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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Just looking at Google streetview showing images from July last year, the windpump doesn't look very open to visitors?
  2. My lovely old Omega. Bought new in March 2003 and it served me well until 2013 when I bought the XC90. Son had it then until failed the MOT for it's 16th birthday. He asked my permission to let his neighbours have it for banger racing. The only one of my previous cars that I actually know where it ended it's life!
  3. And with that I think we've exhausted the thread drift and argument.
  4. Quality job! Tempted to say it adds value to the boat but probably more accurate to say adds desirability to the boat.
  5. Would that be the inland rivers of Devon and Cornwall, or the sea? Don't answer. One drowning is one too many! And why does there have to be a drowning for it to be considered a statistic? Safety is about the potential danger; someone falling and getting out again ok is still an accident with the potential for much worse.
  6. One import statistic: loads of accidents = poor public image = people stay away = you end up with the Broads to yourself = but it will be expensive!
  7. Make a law against poor seamanship? Funny argument that. If we were hearing more and more about people tripping over fenders then yes, do something about it, but we don't. We do hear about people falling in when getting on and off the boat though.
  8. Similarly, safety footwear, hi-vis vests, hard etc in the workplace. Amazing how we adapt.
  9. Erm, I agree, mine wasn't probably a fair analogy but the above sounds like an organised swim? Or have I missed something?
  10. Good point but: Freedom of choice yes, but no one has to go play near the water, that is their first choice. When they get there, they abide by the rules, if any, applied to that place. Thinking of when a tradgedy happens, I feel for helpless witnesses and others who's lives will affected for ever; they have a right to be protected don't they? I wouldn't want anyone to exercise their right to walk under a bus just as I were nearby.
  11. Just a couple of ideas: When hiring, one person signs a statement to say they have been fully instructed in all safety requirements and procedures and accept full resposibility for implementation of same. This could be worded to include the viewing of safety videos. May already be the case for all I know. Mandatory wearing of life jackets when mooring and leaving dock. That said, I was petrified when I had to bring the Denham Owl up the River Clyde from Bowling in case we encountered any kind of large ship. As we got out into the middle of the river the previous owner said, "We really should have lifel jackets on". Quite right; she was also petrified and we had both forgot! We very soon did have though.
  12. I think that is the key; to emphasise the responsibility you are undertaking when going on the water. Responsibility frightens people into thinking. Ultimately someone is going to suggest a compulsory competence course leading to a test or at least a diploma of attendance. Not me though.
  13. I think this is where the internet really comes into it's own; the BA have a series of videos on Youtube as do a lot of hirers. Steering novices towards these would surely ease things and improve safety.
  14. Apart from the ecosystem I'm sure there must be something more written between the lines which I'm struggling to read, but I would take a wild guess it may be money. What could be the deterrents keeping a broad closed? Do the BA suddenly have a bigger maintenance job if it were opened? Greater responsibility for safety? Just trying to see the broader argument here.
  15. Has anyone approached the current Thomas Blofeld for his views? As someone interested in promoting tourism in the area (Bewilderwood) I would have thought he could be open to the idea of opening the broad and providing moorings etc?
  16. Thank you Vaughan. The dredging is referred to in JM's quoting of James Knight.
  17. Well Peter, I was hoping for a slightly more comprehensive and constructive answer, but that'll do for starters!
  18. Confused (easily) of the Midlands here. I'm not trying to wind anyone up here but some of the info is a bit confusing to the visitor. Who closed HGB to navigation and why? Why was it dredged if not for navigation? Something to do with the grey patches on Google Earth, is that where they dumped the silt for weedbeds? Does Blofeld own the broad or just the bank?
  19. Please, hopefully not.
  20. So it seems that although we previously agreed to abide by European directives, we chose not to enforce this one fully because it didn't suit us. Does history record if the EA registered any opposition to this directive when it was brought in? Or offered a valid reason as to why it couldn't comply?
  21. Having had a quick look around to see who Natural England are, it seems to me that they are a bunch of stuffed shirts looking for something to do. If someone shouts loud enough they do something then quietly undo it later. If enough people protest I would think this business will get reversed. If not now, later but quietly so they can all say they did their jobs. And so the world goes on.....
  22. The time has come for me to do the decent thing and make sure all who sail in her are safe. The Broads Authority have told me so. Good to know they keep good records and check up; they've sent me a reminder. It's due in October and I have no fears but as I am a safety cert virgin I though I would check to make sure I'm going about it the right way: To get it done within Brundall Gardens I will have to do it through them and the job will probably at my request, end up with Freshwater Marine. What is the general procudure? Do they do a test and give so long to do any work as per a car MOT? Of course I'll ask them soon but I thought I would chuck it out there for coments.
  23. "Natural England"??? Is it just me or is there some irony in them wanting to stop fish breeding where nature tells them to? So if there's a housing shortage in a certain area and we don't want to carve up any more land....? Before it goes ahead, everyone who works for NE should be forced to sleep in a separate room to their natural partners (should they be so blessed) to get an idea of what the fish feel like. Sorry, serious subject.
  24. I'm reminded of the guy who stored a glut of magazines in his attic until the roof structure gave way under the weight.
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