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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I suspect Jean is tucked up in bed now but I would think being another Swancraft fan she was looking at one of those - hence her comments. The plot thickens indeed!
  2. Probably going off topic here but didn't that survive the divorce and is still a Green Jack pub JM??
  3. Assume that must be Dave selling up. He's one of the best landlords in the business - if he can't survive then who can? A sad loss indeed, a truly great pub. Won numerous CAMRA awards. I just hope pubs can hang on just that bit longer - I suspect there will be a rush on when they do open again. I'll be in the pub 24/7 - well, almost I do feel so sorry for pubs - they get some support but not enough and they are at the mercy of the likes of the Reuben Brothers if they are tied to a Pub Co.
  4. Good point. Thinking about it, I wonder if beer will go up? Never mind, this will be me anyway.
  5. Was this one of the larger yards Jean? Just having a cursory look at Bridgecraft - their prices look much the same and in fact appear to be pretty similar for next year too. We are booked with them for May - this was arranged last year but hopefully we might be OK although I'm not looking forward to encountering the Shagaluff brigade I'm really hoping, if I ask then nicely, they might do December and if so, I'll really make a meal of it then - as long as nothing else goes wrong of course!!!
  6. Is there a Re missing or is it me being daft (don't say it)
  7. Bit of a marmite job I think. You would need excellent person skills but not adopt the armchair admiral approach. I've had rangers there getting sniffy over my springs. You need to recognise who needs help and who (hopefully doesn't). The pay isn't great but I think some would really enjoy it. You'll get some flack as well when you do have to remonstrate with people. Was it Roy Hudd who had a go at the rangers a while back? For the right person with the right personality it could be a good number.
  8. Excellent points. Mr H does/did have interests over the pond. I do wonder if there is some ulterior motive here? As JM points out any professional would immediately spot the pit falls surely. And as MT points out nothing has been submitted. Publicity gained though.
  9. If it helps support the pub in these difficult times that's got to be good news. Having said that Adnams are among the good guys when it comes to pub co's. On a different note I'm sad to hear the superb Stanford Arms in Lowestoft is up for sale.
  10. Perfectly summed up as always MT.
  11. I think Hollocks should pay you two for technical consultancy
  12. Yes, it looks a bit like someones drive to start with. Easy enough to spot if you look out for it though. That first route is the l-o-n-g way round. You can just see the line of the footpath on the first aerial shot. I can't remember how long it takes, not long. Bit longer coming back though!
  13. On a slightly different tack many thanks to BGB for posting the video. I'm sure that I saw a video on YouTube a while back that included an interview with Tracy. I can't find it now. It might have been about the station rather than the pub but Tracy was definitely in it. I'd love to find it again.
  14. Summed up perfectly. Dog in the manger. Bit like the pub co's now. they'd rather see a pub boarded up than charge a reasonable rent and at least get some income. All I can think of is he maybe thought people would be queuing up to take the tenancy on. So sad. Its a bit like a lot of business attitude these days, take it or leave it. No compromise. (sorry, getting on my soap box)
  15. To be honest the odd times I've moored at Pyes Mill I've mostly used the churchyard route. I dont think there's a huge amount in it and it's a lot less muddy especially in winter. It also very conveniently brings you out opposite the Swan!
  16. That's very interesting! I've walked to the station several times, you might just about manage a barrow of some description but that's about it. As someone mentioned earlier you could probably get around the delivery of building materials - say by barge but regular vehicular access just isn't going to happen. He must realise this surely. I can't help wondering if there is some more devious plan afoot behind this scheme?
  17. Talking of the Norfolk pubs site this is the entry for the Berney. http://www.norfolkpubs.co.uk/norfolkr/reedham/reedhba.htm It does have the Greene King logo if you look carefully to the top right of the main building. Seems to have done OK as a pub since 1955. I see Mr Schofield paid £2,500 for it. I wonder what is cost Mr H? The most recent landlords are noted as Mandy Webb and Joe Royle (wasn't he a footballer)? Wonder if they were connected with Hollocks?
  18. See what you mean. I wonder if that was one of Mr H's "companies" ?? The Norfolk pubs site is excellent. I think they do get information from third parties so this might have got lost slightly in translation? It is at the time Mr H sub let it so that would tie in.
  19. Just checking on WhatPub - it is Admiral. While not the best I don't believe they are among the worst either.
  20. Indeed!! It just goes to show what can be achieved when a pub is in the right hands, who understands the market and not being stifled by a greedy landlord!!
  21. Didn't they have the Surlingham Ferry as well? I seem to remember chatting to them. I've an idea Hollocks had the lease from Admiral? and sub let it. Lovely people. Also agree, along with John and Tracy and Colin Smith - great landlords who really understood the Broads and the way to run a pub in remote/seasonal locations. I also agree the Berney was superb in the day and we always stopped there without fail. Had a very good night in there with another Forum member who seems to have gone off the radar sadly. Good times. I too never had an issue with tides. Springs on and job's a good 'un. If it ever opened again Hollocks free I'd be in like a shot.
  22. I'm pretty sure too. I did have an old photo with the GK logo on the front of the pub.
  23. That was always my understanding. I wouldn't be suprised if, going back many years, beer could have even been delivered via the river.
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