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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Mrs Nog has been working from home since the first lockdown so the heels and make up have taken a back seat. However she does glam herself up when she's having a Zoom meeting with work!!
  2. Nice interesting little video courtesy of our good friends at Bridgecraft. I suspect Daniel has been putting his drone to good use! I don't do Facebook but I think this must be a public one so presumably can be viewed by all. https://www.facebook.com/BRIDGECRAFTDAYBOATS
  3. I don't think this has been posted before but apologies if I've missed it! https://www.rightmove.co.uk/commercial-property-for-sale/property-88977766.html Shame to see Sandersons go. Houses in that location would be worth serious telephone numbers. And there are plenty of folks around with wads of cash happy to pay. Sadly not me! The lottery didn't come up again. Seems to be a few opportunities on the Broads at the moment.
  4. And Mrs Nog! She's had dozens of pairs of shoes gathering dust!
  5. Looks good! Just trying to think where it is in Brundall. Use the train quite a bit but can't place it.
  6. It would be very interesting to know what's going on. Maybe getting ready to turn it into a private house, I suspect that's the long term aim???? There was one caravan there back in 2009 so maybe hoping it would set a precedent!!
  7. You are absolutely spot on there JM. Unfortunately there are those who adopt the asset stripper principle - invest the minimum and rake in the maximum!
  8. Us youngsters will have a while to wait yet eh Jean!
  9. Hollocks! Why are we not surprised..........
  10. Would that be the Ardea JM? Was shown around her a while back but not by a 'lady of the night' sadly
  11. I've a feeling one of the previous owners was a member on here or maybe 'tother one...called Andrew? So that's a quid for this one, quid for the marina and a quid for the Locks Mind you, not checked the Euromillions yet.................
  12. Yippee! One for Polly Anna and Co We could all pile in the B***h in the Ditch too (if it hasn't closed by then)
  13. Indeed! An extensive riparian gaff!! Venue for a meet up maybe?
  14. Good point JM. To some extent that happened last year. Personally I'd rather wait until December - it should be a bit more peaceful then.....hopefully!
  15. I think the main emphasis is foreign travel but it would be advisable to hold off booking anything at the moment I guess. I have a long standing booking with Bridgecraft for May. While I remain hopeful I'm quite prepared to transfer it if needed. I'm going for a month in December!! (fingers crossed)
  16. To be honest it's not a dominant feature - it is still very much a drinking pub. It doesn't smell of chips or anything when you go in. The Kings Head nearby does pretty much do the pickled egg bit though. That is all about you'll get in there! No keg beers either (don't tell Fireman Sam) The Artichoke has been taken over by the Golden Triangle brewery. The beer is excellent but they do feature grub a bit more prominently. Having said all this I hope they all weather the storm and can re-open again. That applies to all pubs of course.
  17. Hi Steve You'll be pleased to know that the Plasterers is still very much as it was, been smartened up a bit but still retains it's atmosphere. We always pop in when in Norwich. Good range of beer too, often ones you don't find elsewhere. We'll worth a visit. The Kings Head, Artichoke and Leopard are also nearby, all highly recommended
  18. Ditto Great! We're up to three quid already then....... Small acorns and all that..............
  19. C'mon, somebody must have 1.5m in their back pocket..............
  20. I've an idea it came to a sad end - was it occupied by squatters at one point? I seem to recall they caused a lot of damage and although there was some attempt at restoration I dont think it ever recovered. A local councillor was involved somewhere. This is all very vague recollection.
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