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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. It's certainly been improved, lots of folk in and enjoying the grub. Big room at the side now. Live music evidently. Only downside I don't rate Greene King so was on Guinness.
  2. Heating on..... kettle on......
  3. Hi John Positively tropical! I'm sure some pubs will be looked at
  4. Glad bomb sorted, don't do Facebook but yes Humber Bridge looking very smart. Quick shandy in Ferry tonight and Yarmouth here we come!
  5. Cheers Humber Bridge, Ferry Stokesby 2nite and through Yarmouth tomorrow as long as the bomb hasn't exploded
  6. NorfolkNog


    Shorts and T shirt today
  7. Generally speaking the smaller yards tend to be more flexible, the larger ones are more likely to have a blanket policy. Bridgecraft have been absolutely fantastic but they do know us.... A yard are more likely to be accomodating if you have 'history' with them. Having said that it costs nothing to ask! Good luck.
  8. I don't drink at home and don't drink on a boat. Not everyone can afford to eat in a pub, understandably, but even a pint and a bitter lemon can make a difference. Please support the pubs if you can folks!
  9. ....or even earlier! We are back in just over a fortnight. Confident it will be warmer then. It had better be or the pub takings will be down a bit.
  10. Photo courtesy Museum of the Broads (assume it's Stalham Dyke)
  11. Ice at Stalham (photo courtesy Sally Ann Bennett)
  12. Great photo, thanks for sharing. Sadly pub photos of the pre digital era are like hen's teeth so I'm always keen to see them. I do remember going in, seem to think it was a bit like a youth club inside. Yes indeed, Bullards and Steward and Patteson swallowed up by Watneys and Lacons by Whitbread if memory serves. .....just noticed the Trumans umbrellas, think they were part of the Watney Grand Met empire.
  13. Hi Jeff, yes it was the Horseshoes. Originally Bullards which were taken over by Watneys in the mid 60's. So presumably it would have sold Bullards and then Watneys up to its closure which will be a good few years ago now. I vaguely remember going in but I assume it would have been Watneys and maybe their 'local' beer which I think was Norwich Bitter. It is possible you may be thinking of Websters Yorkshire Bitter which was sold in some Broads pubs. Websters were also part of the Grand Metropolitan empire with so their beer was sold in some Watneys pubs.
  14. I used to pop into the Royal Oak and I agree, a proper pub. It's now a pizza joint I believe. Regarding the Angel, I'm sure that I read somewhere that it is being opened again. Will make a mental note to try to get there in February. Can't comment on the grub at Horning Ferry but I was amazed to find them selling a beer from the Three Blind Mice brewery which is unheard of on the Broads. It was on cracking form too. I did compliment them on this.
  15. I used to go in the Loaves and Fishes. It was something of a real ale oasis back in the bad old Watneys era. I see the Wood Farm at Wayford Bridge got a mention earlier, another real ale oasis, had quite a selection if memory serves.
  16. Agree about the Berney Railway Tavern at Reedham was an excellent pub and quite an oasis for real ale back in the day.
  17. I'm sure you can do it, lovely down there last week! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! If we can do it I'm sure you can!!!!
  18. I assume it's just during the season although the yard staff are still around and were very helpful with us they might be able to take you through if you ask but the levels were quite high last week so probably academic.
  19. This is the boy Don't forget to press the start button The water flow is quite good so the time shouldn't be an issue
  20. Swancraft did fit water guages to some boats but most don't have them so sadly it is pretty much guesswork. Water tanks can be installed under double berths and do hold a lot of water. The old standard hire advice used to be to top up daily but this is really over cautious. I think you are based at Horning now? If your home yard doesn't have water there is Southgates and Ferry Marina, I also believe Boulters have good hours in winter. I'd be willing to bet that if you can fully top up after the last occupants you won't run out in 4 days and now everything is thawed (hopefully) you have more options. Don't be put off going down South, maybe do that first? It's a magical time to be out. As mentioned we are just back from a fabulous 10 days, it was chilly but the rivers were deserted, frosty mornings, magical scenery. Breydon Water was like a mill pond. Enjoy!!! And report back please!
  21. Hit Mrs Nog's login by mistake, grrrrrrr..... That boat will have a big tank, six berth? Unless you're having a bath every day I can't see you running out in 4 days Ferry have a portable hose so no chance of it freezing. As it's holiday time that might limit your opportunities but I really think if you make sure you are full before you set off and even get one top up I can't see you running out. Mrs Nog and I were out for 10 days and filled up twice. And no, we weren't whiffy
  22. Last time we were at Oulton Broad in winter they were using portable hose reels which are connected to the water points on the pontoon. Normally they are there in the morning in winter. Reedham taps are off for the first time I've known. Goodchilds?? Can't remember if the hose is removed at Loddon. We've never had a problem in winter apart from last couple of weeks when many hoses were frozen. Used with care most water tanks hold more than you think. We were concerned last week but it turned out we had more water on board than we expected. Mrs Nog has long hair but tends to turn the shower off when washing her hair then turning it on again to rise off which saves water. Drink beer instead of water is another option
  23. Back to Bridgecraft today M
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