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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/salhouse_pu ... _1_1867202 Sounds a good idea to me. If I lived in Salhouse I’d be forever popping out for stamp……… Good pub, hope it works out for them.
  2. Could you hire a holiday cottage instead? Faircraft Loynes have some apartments overlooking the river at Wroxham which they hire in winter and Fineway do (or certainly did) hire dayboats in winter. Might be another option...... http://www.norfolkbroadsdirect.co.uk/sh ... iday-homes http://www.finewayleisure.co.uk/html/day_boat_hire.html
  3. We are out regularly in the winter (dec and feb) and can thoroughly recommend it. The rivers are much quieter. The heating should be fine, go for a boat with warm air heating. Just be careful of ice as places such as ranworth can freeze, main rivers are fine though. Go for it and enjoy!
  4. Thanks for the update Richard and I hope all goes well for you. Re the pub, I would echo Trevor’s sentiments. I hope the new owner will recognise that running a pub on the Broads involves seasonal trade and that it will be busy in summer and quieter during the winter. I also hope it will not be subject to erratic opening hours and ejecting customers halfway through the evening. As the pub is (I believe) owned by Wellington there is no tie on the beer and it would also be nice to see something other than the usual Wherry/Adnams combo. A good food offer would help I’m sure which could boost trade in the quieter winter months. Hope it goes well.
  5. Hi Carol Many thanks, I was wondering where some of the shots were. I agree about the dyke (Oby Dyke?) which looked to me like Boundary Farm in the background. Very interesting about the bridge, I didn’t realise there had been a temporary one. I first went through Yarmouth in 1976 so the new bridge would have been built by then although as I recall the old rail bridge was still there. I would have guessed the final scene as Colitshall, the river looks fairly narrow and the slope of the banks looks about right. It’s a film you can watch over and over again as there are so many things to see!
  6. Some great footage there Carol – well spotted and thanks for sharing with us. I was trying to work out which boat it was – a Herbert Woods, looked like Shimmer of Light or Glitter of Light? The reg number looked to be B763?? There were some shots of a boatyard later in the film which could have been Horning or Wroxham? Again couldn’t work out which one it was. I was also interested in the bridge right at the start of the clip. It looked like the old rail bridge at Yarmouth. It was still there in the 1960’s although the line closed in the 50’s I believe. I wonder if it was used as a road bridge as there looked to be a van driving over it? Also looked very busy on the rivers particularly on Oulton Broad! All good stuff.
  7. Hi Nigel Larger copy sent to Ludham Archive mailbox. Hope this is OK Best wishes Howard
  8. Hi nigel you are most welcome. I'll sort out a better sized version for you.
  9. I’ve managed to get hold of a small number of old slides from the former Mrs Nog and came across this view of the Dog Inn. I can’t be exactly sure of the date but believe it will be from the mid to late seventies. You can see the old Watney’s style signage above the door. Also notice that the entrance is still in the old position (not at the side as now). The old door has now been bricked up but if you look carefully you can just see its outline in the rendering of the current frontage. The fenestration is different too looking much the same as Lorraine’s postcard from 1955. The extract fan is still there in the same position. I can’t make out the landlords name above the door but looking at the Norfolk pubs database for the period, I’m guessing it could be Judi and Brian James Lawton. Note the metal tables and chairs outside the pub which were very typical of this period. I can’t remember much about the beer but in those days it probably would have been the dreaded Norwich bitter!!!
  10. Herbert Woods have just done a brilliant Christmas video. I'll be trying them out in February too - hope the service is as good as the video!!
  11. Fantastic film Carol, thanks for sharing with us. Think the cameraman did a great job too!! I was a bit worried about that flappy thing going from side to side over the skippers head though!!!
  12. Hi Fred Crazy idea. I've signed your petition and tweeted it as well. Good luck.
  13. Hi Lori Babik doesn’t ring any bells with me but someone may well know. I think quite a few boats from the Kingfisher yard at Thorpe went to the ill fated Line Azzuro operation at Great Yarmouth. Try Google for a bit of history. DRL’s Dream Time is an ex Kingfisher boat.
  14. That sounds a very sensible idea. Things can often be resolved by a phone call. To be fair, I’ve hired from DRL several times and always had good service from them. I cannot comment on their financial situation.
  15. Hi Sorry to hear about your problems with DRL. I have been hiring in winter for a good few years now and have been on Fine Time several times. It’s an older boat but cosy and the gas fire is a real bonus in winter. As to alternatives – Richardson’s are excellent but don’t hire in winter sadly. If you have very deep pockets you could try Faircraft Loynes who do have some boats available in winter. However your best bet I think would be Herbert Woods or Freedom who do winter hire. Might be best to try ringing them direct. Keep pursuing DRL by all means but don’t hold your breath…… Good luck, please let us know how you get on.
  16. Hi Carol Great film, I think the John Lennon style hat and the Peter Asher specs put it pretty firmly in the 60’s! Nice to see Great Yarmouth looking a bit more salubrious then too Plenty of flappy things in there as well and what looked to be a sunken boat about two thirds of the way through?? One of the ladies even looks disturbingly like my mother in law Really enjoyable piece of film
  17. Hopefully both John!! Need to give the piggy bank a good shake though!!!
  18. Ah, not finished yet Dan!!! Will be out in December!! Swancraft next year though hopefully, piggy bank permitting.
  19. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to post up about these issues - I think I would have been concerned to be fair. Please don’t be put off posting – it’s very friendly on here 99% of the time, honest!! PS some schools might be on half term????
  20. That's what I like about you Geoff - you love living close to the edge........
  21. Some fun facts and figures courtesy of young Clive! http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.c ... u-know/61/
  22. I think Martham boats have some of the lowest airdrafts as presumably they were designed with the bridge in mind. Might have a few less mod cons than Clive’s boats of course…..
  23. Looks like re-badged DRL. Very interesting.........Hmmmmm....Wonder what's afoot?
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