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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Hi jgsman and a very warm welcome from me too. Many thanks for posting the pictures of Bure Court – fascinating yet so sad that it went in such a fashion. As I mentioned earlier in the thread I was very disappointed to have not had the chance to go in – I must have missed it by a few months at most. You are very lucky to have lived so close!! I’m not sure if you have seen Carol’s website http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/ which has a lot of old photos and much more besides. Well worth a look.
  2. According to the EDP the fire was restricted to the kitchen/food prep area but the main pub was not affected – probably will have some smoke damage though. So hopefully they may be able to get up and running fairly soon even though they may not be able to have the full food offer on for a while. Such a shame, I popped in last month and had a superb pint of Humpty Dumpty Reedham Gold. The EDP also say police are investigating which sounds slightly ominous???? I wish them well.
  3. I was very interested to be shown around Swancraft’s newest addition to their fleet which is under construction at the moment. It will be a five berth with 2 separate en-suite cabins with an extra fold out berth in the saloon. The boat is utilising the tried and tested Alphacraft 35 foot hull and with a Beta diesel to shaft. I was very interested to see how it all fits together as for example the water and fuel tanks are hidden from view when the boat is complete. The boat will feature all the usual Swancraft refinements including bow thrusters. It will be a cracking boat when it complete and I’m sure that it will be very popular. I’m told it should be ready by the end of the season so will be available for booking for 2015. Get in there early!! Swancraft do update their fleet very regularly, in fact they must be one of the most prolific builders pro rata for the size of the fleet. It is certainly evident from what I saw out on the water earlier in June that there is a real demand for quality new builds.
  4. .......this has gone off the original topic somewhat, could it be split to a Geldeston thread maybe??????/
  5. Hi Matt No, this is Geldeston dyke, the split to the Locks is further back.
  6. Hi John I seriously wouldn’t recommend it. I last ventured down there 2 years ago. There used to be a couple of informal moorings on the right hand side just before the old rail bridge but these seem to have become overgrown. In fact the whole dyke is now quite overgrown and narrower than I remember it. The entrance to Rowancraft is just to the left before the bridge. Small boats tend to moor around there – see picture. I went down very slowly with Swan Royale at 32 foot and had great difficulty turning even with bow thrusters. It is really only suitable for small motorised craft or dinghies I would suggest. Or canoes which I believe you can hire from Rowancraft. One option if you are feeling energetic is to walk from the Locks but is something like a 2k round trip. I have done it though. The other problem is that the Wherry pub is hardly ever open – it must be 10 years since I’ve been in. It’s all fairly bog standard Adnams from memory. Pleasant walk though on a nice day.
  7. Broadsman looks very nice Jonzo but maybe A tad big fot 2 of us :-o Royalls Jon hmmmmm? Did go with them a few years ago and they were very good I have to say. However Swancraft are simply the best for me, so just a case of which one. Swan Relection favourite at the mo
  8. We have just returned from a fabulous fortnight on Swan Royale. It was however tinged with sadness as she has now been sold (subject to survey) so we will have to look for another boat after eleven very happy years. Once again the service we received from Swancraft was first class. The boat ran faultlessly as always with no problems whatsoever. This is a testament to the quality of the maintenance that Swancraft carry out. We used 90 litres of fuel covering the Broads from top to bottom over 2 weeks so I was very pleased with that. Being a smaller family run yard it isn’t so much service you get from Swancraft, it is a very personal attention. Nothing is too much trouble for them and everyone is treated as an individual. They get a lot of repeat business so really get to know there customers. We would not dream of going anywhere else. So the only problem is, what to hire next year…………….
