. There were stories of excess alcahol and crashing into something, not sure where the initial report came from.
  18. CG came by car at ferryhouse, the pub had a call from freedom not long after to ask if they'd seen it.
  19. The coastguard turned up at ferryhouse last night with blue flashies going looking for the second boat, one of freedoms I believe.
  20. I tried cold turkey but couldnt get a fag paper round the drumstick.
  21. The hard bit would be proving the lost revenue.
  22. kings head is highly likely as it's a sporty pub, close to the river too.
  23. You mean people with degrees then..... There's nowt worse than a 'engineer' that has never picked up a spanner.
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