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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. If you want a boatyard to do it you would get a first class job from Swancraft. Pop in or give Paul a bell. He's very helpful.
  2. Thanks JF. Sounds like Geoff has his work cut out!
  3. Not sure where you are based but for the Southern Broads you could give Paul at Swancraft a bell. Contact details on the sponsors panel on the right of the page.
  4. Thanks for all your efforts with this Mr Fire sir That's a shame as one of my 'must visits' Any indication when they will be open? Possibly May 17th?
  5. Let us know how you get on Jean and watch that Fireman Sam! The internet up here in flat hat land makes even Virgin Media seem good. Tin cans and wet string are about it. Mrs Nog tried once but the quiz had finished by the time she got her answer in!
  6. The blue ones do seem to be more common and are a pain if they get knotted or frayed. Often too short as well, maybe where knots have been cut out. To their credit Bridgecraft use proper rope and a decent length too. There's nothing more annoying than trying to put springs on at the likes of Yarmouth etc and finding the ropes are not long enough.
  7. Can't say for certain but I think it was still there 1977/8ish, It was a while before it was finally demolished. Carol would probably know.
  8. https://www.barnesbrinkcraft.co.uk/day-boats/day-boats/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=NewYear2021 Barnes Brinkcraft
  9. That's the point exactly. Be it Scotch eggs, pub passports or travel this all plays on our desperation to get back to some normality which is perfectly understandable. So we take every opportunity to grasp at straws or look for every possible loophole or interpretation of the guidance. It's called human nature.
  10. I can vaguely recall when they didn't change them back in the autumn and children were going to school in the dark. Caused uproar I seem to remember, it didn't last.
  11. Thanks for that Jean. As you have your ear to the ground locally so to speak, please continue to keep us informed of any news. Rick is very much on the ball and I'm sure he'll have both pubs up in running soon.
  12. The pubs in Reedham seem to be keeping a low profile. I would have thought the Ship at least would have enough space in the garden to be worth opening? Perhaps one you could keep an eye on for us Mr Fire sir?? (plus I do believe we have a couple of Reedham locals) I've been looking the the Fur and Feather. It looks as if you can book tables already but I wonder if the inference is that they expect you to dine? Looks very food orientated. If we roll up and ask for a gallon of Norfolk Nog and a vat of gin for Mrs N I wonder if they would serve us?
  13. Sadly very true, I think what I was trying to say was that those that made the effort did it very well. I would say they were in the majority but of course the few that don't bother tend to reflect on the industry as a whole which is a shame.
  14. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/vaccine-passports-pubs-would-counterproductive-23805950
  15. I'm sure it will sort itself out. I never ceased to be amazed at how pubs really went the extra mile to accommodate all this last summer. Often with great ingenuity. I have every confidence
  16. Pavements are a bit narrow in places but a pleasant walk. I believe all the 'Cats' are dog friendly and there's lots of room to sit outside as well.
  17. Fine establishment. It's a bit of a hoof either from Thorpe or Norwich YS. Well worth a visit and the beer is superb. It's on a main bus route though so not difficult if you don't fancy the walk. Was the Mustard Pot (former Adnams pub) bought by Colin Keatly and done out in Fat Cat style - red and black paint and chess board floor. Very popular now though and a stop off for Norwich fans as Carrow Road isn't too far away. Highly recommended.
  18. Watch that Fireman Sam!! I've heard he has crib notes on the back of his hand!!
  19. Thanks for that JF. It could do with it's own thread really - not sure if that could be done? Very useful information
  20. I think there are sensitivities around this as one would expect with a bereavment.
  21. In principle I would agree. I think the issue is the pressure it would put on landlords to actually police it.
  22. Not sure if this will work but I'll give it a go. Dawn, landlady of the Rose in Norwich gives her viewpoint
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