  9. Hi Marina and Welcome I’ve been a regular visitor to most of the Broads pubs since the mid 70’s so can remember most that were around then. Some that are sadly no longer with us are the Eagle at Neatishead, Bridge Hotel at Potter Heigham, Barton Angler, Wherry at Langley, Castle at Wroxham (sob) Railway at Reedham, Bure Court at Hoveton, Black Horse near Horning to name but a few. Sadly in the pre-digital age images, particularly interiors are particularly hard to find. If you’ve not already discovered it check out Carol’s excellent website http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/
  10. Well worth a visit John, I'd be very interested to hear your views on the place!
  11. Now I’m back I can post a few photos of the re-vamped White Horse. The first thing that strikes you is that serious money has been invested in this pub. If you think Woods End/Waters Edge you won’t be far off the mark. I did like the old pub, it was totally unspoilt and had probably remained much the same for 50 years or more. The only pub left anything like it was is coincidentally the White Horse at Upton. I have visited the White Horse many times over the years. However latterly is has been struggling and could easily have ended up as flats. I think for that reason it is good that the pub has been saved. The style of the pub is now distinctly modern but that is what customers want these days. We visited on a Tuesday evening and the pub was very busy. The bare floors and walls do tend to make it fairly noisy but not unduly so. The small rooms have been retained at the front of the pub but the substantial change is to the back bar. This has been opened out to take in the old courtyard area. There is a large lobby area and a separate function room. New toilets have been provided to a very high standard. The bar is in the same position but has been extended and totally rebuilt. We didn’t try the grub but it was obviously very popular. The beer was very good both in terms of choice and quality. It was also pleasing to note that it wasn’t dominated by Woodfordes or Greene King which sadly so many Broads pubs are. The pub started to clear considerably after about 9.30 when meals had finished but this is pretty much par for the Broads. However we weren’t booted out early as happens in too many Broads pubs these days. I’m a bit worried about the number of casks which have been used for stools! In summary it is very modern but it will appeal to the vast majority. It’s hard to say if it is being supported by the village, I do hope so. Someone has invested serious money in this pub and it is good to see another village local saved from closure. And it’s nice to see a pub selling a bit more than just Wherry! I wish them well and I’ll certainly be calling in again.
  12. Looks to be one in Lowestoft and thats about it. I think they would do well.
  13. A day boat with style! Particularly for the sort of weather we've been having recently!
  14. Hi Grace Raising a toast to you as we speak! Hope you can be afloat before too long too! :-)
  15. Surlingham Broad in the early morning sun
  16. Little Sharpie still £2.60 in Loddon Swan. Must be the best value on the Broads! Awesome beer too
  17. Lovely morning at North Cove. Only sound is birds singing
  18. Got sidetracked in the pub Jonzo! I'll try to get back and give it a proper test this time!
  19. I agree, the Coltishall stretch is a lovely part of the rivers. Not so peaceful here at Ranworth though! Stacking up waiting for moorings! Good time to go to the Dog Inn I think!
  20. Been using the Hubba on board wifi this week. It works really well, strong fast connection and no drop out. Highly recommended
  21. Up to Coltishall yesterday, only about half a dozen boats moored up. Little Sharpie and Grain Hop Colony in the Red Lion. Bliss Nice and quiet on the Horseshoes mooring too.
  22. Went in last night. Lot of money spent, tad noisy but busy. Beer excellent, staff friendly and helpful. Don't boot you out early either. Bit modern for me, but this pub has been revived and that has to be good. Well worth a visit IMHO. Range of whiskies and keg craft beers too. Will post more photos later.
  23. Oi! Your rain has moved up to the land of the flat caps and ferrets :-o
  24. I haven’t actually been in the White Horse yet, although I’m hoping to get in next week. I’m indebted to Ian Stamp from Norwich CAMRA who has kindly given me permission to publish these photos on the Forum. I’m quite impressed actually – the restoration does seem to have preserved much of the unique atmosphere of the place – it was one of the most unspoilt pubs on the Broads. Beers on sale yesterday were Adnams May Day and Fat Sprat, Grain Redwood, Batemans XXXB, Bristol Beer Factory Seven and one other guest. Huge range of bottled beers apparently and a number of the new keg craft beers. Good range of food on offer with a reasonable range of prices. Looks as if the basic bar layout has remained the same but extended considerably leading out to sliding patio doors. I shall certainly look forward to popping in and sampling some of the beers. Nice to see a pub not doing the usual Wherry, Adnams Bitter and GK IPA combo. It will make a refreshing and welcome change to the Broadland beer scene IMHO.
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