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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. That's it in a nutshell JM. I've said it many times - John and Tracy did an excellent job with the Berney because they had empathy and a deep understanding of the area and the environment they were operating in. They were brilliant at their job and had the added advantage which MT has alluded to in that John was a highly capable man of many trades and saved Hollocks a fortune in repairs. It was the rent that did for them. Just down to greed. Rather have a pub empty and decaying rather than let it for a market rent. Very sad.
  2. Hmmmmmm, very interesting and not suprising, I did wonder. Mr H doesn't like parting with his assets. I wouldn't be suprised if he has aspirations in that direction for the Beauchamp too.
  3. Interesting. The issues of access have been well documented on here many times. John and Tracy who were the last full time occupants had agreement with the landowners and were able to use the tracks for access. Tracy didn't drive, so basically it was one vehicle making the trips. One of our members accompanied John on one of these trips and it involved a lot of gates and travel over unmade tracks. I'd be surprised if the various landowners would collectively give blanket permission for access. Even by river its a lengthy trip to either Reedham or Yarmouth. There is the train but it only stops infrequently and then only in daylight hours for obvious reasons. It does make you wonder if these developers have really looked into it properly before making these proposals. I assume Mr H still owns the freehold so is he prepared to sell or is he involved in the background? We will await with bated breath!
  4. Seriously I love cruising and being on the Broads. But I'd be like a lost sheep. I never drink on a boat. I'd moor up and be looking for the pub. I enjoy walking so would probably do that. I'd still find it very difficult. We are booked with Bridgecraft in May. The holiday may be in the balance anyway but Johnson and his crew have certainly got it in for the pubs so I'm not holding out much hope.
  5. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/berney-arms-pub-housing-bid-revealed-7583508 Not Hollocks this time? 'Nice' townhouses - the mind boggles. For 'townhouses' in developers speak read small and expensive But how on earth would they sort out the access?
  6. Can't remember where I saw it but I'm pretty sure the collection rate for Covid fines is extremely low.
  7. No! The mind boggles. Perhaps they were naturists
  8. Very positive outlook Polly Hope it works out for you I think we all need something to look forward to to keep us going. I'll start by drinking Humpty Dumpty dry and take it from there.............
  9. You back again? Thought it had been a bit quiet around here
  10. Yep! Humpty Dumpty just up the road. Lottery and all that. I'm sure there was a programme on TV about that guy. I wish I'd recorded it. Called his boat Mudbucket or something similar. He had a camera set up in his lounge I seem to recall. Kept dashing out to remonstrate!
  11. I'll second that. Lined the tum a treat before the Humpty Dumpty open day
  12. Yep, that's the one. Closed about 15 years ago but would have been part of Reedhams heyday so to speak. Opposite the station.
  13. Three I know, I know, I've got my pedantic hat on today
  14. Little! Wish I had a quid for every time I've moored at Reedham and walked up there. Never miss the open weekend wherever possible
  15. The variation is amazing. York for example is very expensive. Yet other parts of Yorkshire are well down the scale. Perhaps connectivity to London has a bearing? Maybe Cambridge is in commuter range? Norfolk seems to fall in the middle somewhere - certainly more expensive than most parts of the North but still less than the South East. We've chatted to people while we've been on holiday who have moved to Norfolk from London or the South East. They actually said it was cheaper but without exception felt it was a great move.
  16. Good grief!! I kid you not, you could buy a palace on my manor for that. And have enough left for pattie and chips to celebrate. So, if those are going for 300k what would the Sandersons ones fetch I wonder?
  17. I suppose it's all relative re the house prices. I looked at some of the little houses near the Ship a while back and although tiny they were quite expensive. I suppose Reedham is more 'normal for Norfolk' whereas up here in the land of the ferrets the price of one of those little cottages would buy a 4 bed detached!!
  18. I would agree, if you look closely it's a modern building but built in a traditional style, they've done a good job. Be great for railway buffs! I'd hate to open that door when I've had few though It's probably quieter now with fewer trains, no holidays now anyway, but normally there would be a train passing every half hour or so.
  19. I didn't realise they had stopped, used to be a regular sight along those lines. What a shame, certainly added a bit of character! They could certainly accelerate too - travelled on them many times. Edit - just thinking, assume its with the introduction of the new trains. I think they are still used for snow clearing and line checking duties - there is a guy on Twitter who posts videos of them leaving Lowestoft station. Maybe still used for goods too?
  20. Mrs Nog has been working from home since the first lockdown so the heels and make up have taken a back seat. However she does glam herself up when she's having a Zoom meeting with work!!
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