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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Just a suggestion - should we try to keep this thread reasonably clear so Fireman Sam (or anyone else for that matter) could update us on pub openings as this is really useful information and handy to have in one place. Unless Mr Grendel feels like setting up a 'sticky' thread but that might be a big ask
  2. That is spot on! Jeremy Vine is making a meal of it now and you don't get much more hot air than him as well !
  3. It's a bit of a a Scotch egg syndrome in some ways - somebody who should know better trying to think on their feet and causing the media to go into overdrive. But - as someone who has a more than a passing interest in pubs I agree that a healthy airing of views can only be a positive.
  4. CEO of Shepherd Neame on radio making very cogent arguments why this is un-workable including discrimination policing etc etc
  5. I take anything Johnson says with a massive pinch of salt. I can't see such an idea being workable in practice. I don't think landlords would like it, checking credentials, forgery, abuse, etc etc.
  6. For some, Broads holidays are a bit of a Marmite experience, particularly first timers. Its also sad that some do get put off for unfortunate reasons - maybe particularly bad weather or picking the wrong boat for them. Maybe not finding moorings easily or grappling with an irascible boatyard owner. Others come once and are hooked for life.
  7. I don't think Bridgecraft have but stand to be corrected of course. But yes, folk are price conscious and may well be put off - don't shoot the golden goose. People have said to us no end of times over the years "ooo isn't the Broads very expensive then?" It always has been to an extent. You could have umpteen weeks in Shagaluff for what you would pay for a week on the Broads. But personally nothing will put me off a Broads holiday. But then I am a bit odd.
  8. Good on you Lady V Mrs Nog is looking forward to keeping Warrington going for a while yet.
  9. I've had a pizza in the Lion several times and it certainly hits the spot (I do have a good appetite) but they do/did offer a half pizza option which is a good idea. They do take away too although it's always better in the pub (the ambiance, not the pizza)
  10. No change there then Jean! Looks to be quite a few picnic boats - don't know if they've added more. They normally seem to have the day boats chocked up around the back in winter so they must be getting ready. I reckon they are champing at the bit to get started. Tap into all that pent up demand! Get ready to repel boarders
  11. Hi Rick Good to hear from you. I am a big fan of both pubs and look forward to visiting again as soon as possible. I very much appreciate the model you and the team work to and can't really think of anything I would change. There are many positives. I am a big real ale fan and think the choice and quality of your beers is very good indeed. I know that Ian Stamp speaks very highly of you. Your team members are also excellent - always friendly and helpful. Give Rachael a particular mention. We often come in winter and I appreciate the way that you keep the pubs open (particularly the Lion) when trade is less busy. We have never been kicked out early from either pub in the evening which is not the case with some Broads pubs I'm afraid! I would basically say keep doing what you do extremely well! All the best Howard
  12. Thirded! Paul is a first class boat builder and engineer and is always happy to give advice. Absolutely! We hired for many years and I was absolutely gutted when they stopped (although I understand). Had no hesitation hiring to me in the winter and even gave me a 'reference' with Bridgecraft I remember Paul let us take Swan Radiance out in the winter on its first year of hire. I was very flattered to be shown that level of confidence. We still pop in and take advantage of the visitor moorings if we can. Paul will always do anything to help. Tell you what, when those numbers come up I'll be back there like a shot!!!
  13. I think Andrew's computer has got hiccups Mr Grendel sir!!
  14. Very easily Andrew! Our TV and aerial remain stowed away for the duration of the holiday! Never use them. Waste of good Broads/drinking time watching TV!
  15. Must be 2 years since I've been able to get in but the guy I chatted to was certainly not grumpy and seemed very on the ball. If it is him then I'm sure he'll do well if he's survived this. His Timothy Taylors Landlord was some of the best I'd tried for a while and I told him so.
  16. I shall support your investment as vigorously as possible Mr Griff sir!!
  17. Good news! https://www.becclesandbungayjournal.co.uk/news/business/geldeston-locks-inn-future-secured-by-shareholders-7829762
  18. Broadsbeat have been on the rivers throughout the lockdown as they Twit on a regular basis. They seem to be keeping an eye on moorings and marinas which is probably a good idea while it's quiet and not many folk about.
  19. Going off topic somewhat but yes, it was a cracking boat when Swancraft had it but sounds like it's gone downhill since. Even so when the lottery comes up I'd track it down and get Paul to work his magic. But to get back on topic they are a very practical design, spacious yet go under the bridges. Another bonus is the way all the space is used to maximum advantage having the forward berth right under the fore deck.
  20. Back in the Swancraft days. Could do with those prices now eh?
  21. Be careful what you wish for Jean.........
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