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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Hi John Thanks for that - just had to check with Mrs Nog!! We are on Windows XP and Internet Explorer 8 (probably a bit steam driven) Hope that makes sense!
  2. This is probably me being a bit thick but when I post or reply (as now) the smilies and all the font info etc at the top of the reply panel is greyed out. Am I doing something wrong???? PS the enable emoticons box is ticked
  3. Just a warm up John!! :smile: Seriously we moored at Loddon with a full range of tides in June and had no issues.
  4. Many thanks for keeping us updated. At least we now know who is behind the signs
  5. This is the sort of thing Carol's really good at but is this the same little house as in Lori's pic???
  6. Hi Matt Thanks for that, usually OK with Swancraft for December but may be looking for February, so that's useful to know. Less ice on the Southern rivers too!
  7. Having problems with the pics! Try this..
  8. I went past Royalls boatyard a couple of weeks ago and spotted the new build over at their shed. Took a photo but got glared at by the staff! I did hire Royall Velvet 2 from Royalls a few years ago when they used to hire in winter. I must say I was very impressed both with the level of service and the quality of the boats. I am a regular with Swancraft but if I ever needed an alternative, Royalls would certainly be at the top of my list. Fred mentioned Swancraft who I do hire from regularly and have done so for many years. Recently we have been hiring Swan Radiance in December which is designed as a luxury 2 berth. We have found it very warm and comfortable and good to handle. I think if that is the market Royalls are aiming at they should have a winner.
  9. Hi Lori We were up there last week and didn't have any issues. We moored at the staithe overnight so had the full range of tides.
  10. Good advice indeed. I also tend to stick to around 1300/1400 revs and go with the tide where possible. Over the last 2 weeks we covered the whole of the network making the limit of navigation on every river. We used 102 litres in total so I was very happy with that. When you see folks ploughing around at full throttle I dread to think what their fuel consumption must be!
  11. Seven feet today, someone has pulled the plug out
  12. I used to go in the Loaves and Fishes in the seventies as it was one of the few pubs on the Broads selling real ale at the time. It’s been closed for a while now, probably suffered the same fate as many other pubs. Not been in the new Wetherspoons yet but I’m hoping to do so in a few weeks, I’ll be interested to see what its like. For my money the best bet in Beccles is the Caxton Club (not to be confused with the Caxton Arms). It’s listed in the Good Beer Guide and although a members club they will let you in if you show your CAMRA membership or a copy of the Good Beer Guide. Really cheap prices and superb beer. I also like the Royal Oak – bit basic but they were selling Green Jack beer and it’s a very friendly pub. I don’t think the Bear and Bells is what it was. We’ve always moored at the Yacht Station and found the Harbourmaster friendly and helpful. It only takes a few minutes to walk into town. I’m not keen on the swimming pool moorings though.
  13. Agreed Geoff!! Also could one of the Mods correct the typo in the title!
  14. Hi Tom Fur and Feather quiz is 1st Monday in the month, so that would be no good. Salhouse Bell is, I believe, on Weds and they will even pick you up – phone (01603) 721141 to check. Lion at Thurne is certainly Sunday in winter but I think, again its Wednesday in season – ring 01692 670796 to check I’ll keep thinking!
  15. Off the top of my head 2 pubs spring to mind - the Lion at Thurne and the Bell at Salhouse. The Waveney at Oulton Broad certainly used to do one. Fur and Feather too. I'll let you know if I think of any more.
  16. I think she's been up and down several times. Jill would be able to advise. This pic was taken last June. Great shame.
  17. It might be that Dave needs to hit the refresh button on his browser
  18. Great tale Robin, many thanks for sharing with us. Excellent service from Richos too. Glad you have discovered the delights of out of season cruising – you can’t beat it! Look forward to Part 2.
  19. Hi Easter is usually fairly busy as it’s the traditional start of the holiday season and of course the school holidays. Having said that there are a lot fewer hire boats than there were 30 years ago although there are more private boats. It’s usually the popular spots like Ranworth and Horning that are busiest and also have relatively few public moorings. One idea is to moor up at say 11 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon at busy places when most people are on the move. If you hire a dinghy you can mud weight at Ranworth which is another option. It is also possible to reserve a mooring at the New Inn in Horning. Also don’t forget you can moor at hire yards – if there are a few boats out there should be plenty of space. This is particularly handy at Wroxham and Horning although the Horning hire yards are a bit of a walk from the main village. As others have mentioned, the Southern Broads tend to be a bit quieter and well worth a look if you need some space! But basically relax and enjoy. Have a good one!!
  20. Fantastic footage Carol, many thanks for sharing it with us. A fascinating record of the times. I don’t suppose many people had TV’s etc in these days so obviously spent more time outside! The big freeze footage was really interesting too and the terrible flooding afterwards. I wonder if you would get away with filming a football match these days? Probably have a posse of Sky solicitors after you Great stuff
  21. I’ve been looking through my photos and thought I’d post a few from December. It’s my favourite time to be out on the rivers. Quiet and peaceful, you are lucky to see another boat on the move all day. Pubs warm and decorated for the festive season! Bliss.
  22. The Green Book list looks pretty comprehensive, a very useful resource. I did notice that Swancraft are not listed at Brundall for some reason. They definitely do pump outs and would sell diesel too I would imagine. It’s also possible to get a pump out at Norwich yacht station but only when it’s attended during the season. Facilities are a bit limited on the Southern rivers in winter – the water is left on at Reedham but the hoses are removed. You need a length of hose or a bucket (been there, got the T shirt). Also a kettle of boiling water when the tap is frozen…….
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