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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Sounds an incredible place. I believe the building is still there, possibly offices. There's quite a bit of info in the excellent Norwich Pubs Past and Present. The legendary Albert Cooper started off there.
  2. True! Mrs Nog duly dispatched. We won! Twenty quid. Over to the Thwaites and Funnel
  3. I went in several times before it closed but can't recall a piano. There was a pool table I seem to remember, memory a bit hazy now!
  4. Is it the case that the demand for moorings outstrips supply? Folk always seem to be looking for moorings. Are there less moorings now? Or is it that there are just more boats? Just curious, don't think I'll be in a position any time soon to test the market But if moorings are as scarce as they seem to be, then this could be a tidy investment. I'll send Mrs Nog out for more tickets
  5. Ha ha! Well, we bought 2 Euromillions tickets today..............................
  6. Enterprise and developers. Devil and deep blue sea springs to mind. I did have a chat with the landlady when I last went in. Seemed really enthusiastic and had some cracking beers on too. Such a shame.
  7. Couldn't agree more. I must admit it's a couple of years now since I have been able to get into the Buck. Fabulous pub, pretty much unspolilt and steeped in history. It would be a tragedy if it were lost.
  8. Not sure if this helps - it's a bit small scale.
  9. Very interesting old photo of the Yare at Brundall - looks very different than it does today! Thanks to Paul at Swancraft for the link - looks an interesting site with many more old photos. Worth a look. http://www.brundallvillagehistory.org.uk/River.htm
  10. I would have thought that West Somerton was the epitome of rural tranquility. This sounds like mindless vandalism
  11. Off topic slightly - Thetford c1982 Other good Broads pubs for beer - Sutton Staithe Adnams on gravity, Wood Farm and Lodge at Salhouse. Think that was the landlord from the Bure Court which sadly burnt down. Never did get in.
  12. Quite possibly - this is the entry from the 1976 Good Beer Guide which would focus more on the beer. A slim volume for Norfolk in those days!
  13. Good pub indeed. One of the very few selling decent beer back in the day. Very nice drop of Adnams I recall. Another sad loss.
  14. Twas opposite the station It wasn't near the river, you had to walk past Sandersons yard and carry on up the hill. About 10 minutes or so. Longer back. Happy days. Edit - the building is still there but its flats now.
  15. Just back tracking to the Railway Tavern, this is an old sign on display at the Humpty Dumpty Brewery. Shows the original logo.
  16. That photo would have been taken around mid 70's from memory. I think that was the same time as the discos. I used to run one myself so always took a professional interest! The beer then would have been the 'orrible Watneys I guess, possibly augmented by Websters Yorkshire bitter which was just as bad. In fact these Broads holidays prompted me to join CAMRA the beer was so dire! The Ruddles which appeared later was a slight improvement. I probably went in the Broadshaven too but can't remember much about it - probably very forgetable!
  17. Ex Pilot once posted a very interesting account of the circumstances surrounding the fire at the Bridge. I think it started from lighting a fire in a fireplace which hadn't been used for a long time., Very sad, a great pub and a disco too!
  18. There was some connection with the Reedcutter I seem to recall. There was a big Humpty Dumpty sign right in the corner near the downstream end of the moorings.
  19. Yes, I'm pretty sure it started there. I seem to recall they had a sign down the right hand side of the pub. As far as I recall it was under different owners then, the present management took over later, about 20 years ago I think but happy to be proven wrong as always!
  20. Another sad loss was the Railway Tavern at Reedham. Great pub and sold a good range of real ales. Sadly closed in 2006 - this was shortly afterwards as it was being converted to flats.
  21. While on the subject of lost pubs there is an update in the EDP on the former Ferry Boat on King Street, Norwich. It backed onto the river but sadly closed quite a few years ago now. Apparently it is going to be developed providing much needed affordable housing. I've an idea that Royall's started life building boats in the shed which you can see in the EDP picture. For some reason it's a pub I didn't ever get to visit. Shame as it put on live music which may have ironically contributed to its demise as I seem to think the residents who had moved into the posh new flats nearby objected to the noise although the pub had been there for 100 years. Looked a lovely pub back in the day. Great shame. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/diggers-move-onto-ferry-boat-pub-norwich-7082516
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