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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Is this a new thing I haven't of before: a Co-op crawl?? Brundall, Loddon, where next? I know, Beccles. Their meal deals are good for a light lunch in the s*mmer, whatever that is.
  2. Very timely. I read this at lunchtime and we've just been out to a garden centre and went into the cafe for a cuppa. There were two sofas in one part, wife on one, husband on the other with two dogs on the sofa with him. Until one of the dogs decided to go off and try and get a fuss from everyone in the cafe. Of course he very half heartedly tried to call it back but just sat there and let it drag in all the attention. And as we were all very British, no-one said a word in protest.
  3. You should have bought the Denham Owl before I started work on her; not only could you hear the rain on the cabin, you would have had the added thrill of watching the rain come into the cabin to join you, as it passed either side of the main 240V consumer unit. Actually, I may be speaking too soon as I haven't been over since removing the cover....
  4. Good advice but unfortunately too many people use that as an excuse to hate everyone else on the road. "My journey is far more important than yours so get out of my way". I've often been a passenger in a car and had to listen to the driver's constant insulting of other drivers. Millions of us drive cars, it's not clever.
  5. I've just done a very silly thing, ordered a portable barbeque, one of those little ones with a fan. There will be a summer sometime I think.
  6. A quick online calculator: £3.75 (no shillings so estimate) equates to about £166.00
  7. We only have one side of the story. Maybe the boat helm doesn't understand fishing, doesn't know why anyone would want to fish. Maybe they've just come from a mooring where they encountered grumpy fishermen.
  8. How did you get a sentence with "rear end" and "delight" past the mods?
  9. Correct. I didn't know that until you prompted me to look. You win Vaughan, if you send me your address by PM I'll send you the card for your collection.
  10. Well I didn't expect such a response but I'm glad you are enjoying the pics. I have been in conference with my sister who has the family history on file and my uncle was born in November 1935 and moved to South Africa in the 1950s we think. So most probably early fifties for the lettercard?
  11. Sorry (not very) if this has been shown before by someone else but... I was having a tiny clearout today and came accross a box with some old family archive material inside. I found this lettercard which was sent by my uncle to my grandparents. He finishes with "P.S. Please keep the stamp." Well they did, and the card obviously. But in removing the stamp when he got home he also removed the frank with the date on. I thought you may enjoy. Would you believe it? I chopped that last pic off to rotate it upright, saved it as such but it won't display upright. Ah well, you'll just have to heave your screens sideways.
  12. Whisper gently so as not to put a jinx on it but.... There seems to be a suggestion of a tiny bit of decent weather next week. It was Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, then it changed to just Tuesday and Wednesday, now it's changed to just Thursday. I'm confident that by Sunday evening the forecast will be for storm and tempest Monday to Friday! However, I aim to pick the best day and go for it.
  13. Nothing increases footfall more than free parking IMO. High street looks very narrow and I can't find a car park easily on Google. Tescos is free for 3 hours, that's enough isn't it? Complain about no investment then when they spend £150K on improving the pavement, they complain again. What's needed are charity shops, nail bars, coffee shops, fast food outlets and somewhere to get a tattoo. Typical English village in 2024.
  14. Next door here. I have a similar set up and although mine did pong a bit when I had it, changing the pipes and adding this stuff seems to have worked: https://www.brianwards.co.uk/product/odourlos-holding-tank-treatment-1-litre/
  15. This is clearly a fall out between two parties and of course the first to complain takes the higher ground. No surprise there then. So after the relationship deteriorated why didn't someone from the NBSA have the foresight to contact th BA BEFORE pressing start on the printing press? Because they thought couldn't lose. How can you criticise someone and expect a gentleman's agreement to stay intact? Pathetic.
  16. It's on my list of must sees. I'll be there during the summer.
  17. Correct, I apologise to Cambridge.
  18. Thank you Cambridge. Just in time for Easter there's about two miles of 40mph restriction just before the A11 turn off on the bypass. Say's it's to do with barrier safety so could be done by easter I suppose. Fingers crossed.
  19. Look, she's naked! I nipped over today to prepare for the move to Cove and it felt really weird leaving the boat with no cover. I wonder how long it's been since it was fully exposed to the elements? Some of the spiders living in the cover had grown quite large and I couldn't drown them, so I flicked them onto that little Shetland next door. Engine battery check, weed filter check, cooling water tap check. Engine start first time, nice tick over, bit of blue smoke for a start and nice to see a bit of water coming through too. So that bit's ready. I refitted some of the trims and the starboard cleat, which is now screwed to solid wood and not foam. Finally got to take down my structures for supporting the cover: a Black & Decker Workmate with upholstery to protect the cover, a step stool similarly upholstered, and a 3 wheeler walking aid! The latter being a left over from an auction lot of walking aids I got for my mother in law a few years ago. The community charity shop in Brundall were very pleased to receive it on my way round to the White Heron for lunch. I managed to get most of the rubbish into the Corsa so I just have the cover and that small wooden pallet you can see on the front deck to get rid of. Although I suppose I should keep the cover in case the next owner wants it as a pattern. It also means that when the time comes all I need to do is give the boat a good clean and tie the mudweight to a bit of rope; they say it's more effective that way... Oh, and I have to erect the six foot pointless mast too.
  20. He's probably running for the hills now. COME BACK! SHE'S QUITE SAFE, SOMETIMES. HONEST!
  21. Not if I time it right and you collect the gas bottle at the same time!
  22. It's not just this forum, it's the boating community in general. I have now had offers of help from ex-neighbours at BGM so when it happens there could be quite a flottila moving around Brundall! Thanks again everybody. I was going to move it this week but it's not coming together, so I'm going to leave it for now. I still have a couple of little jobs to finish off anyway so I'll nip over and get it properly prepared to move so things should be easier when the move happens.
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