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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I think they police the Horning area like no other. I was shouted at a while back and I was sure I was with the limit.
  2. NorfolkNog


    If it's the shop I'm thinking of, they may deliver locally. Worth asking. But of course always a big thumbs up for Swancraft.
  3. That is a superb classic yacht! Enjoy
  4. Well done, you should in theory have had right of way there. We got berated by an armchair admiral a couple of years ago in the same situation. Great photos as always and glad you got a beer in at the Bell.
  5. Ah, I thought you were moored near our old friend JM - that explains it. Handy having the Bell on your doorstep. I've an idea that another member moors there - sadly like a couple of our other regulars not been about recently. Great shame. Anyway I digress. very glad you are supporting the hostelries at this difficult time and braving the weather. Keep the tales and piccies coming.
  6. .......oh and have you noted any variations to your pub opening info on the other thread?
  7. Ah, I'm forgetting that you are a prolific walker Mr Fire sir. Was the pub shut at Somerleyton?
  8. Well done Mr Fire sir and I'm very glad that you are back on track I would say that looks very like the Bell if I'm not mistaken. Did you get moored outside or on the public mooring? (just curious)
  9. I'm shocked Mr Fire sir! Great photos as always, many thanks for sharing
  10. I think they tend to have a ranger at the western end who would send you back. I'm not sure what would happen if a boat was delayed getting back to the yard. Interesting one.
  11. Weather no problems for Yorkshire folk!
  12. Yep would have been Humber Bridge Cracking boat for winter, really cosy.
  13. Excellent yard, can't praise them highly enough. Nothing is too much trouble. I believe it's Daniel who is the drone pilot, he filmed us setting off in December a while back. Don't do Facebook but guess it could be on there.
  14. Just having a quick look at the link and assuming I am reading it correctly, it looks as if the landowner doesn't allow fishing on the inner Broad. Looks like they've had altercations with fishermen and as a result have closed the navigation. Wasn't there a similar situation on Horsey Mere recently? Also looks like there has been some challenge as if this can be done in tidal waters. Also interesting to note our old friend JM appears to be on there. Not seen him on here for a while though
  15. Both good bits of advice which can apply to any vessel. We always try to think in advance, including which way the tide is running or if there is a strong wind. Know which side you are aiming to moor or stern on if applicable so you can have ropes ready. And definitely abandon an attempt that is going pear shaped! Much better to start again if you can and if it's safe to do so of course.
  16. Good point - we moored up at Neatishead staithe one time and someone grabbed a rope and bashed us into the quay heading. Mrs Nog is quite nimble on her feet though and we usually get moored up quite quickly. Not that we haven't made a hash of it though! The way we do it is that Mrs Nog gathers up both bow and stern rope in readiness and then steps ashore with the boat under control. It works for us - most of the time!!
  17. Mrs Nog and I have assisted other boaters many times but I always ask first if I/we can help. 9 times out of 10 gratefully received. Conversely I do not like 'armchair admirals' who try to give me un-solicited instructions!
  18. Drop of water in the fuel line? Hope you get sorted soon, sure it won't be anything serious.
  19. That's very true. We use Strowagers excellent tide tables which also have sun rise and set times. It's usually safe to set off in a morning provided the sky is clear and the light is good which can be a bit before the rise time.
  20. We hire regularly in December and do try to make the most of the daylight hours. We invariably set off at sunrise and moor up to make sure we arrive before sunset. Happily no risk of disturbing others as we invariably have the mooring to ourselves! But I fully endorse not disturbing others by anti social engine running.
  21. Make sure that you hold on to the grab rails. Job's a good 'un
  22. Always good to see a pub open, was afraid that one could be lost. Hope it does well. Personally I wont rush to drink Wherry or Doombar but I'm sure it will do well. Good for live music too.
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