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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. ......the Recruiting Sergeant has a big garden and patio out the back. The excellent Bridge Inn Dukes Head has a fair bit of space at the side
  2. ......and the Nelson Head plenty of space in the field over the road!
  3. I've just had a thought, I wonder if the Tingdene Marina has a bar? I wonder if that's what attracted Fireman Sam? If it's what was the old holiday village, I believe it did. I can just imagine him sunning himself out there with a cool Kronie or 3
  4. I suppose pubs will make a judgement if they have enough garden covers to make it worthwhile. Most do have a reasonable garden. The Dog has a whole field they could use in theory!! Like Fireman Sam I will be doing my best to support our pubs
  5. I can't place where this is - upper Thurne maybe? There seems to be a lot of stuff for sale at the mo. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/business/holiday-village-on-broads-for-sale-7805932
  6. Oi!! Us Yorkies are rufty tufty I'll have you know!
  7. Mr Fire Sir!!!!!!!!!! Nah, there's still a few of us nippers left Jean!
  8. I've found it quite 'interesting' handling a day boat after being on a cruiser for a week. The steering is so much lighter, takes a bit of getting used to. Throw in an electric day boat with some flat spots on the throttle control and a beer in the Pleasure Boat.........
  9. They were quite innovative I believe. Seem to remember reading an article about them. Used something like a small tractor diesel engine.
  10. Towards Aunty Jean land. Never the same after the demise of the Castle
  11. Ha! It's probably better than the beer, I am always very reluctant to be critical of course, although the view is very pleasant and plenty of activity on the river. Red Lion for the beer though (although it's not too-o-o bad in the Kings Head if a little on the pricey side).
  12. I'll try to add a few more but obviously others will have ideas too. Everyone has their own reccomendations. From your gaff you could try the Recruiting Sergeant - hubby needs his cheque book but it is good. White Horse at Neatishead is excellent IMHO I think the Star at Lessingham is well regarded but it's a bit too far for me. I always say you can't fault the Bridge Inn. Beers spot on really good efficient service and good grub. White Horse at Upton. We were taken out to the Brick Kilns at Little Plumstead in September. That was good they also do a good veggie menu , I know Carol has been there.
  13. They're all good but that's one of the best I would agree.
  14. The London Tavern was destroyed by a gas explosion so I never did get in. Up the road towards the old station was the Railway. Proper pub but not for the faint hearted. They did live music too but never managed to get in for that. It closed a few years ago sadly. So carry on up the road towards Hoveton. Few minutes walk brings you to the Red Lion. More of a proper locals pub and a good bet for beer. The guy who owns it (Brian) put it up for sale but I believe now that he will rent it out or part of it so it can still be a pub. We enquired last September and that seemed to be the plan so fingers crossed it will open again. Carry on up the incline and down the other side to the Kings Head and Rising Sun.......
  15. Perhaps a good place to start a pub crawl is at one end and work to the other. So for my little excursion I’ll start at the Recruiting Sergeant. The pub is known for its grub but they don’t get sniffy if you just go in for a drink. The beer is pretty good too – they tend to stock the usual suspects but do sell some decent ones too – I’ve had Grain in there before now. Large pub mainly set for dining but a very nice patio and beer garden at the back. There are a few tables at the front too. The food is expensive but very good. I treated Mrs Nog to lunch back in September. As well as raiding the gin menu she went for giant prawns and pronounced them superb. It’s certainly an up market pub but they seem happy to serve dodgy Yorkshire folk. On with the pub crawl, head back over the bridge back to Coltishall.........
  16. This is an excellent idea from Mr Scrumpy I certainly intend to put in my 2p for what it's worth. I think pubs deserve better press than they get sometimes so I'm very keen to promote them and all their positives. Watch this space.
  17. Humble apologies to Cats UK - pleased and relieved good members have got us back on track.
  18. No, I'm with you all the way there Mr O Guilty as charged I must admit I get a bit irritated when threads go astray. It is a bit unfair on the OP too. We can't blame Fireman Sam this time either.
  19. Great idea SC - I just feel sorry about the OP - everything seems to degenerate into pubs. Good job Fireman Sam is not around or I dread to think where we would end up. We could do with Mr Grendel to split the thread but I think the Mods are all asleep with Jean. I could get away with anything at the moment!!!!
  20. Last time me and Mrs Nog went in the Flying Dutchman they had a band on. Good pub. Beer's nothing special, I think I was on the Guinness. But it's what I would call a proper pub. I think this thread has diversified somewhat........... no change there then.......
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