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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. That is very true and something to bear in mind. Ranworth (Malthouse Broad) freezes very quickly too. As can Loddon. It's sometimes best to stick to the main rivers although I've even known it to start to freeze at Surlingham! As MM says ice breaking is big no-no.
  2. Good grief! I remember that a friend loaned me the "Sailor" album when I was still at school!
  3. Good place in York is the House of the Trembling Madness down Stonegate. They have a very good range of bottled beers in the shop downstairs. In Norfolk I would go for the likes of Humpty Dumpty, Grain, Panther or Wolf who all do very good bottled beers. Roy's have quite a good selection, strangely Lathams keep a good range of Humpty Dumpty. IMHO a bottle of Humpty Dumpty Broadland Sunrise can give most Yorks beers a run for their money. Enjoy!
  4. Hi Grace The Bridge Inn have stopped opening Christmas Day sadly although Sutton Staithe may well do so. Other places do open though, for example the swan at Horning I believe does
  5. Hi Jonzo You're right. Norwich Bear isn't exactly a brewery as such, it's re-badged beers by Norfolk Square which were produced for the Ketts Tavern. Redwell brew mainly keg beer. John also missed the excellent Golden Triangle and Chalk Hill based in Norwich and of course there are a total of 36 breweries in Norfolk all told. Superb stuff.
  6. Yes I think John was generalising a little! Agree with Trevor, Ossett are one of Yorkshires finest and have some superb pubs. This is one example, the Fox on Holgate Road in York. An old Victorian listed building which has been sensitively restored to a very high standard. In fact Mrs Nog and I were sinking a few in there yesterday
  7. Black Mill is, I believe, one of the old steam mills. I'm wondering if John's mill is on the lower Bure below Stracey Arms Mill????
  8. I’ve just spotted a Tweet by Faircraft Loynes confirming that they do have a selection of boats available over Christmas but I would imagine that you would have to dig fairly deep into your pockets. Problem is of course that they would have to provide breakdown cover over the festive period and I don’t suppose that comes cheap. Royall’s used to do Christmas cruising for some of their regular customers until fairly recently but I think it was quite bad weather one year and they decided to stop it.
  9. Little bit of poetic licence there John but I'll let you off!
  10. Sad news Alan, Bill was a good bloke and wil be sadly missed.
  11. Good item on BBC East Inside Out as to which is the Capital of Ale - Norwich or York Bit divided loyalties as I am a Yorkshireman but love Norfolk beer! http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04hv734/inside-out-east-29092014 Hope this works - about 18 minutes in
  12. Hi Jim Yep. 8.30 till end of Oct
  13. Hi Jim Herbert Woods hire in February and March. We've been with them for the last couple of years in Feb and can highly recommend it. If you're feeling flush Faircraft Loynes probably will too. Personally I'd go with Woods (in Feb) PS agree - if you go in March Richardsons would indeed be a good choice
  14. This has been discussed on another thread but in a nutshell the main problem with both the Berney and the Beauchamp is the freeholder who basically will not rest until both pubs are sold off as housing. I’m, afraid even if Jamie Oliver were to run the Berney, he would not be able to make it pay either because the rent will always be adjusted to deter even the most determined operator. Running any pub these days is very difficult and I take my hat off to anyone who does it but running the Berney was always going to be a hopeless task. Very sad.
  15. Just looked at the Barnes webcam - looks to be about six nine at the mo but I believe you have a bit extra on top of that so you would probably be OK as things stand now. As I say things can change but will keep fingers firmly crossed for you!
  16. Hi Jim The Potter Heigham Bridge Twitter feed was giving five ten at Potter bridge this morning so it looks as if levels could be a bit on the high side at the moment. Obviously there will be more under Wroxham and of course things could well change again before October. It's all down to tides, pressure and wind direction at the time. Hope you can make it though, it is indeed a lovely stretch of the river.
  17. This picture of the Surlingham Ferry moorings was taken last year but it gives the general idea, I don’t think they have changed much. If memory serves they are better at each end but not so good in the middle. The section to the far left of the photo right in front of the pub is the best bit I think. The moorings are not horrendous but just need a bit of care, you may need extra fendering as others have said. It’s worth the effort though, it’s a very good pub and is featured in the Good Beer Guide for the first time this year.
  18. We had a special boat, Swan Royale which we hired for 10 years but it has now been sold sadly
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