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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. http://norlink.norfolk.gov.uk/02_Catalo ... rchType=97 http://www.britishpathe.com/ http://www.francisfrith.com/search/
  2. Hi and welcome For a start you could try contacting Carol who runs the excellent Broadland Memories website and is a mine of information when it comes to the historical Broads to see if she is able to help http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/ I also believe that Norwich Council maintain a photographic archive and also I believe that Pathe have set up a website recently with archive footage of many locations around the UK. Try Googling. I’m not sure what the copyright situation would be with any of these sources but it is worth asking for a charitable cause. Good luck!!!
  3. Hi Blakes and Hoseasons have now merged so I imagine the conditions will apply to both. Just looking at the Hoseasons website they state that there must be at least 2 adults over the age of 18 in each party, so it doesn’t look too hopeful. http://www.hoseasons.co.uk/pdfs/UK-Boats-Terms-2012.pdf
  4. Hi Ted and Co Many thanks for sharing your holiday tale with us, glad you had a good time! I’m not entirely surprised that the pub at Bramerton was closed, this is pretty much par for the course I’m afraid.
  5. That's very helpful, many thanks for posting.
  6. Wow!! That Elysian could shift! I'll never complain about going across Breydon again!!!
  7. Great stuff Lori, keep it coming! Glad you enjoyed the Lord Nelson!
  8. Go on Geoff, you know you want to...........
  9. Hi Robin Excellent holiday tale, many thanks for sharing with us. Look forward to Day Two! We’ve hired Fine Time on several occasions which also suffers from the prop wash syndrome, wants to go one way all the time yet struggles to go the other!
  10. Great holiday tale Ken, many thanks for sharing with us. Glad you enjoyed your holiday! When we’ve had a forward drive boat, I usually just stick my head out of the window when mooring stern on. Probably not the text book way to do it but it works for me!!
  11. Having signed up for Twitter I can honestly say it has proved really worth doing. I’ve been reading Carol’s daily Broadland Memories tweets which I have really enjoyed. I like the ‘bite sized’ format. Carol’s username on Twitter is norfolkmemories. Well worth a look. I’ve also ‘signed up’ for Broads boatyards and several quality Norfolk brewers!! Still avoided Britney Spears though!!
  12. I missed the most important point!! John!!!
  13. Good grief!!! We’ve been lucky enough to have been out in December for the last few years and we are looking forward to going again this year. You might see one, possibly two boats moving all day. Bliss.
  14. Bit of a contrast today! Looks to be raining, 14 centigrade and the river levels look high Typical Bank Holiday!! Still wish I could be there though.........
  15. Agree with Dan's post - lot of good points. I can certainly vouch for Swancraft - I've been with them for many years now and have been very impressed with the quality of the boats and the standard of service we have received.
  16. Just been watching the Wroxham webcam and wishing I was there. It’s certainly busy! The pilot is pretty much taking boats through non stop and boats are stacking up waiting to go through.
  17. Hi Terrier Many thanks for reporting back after your holiday. So glad to hear you have had a good time and well done Richardsons for giving another first timer such a good start that they want to be back!! Nice one.
  18. Excellent choice of beers The Green Jack Trawlerboys is a bit of a coup as its just won silver in the overall Champion Beer of Britain awards. Have a good one!!
  19. ...I'll take the liberty of adding a link to the website..... http://www.mnr.org.uk/beerfest/
  20. Judging by the number of people posting on here and elsewhere about getting under bridges, it’s clearly an important feature to many of us. Well done to Clive and his team for designing a boat which is perfectly suited to the waterways on which it travels!
  21. There's more information about the restoration on Carol's blog - just scroll down a bit http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/blog/
  22. Sounds a great weekend, many thanks for sharing the info with us. Just wish I could be there!! Glad to see you have beer from local breweries, there is some superb beer coming out of Norfolk these days. I hope your first festival is a great success (which I’m sure it will be). And welcome to the Norfolk Broads Net!
  23. Wow! I take my hat off to you John, not much margin for error across Rockland! Hope the Ghost Ship and the ribs went down well! Oh and what's 6.30?
  24. Ghost Ship!!!! Shhhh!!! Don't let our Adnams correspondent know!!
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